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10-08-2006, 12:12 PM
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"... And if you liked that, say hello to my robotic Carrot-Top!"

"Hey hey, people! Welcome to the SSD!"
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10-08-2006, 12:37 PM
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O God, not Barney...

AO good ending: As the camera watches the Scrab, it attempts to lunge at Abe but falls onto the Paramite. Violence ensues.
As it then goes to the Paramite, it freezes. They can't be in the same area, remember?
AO ending, when Abe's drops down into Glukkon room and lands on Molluck who's still planning.
Abe lands next to all the Glukkons, who yell "April Fools!" and a Slig gives him a pretend Mudokon pop made of ice cream.

Munch opens the Gabbier, attempts to empty them but they don't move. Munch looks at a notice on the tin "These are NOT real eggs. These are toy eggs for play purposes ONLY"
Munch "..."
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10-08-2006, 01:42 PM
Creepy Doc's Avatar
Creepy Doc
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I decided to make my own blooper.

OSW:The fight against Sekto.

Stranger: You're pets are gone, Sekto. Come on out!

Sekto walks out without his machine.

Stranger: That's it? This should be easy.

Sekto: I don't think so, Stranger.

Sekto pulls a switch to his left and a door opens and Barney comes running out.

Barney: Hey Stranger! How about a BIG hug!!

Stranger: AHHH!!!!!

LOL!! That was a pretty interesting scene.
They call me Creepy Doc. But don't be afraid... I'm really not a doctor.

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10-09-2006, 04:37 AM
Steef Head's Avatar
Steef Head
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Thanks Creepy Doc! I'll try and think up some more.
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10-09-2006, 11:47 AM
oddlemm's Avatar
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i've got ones (not sure if its an good one though) :


Mudokon: "We're not supposed to be here..."

(as the mudokons climb up onto the wood and land onto the platform safely, abe come as well, but somehow, instead of landing near the edge of the platform and falling off, hes lands on top of the mudokons by mistake)

Mudokon: damnit abe...thats the 3rd time you've done that to us!
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10-09-2006, 12:29 PM
Creepy Doc's Avatar
Creepy Doc
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Abe's Oddysee:

Abe falls into a barrel. Then he puts his head out to see where he is. Thereby he bangs his face into a pipe.
Abe: Ow! I bit my tongue !
They call me Creepy Doc. But don't be afraid... I'm really not a doctor.

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10-09-2006, 06:58 PM
Arxryl's Avatar
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AO escape: Jumps into barrel. hits head on bar. starts to swing the barrel back and forth when the barrel topples over backward.

Our fate is sealed only when we accept it. -~Arxryl~-

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10-09-2006, 09:43 PM
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ZANGG  (17)

A scrab or paramite talks. 'nuff said.
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10-10-2006, 04:20 PM
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Nemo  (404)Nemo  (404)Nemo  (404)Nemo  (404)Nemo  (404)

Any part of MO:
Munch sneeks up on an enemy, sparks start to shoot from his head, and he falls on the ground twitching.
Two seconds later and his head catchs fire as he lays motionless, and a group of mudokons run on set with buckets of water.
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10-11-2006, 03:16 AM
Creepy Doc's Avatar
Creepy Doc
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LOL! So funny, Nemo!
They call me Creepy Doc. But don't be afraid... I'm really not a doctor.

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10-13-2006, 06:42 AM
Matriar's Avatar
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Really funny, Nemo!

I think about making a movie with the best bloobers in it. Actually, I already have the right music tracks, the scenes... now I only must ask a friend about movie making . That could take some weeks till it's really done.
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10-13-2006, 01:37 PM
Arxryl's Avatar
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That sounds like a good idea! Also, funny one Nemo! that was pretty good.

MO/ talking to Raisin: Finishes talking to Abe and Munch, and sits there...
Abe: (whispering) you're supposed to fall asleep!"
Raisin: but I'm not tired...
Munch: *smacks forehead.*

SW: Sekto appears to challenge Stranger.
Sekto:"I am your father..."
Stranger:*stands in silence and begins to chuckle*
Sekto"Sorry! I had to say it... I just had to!"

Our fate is sealed only when we accept it. -~Arxryl~-

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10-13-2006, 10:27 PM
scrab queen's Avatar
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O....M....G!! i think someone should start giving out awards for some of these. I forget the others but the one that made me laugh
the hardest was Arxyl's stranger jokes. the most "just,....eww" joke, goes to ZANGG, and his poop joke. that's just my opinion.
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10-14-2006, 03:04 AM
Bullet Magnet's Avatar
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Stranger has just beaten Sekto. He hauls his body to the hole in the office wall, raises Sekto to the sky and roars!

