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04-02-2006, 10:33 AM
LoboDiabloLoneWolf's Avatar
: Aug 2005
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LoboDiabloLoneWolf  (10)
Dead Oddworld Just Got Stranger

And finally! After fighting with writer’s block for next to forever, here tis, a new chapter. Okay, but a couple of author notes before you start reading.

A huge, enormous THANK YOU! to Alector who has so very kindly drawn chapter pics for me. Bow down to your talent my friend. You so rock.

And I’ll also say thank you to Dancing Steef for all her wonderful drawings (finished Ixion is at the bottom of author's notes) and to Dark Elite_H2 who has been obsessively reading, and bugging me to update. I love you guys!

Ixion - finished version

Setting Boundaries
It was only when Bailey was her back in her room, sitting on her own bed, did she realise that she was shaking. Alika, who had followed the young human, saw her distress and sat beside her on the bed. The Steef mother put an arm around the trembling human’s shoulders. Bailey still shook.

“Oh my dear.” Alika said in concern, “What is the matter?”

“Haigar.” Bailey whispered, “What’ll happen to Haigar?” it was the only thing she could think of. Alika smiled bracingly.

“Haigar will be fine.”

“But Stranger-”

“Stranger will not hurt him.”

“What will he do?” Alika smiled.

“I wouldn’t worry about that dear.” The female Steef said reassuringly.


Stranger folded his arms sternly and watched Haigar with glittering green eyes. Haigar returned the gaze steadily, his own blue eyes gleaming.

“Why, Haigar.” Stranger growled, his fangs gritted, his fur bristling. Haigar sensed that his uncle was exercising every ounce of self-control not to beat his nephew to a bloody pulp for touching his baby girl.

“Why what Uncle Stranger?” Haigar answered, “I did not touch her.” He said, his voice and eyes becoming angry. He was furious that Stranger thought he respected Bailey so little. And he was fuming that Stranger seemed to have such a problem with him loving Bailey. Stranger sighed, and abruptly his stern mask fell, his eyes became tired, his expression worn. He rubbed his face.

“Why Bailey, Haigar, why her?” Haigar’s eyes clearly showed the emotions he was feeling. A jumble of feelings all mixed up. Surprise, incredulity, serious thought.

“I can’t help who I fall in love with Stranger.” He said simply in a low voice. “And I can’t just stop loving her. I won’t.” The last two words were said with an undeniable firmness that Stranger admired, but he would not give up Bailey to anyone, not even Haigar, unless he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she would be loved as fiercely as she was by him.

“But why her?” he repeated, “There’s plenty-a Steef.”

“They didn’t want me because of who I was.” Haigar shot back, slightly aggressively. “They didn’t want me, and I don’t want them. Bailey has been my friend since I was little, since you brought her Stranger, we’ve always been there for each other. She’s sees me Stranger,” his words became almost pleading, “She sees me for who I am, and she loves me for it.”

“And you? Whadda ‘bout yer feelings?” Haigar drew himself up slightly.

“I love ‘er.” He said. “I love ‘er and I always will, nothing you can say will stop that.” Stranger crossed one arm across his chest, propping up the other by the elbow, he rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

“I won’t have her heart broken.” He said after a pause, “I won’t have her hurt in anyway, coz if she is, it’s me that’ll be answered too.” Haigar remained uncowed.

“I would never hurt her, ever.” He said without hesitation or any hint of unassurity. Stranger let out a calming breath through his nose,

“What, do yer want Haigar?” he asked at last.

“Her.” Said Haigar,

“She’s my baby Haigar.” Stranger said, “I don’t want her to be taken from me.” Haigar’s eyes said he understood perfectly.

“She’ll always be your baby Uncle Stranger, and I would never take her from you. I want her and just her. I want to court her, but I’ll only ask if I have your blessing. I won’t make her choose between us, it’d kill her.” Stranger nodded.

“If I agree ter this,” he said, “If I agree ter this, I’m settin’ yer bounds. Bailey ain’t a Steef, and she’s still a kid… So, listen good, you ain’t gonna treat her as a Steef, coz she ain’t one, she’s human an’ despite she’s been accepted in ter this tribe, she ain’t made as strong-a stuff – physically – as us, so you gotta take care o’ her. Understand?” Haigar nodded, watching his uncle intently, “You treat ‘er right, respect an’ honour an’ all that.” Stranger’s face became very stern and serious and Haigar knew better then to argue with whatever he said next, “You ain’t to pull another one like yer did now, yer ain’t gonna touch ‘er, yer know whadda mean?”

“I understand.”

“An’ I want you ter love ‘er. Whatever flaws she has.”

“She has no flaws.” Haigar said harshly.

Stranger, smiled.

“Good, we see eye ter eye on this. But I’m warning yer Haigar,” Stranger pointed a finger at him, “If I hear you ain’t treatin’ her properly, you hurt her emotionally, or, you lay a violent finger on ‘er, then Odd ‘elp yer kid, coz it’ll be the Odd yer’ll be facin’. Same goes fer an funny business. You got me kid?”

