Kooky as Hell relatives: Anybody got 'em
I come from a very social family, my family and all of our cousins are always getting together and shooting the shit. For example, on my mom's side theirs this guy named Randy, the biggest chewer, cusser and drinker one could care to see. Not only that he is the standard Republican farmer, and he is so rabidly Anti-Democrat that he calls Democrats damn rats and once said that Clinton was the horniest liar he's ever seen.He has never spoken a kind word about a "Demmie." He's the most stubborn but lovable yutz, but his teeth are nasty from chomping a plug of tobaccy and not brushing his teeth when he was a baby. He always smells like crusty cow shit and has a laugh that would wake the dead. Funny thing is he's the sanest one of the bunch. anyone else have anything to say on the subject of drunks and assholes politely refered to as family?
R.I.P. H.S.T.
I wanna have El Scrabino's man babies.