"To infinity- and beyond!"
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10-14-2006, 06:24 AM
Arxryl's Avatar
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that's a funny one right there! Good job!

Our fate is sealed only when we accept it. -~Arxryl~-

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10-14-2006, 08:39 AM
Matriar's Avatar
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Stranger ending:
Stranger and roars loudly and from afar a scared grubb baby starts to cry.

G4 Spots:

Stranger and Booty (http://joshheeren.com/C1_Bcast.mov)
Booty sneaks up to Stranger and fires, but he notices too late that he carries his gun the wrong way around... bumm!

Booty sneaks up to Stranger and throws a water balloon at him.

Abe and his pals (http://joshheeren.com/C2_Bcast.mov)
Abe's pals lose their footing but the big "G4" falls forward and floors Abe...
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10-14-2006, 10:04 AM
Bullet Magnet's Avatar
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Notice how the mudokons in that last one sound a bit like Morph and his friend?
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10-14-2006, 11:50 AM
Creepy Doc's Avatar
Creepy Doc
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Stranger bags an outlaw boss and so he spins around many times (something like a winner-pose).
An Oddworld Inhabitants member starts the music: "Let's twist again! ..."
Stranger: "Stop that now! You make me look like an idiot."
They call me Creepy Doc. But don't be afraid... I'm really not a doctor.

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10-14-2006, 12:18 PM
Steef Head's Avatar
Steef Head
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Those bloopers were awesome, Strangers Maid! And so were Creepy Doc's!

Last edited by Steef Head; 10-14-2006 at 12:20 PM..
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10-14-2006, 02:23 PM
Matriar's Avatar
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Stranger bags an outlaw boss and so he spins around many times (something like a winner-pose).
An Oddworld Inhabitants member starts the music: "Let's twist again! ..."
Stranger: "Stop that now! You make me look like an idiot."
Funny idea! *sings along* Oh, let's twist again, like we did in last summer...

Those bloobers were awesome, Stranger's Maid!
Really? Well, thank you !
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10-15-2006, 10:52 AM
oddlemm's Avatar
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Stranger's Maid: those videos were funny! xD heheh xD very funny! X)
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10-15-2006, 04:37 PM
Steef Head's Avatar
Steef Head
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OSW: After bountying Jo' Mamma, Stranger spins around, gets too dizzy and trips over his own foot, falls over the guard rail and lands on the ground face-first
Stranger: Dammit!
OSW: The X'plosives Magee bounty.

X'plosives: Been waiting for ya, Stranger.

Stranger: Well that's good to know. Now why don't ya come down here and make it easy on yourself?

X'plosives: Uhh... Damn. What was I supposed to say?

OSW: The X'plosives Magee bounty. X'plosives tries to fire a missile but his rocket launcher backfires and sends X'plosives flying backwards. Stranger and the rest of the outlaws laugh.


OSW: After defeating Sekto, Stranger roars with victory. While the grubbs cheer for him, the camera cuts back to Stranger with a satisfied look on his face when one of the crewmembers puts on "Do You Realize??" by The Flaming Lips.

Stranger: *sigh* Somone please turn off the music!


MO: After Lulu screams "nooo!", the camera cuts to the mudokons, who are sitting on the ground, playing with thier hand-held games.

Modukon: Oops. We missed our cue, guys.

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10-15-2006, 04:41 PM
Arxryl's Avatar
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MO: when Lulu screams.
The camera clicks on to view the Scrab roaring, but all you hear is a very loud "meow!"

Our fate is sealed only when we accept it. -~Arxryl~-

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10-16-2006, 02:56 PM
Creepy Doc's Avatar
Creepy Doc
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OSW: After bountying Jo' Mamma, Stranger spins around, gets too dizzy and trips over his own foot, falls over the guard rail and lands on the ground face-first
Stranger: Dammit!
That was the best blooper of our big, bad bounty hunter!
They call me Creepy Doc. But don't be afraid... I'm really not a doctor.

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10-16-2006, 03:08 PM
Bullet Magnet's Avatar
Bullet Magnet
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"Noooooooooooooooo- ahem >cough, splutter<"


*Lulu's voice changes to a camp, high pitched one*

"You know, thith doethn't really work for me, thith whole 'Nooo' thing. I'm jutht not really feeling the moment, I mean, thure, he's just lotht all hith moolah on a can of fith eggth, but ith that really going to induthe thcreaming? Honethtly."

"Yeah, but, to a Glukkon, moolah is their most important possession. More imortant than anything."
"Mmm hmm"
"We went over this in rehersal, remember? It's like their deity."
"Uh huh"
"So imagine the worst possible thing that could ever happen to you. That should help."
"Oh, but you know me, Lorne! I'm a thwell kinda guy!"
"Urgh. Imagine you have just lost your entire shoe collection."
"Even the thtilletoeth?"
"Even the stilletoes."

*Lulu is silent for a moment*

"I think I got it."

"Great. Okay, ACTION!"

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10-16-2006, 03:20 PM
Matriar's Avatar
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Stranger's Maid: those videos were funny! xD heheh xD very funny! X)
Uuh, okay?

OSW: After bountying Jo' Mamma, Stranger spins around, gets too dizzy and trips over his own foot, falls over the guard rail and lands on the ground face-first
Stranger: Dammit!
OSW: The X'plosives Magee bounty.

X'plosives: Been waiting for ya, Stranger.

Stranger: Well that's good to know. Now why don't ya come down here and make it easy on yourself?

X'plosives: Uhh... Damn. What was I supposed to say?

OSW: The X'plosives Magee bounty. X'plosives tries to fire a missile but his rocket launcher backfires and sends X'plosives flying backwards. Stranger and the rest of the outlaws laugh.
LOL! These were my favorites! The other ones were funny too!

"Noooooooooooooooo- ahem >cough, splutter<"


*Lulu's voice changes to a camp, high pitched one*

"You know, thith doethn't really work for me, thith whole 'Nooo' thing. I'm jutht not really feeling the moment, I mean, thure, he's just lotht all hith moolah on a can of fith eggth, but ith that really going to induthe thcreaming? Honethtly."

"Yeah, but, to a Glukkon, moolah is their most important possession. More imortant than anything."
"Mmm hmm"
"We went over this in rehersal, remember? It's like their deity."
"Uh huh"
"So imagine the worst possible thing that could ever happen to you. That should help."
"Oh, but you know me, Lorne! I'm a thwell kinda guy!"
"Urgh. Imagine you have just lost your entire shoe collection."
"Even the thtilletoeth?"
"Even the stilletoes."

*Lulu is silent for a moment*

"I think I got it."

"Great. Okay, ACTION!"


That's almost cute...!
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10-16-2006, 03:32 PM
Arxryl's Avatar
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AO/ when Abe is looking at moon:
Abe stares up into they sky. The rocks beneath him crumble and Abe falls down the cliff. He hits the ground with a good solid thump...
"Abe! I thought we rehearsed this! Fall on your head, then land on yourback! Not your face!... from the top...

AO/ when abe looks at the moon/ take 2:
He sees the moon. then suddenly the rocks begin to crumble beneath his feet.
he falls down the cliff and hits the ground with a good solid thump...

Camera man:" is he supposed to roll off to the side like that?"
Lorne:" no...not really. From the top!"

AO/ abe looking at moon/ take 3:
Abe looks up at the moon. suddenly the ground beneath him begins to crack and fall. Abe tumbles down the cliff and hits the ground with a solid whack...
Lorne: "whack? You are supposed to make a thump! not a whack! Do it again!"

Our fate is sealed only when we accept it. -~Arxryl~-

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10-16-2006, 08:56 PM
: Sep 2006
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ZANGG  (17)

Abe and Munch are travelling to Vykker's Labs on the plane, when suddenly the lights go out.
Abe: "There are mother****ing snakes on this mother****ing plane."
Good. No posts in 7 days. That should meen that this thread is finaly dead.

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10-17-2006, 10:54 AM
Steef Head's Avatar
Steef Head
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OSW: The captured by outlaws scene. An arrow flies in and kills the outlaw. Another flies in but instead of cutting the rope, it hits Stranger's face.

Stranger: Uhhh....owww....

Grubb: Oops! Sorry steef dude!

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10-17-2006, 11:28 AM
Jordan's Avatar
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The opening scene of MO where Munch gets trapped in the bear trap:
Munch is lying on the floor of the forest and when the Paramites come running along they stop to chew Munch. When the Vykkers come they take Munch and the Paramites and the Paramites start eating Irwin and Humphrey as well.

Its not very good lol.
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