“I understand… Uncle Stranger?” Stranger looked at him,

“I didn’t mean any disrespect.” Haigar said, looking Stranger in the eye. Stranger broke into an easy grin. He stepped forward and laid a hand on Haigar’s shoulder.

“Don’t mention it.” he grinned, “Love does funny things ter yer ‘ead…an’ I’m glad, shows yer love ‘er and won’t be intimidated. Even by me.” He added ruefully, rubbing his chin again. “Haigar,” he said seriously, “I couldn’t think of anyone I’d want ter love ma Bailey more then you.” Haigar smiled, slightly embarrassed,

“Thanks, Uncle Stranger.” Stranger grinned wider and clapped his nephew’s shoulder,

“Yer should go to ‘er, she’ll be frettin’.” Haigar smiled and went to leave. “Oh, an’ Haigar?” the young dark Steef turned back, “When yer get Joined, to ‘er, I won’t expect yer to follow them rules…” Stranger smirked broadly, arms folded. “Yer can take that as yer permission.” He said.

Haigar broke into a delighted grin and he was out of the door in a flash. Stranger chuckled to himself. Maybe it wasn’t so bad after all. His expression became pensive, he just hoped Bailey would forgive him for his burst of temper…

Last edited by LoboDiabloLoneWolf; 06-01-2006 at 04:50 AM..
04-02-2006, 10:52 AM
Alector's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
: May 2001
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Alector  (58)

Yay! Finally, you're over the writer's block. It's horrible having this. Like being ill or so.
I love this chapter, it's really well written. You're a talented writer and a very funny person. XD
I can't wait to read all the next chapters. You should print is as book and give it to OWI. heheh

04-02-2006, 11:14 PM
Dancing Steef's Avatar
Dancing Steef
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: Mar 2005
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Dancing Steef  (10)

I agree with Alector - Lobo, yer a person with great abilities to become an super authoress and this story is a good evidence of that I loved this chapter and I'm looking forward to more.

Oh btw I'll be updating me story this week - haven't done it for a couple of weeks now and I'm working with the pics as well. I ain't got so much stuff to do now so I hope I can finish 'em


05-06-2006, 08:22 AM
LoboDiabloLoneWolf's Avatar
: Aug 2005
: The moist country of the UK
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LoboDiabloLoneWolf  (10)
Dead Oddworld Just Got Stranger

The mush will end soon, I promise! Man, this must be the longest stint of writer’s block I’ve ever had…urg…

Grrr, take ma fic outta Fan Corner will ya…anyway, here’s the next chapter and I’ll really, really try to get some more done.

Haigar burst into Bailey’s room, with a huge smile on his face. Bailey and his mother looked up sharply. Bailey’s eyes lit up and she smiled in delight and relief. Alika got up quietly and left the room. She chuckled softly as it was obvious that the young people only had eyes for each other. Bailey stood up, her grin fading a little, her eyes becoming worried.

“What did he say?” she asked quietly. Haigar’s grin grew and he suddenly swept Bailey into his arms so close that their noses were almost touching.

“Whadda you think?” he asked, still grinning. Bailey smiled, but continued to play the game,

“Oh I dunno.” She said, coy for the first time in her young life, “Maybe yer just gonna havta spell it out.” Haigar was only too happy to comply. He leaned forward and growled, knowing it’s effect on the human,

“We had a talk, and I said I wanted you, only, you. And as long as we don’t give Stranger another heart attack, doin’ anythin’…untoward… Stranger said I had his permission to court you… If you’ll have me…” Haigar looked down at her hopefully. Bailey’s eyes gleamed and she grinned, almost ferally. She reached up and tugged, gently but firmly, on his growing beard, bringing him closer.

“Whadda you think?” she teased. She stroked the fur on his chest, watching in satisfaction as Haigar shuddered. He met her gaze and growled teasingly.

“Whadda you doin’ to me woman?”

“I wonder…” Bailey said in a low voice that sent shivers down Haigar’s back. Bailey smiled, pleased with the effect she was having on the Steef. She leaned in close, “I wonder.” She repeated, and stroked her lips against his, kissing him softly.


Summer continued to slide inexorably into autumn, it was nearly three quarters gone, and Bailey had never been so happy as she was now.

So this was what being in love was like, the blissful happiness, the unquenchable tenderness, the general warmth and light and beauty that seemed exuded by everything and everyone. Haigar seemed to Bailey, the most attractive creature she’d ever seen and she could hardly keep her hands – or lips – off him. And the young Steef male seemed only too happy, and eager, to return the kisses, the tender caresses, the affectionate touches.

They spent their days together, Bailey lying in Haigar’s arms, as close as she could get, her elation only heightened by Stranger’s acceptance of them, and his apparent approval. His approval meant everything to Bailey, she didn’t want to upset Stranger, he was her Dad, no matter that he was Steef and she was human. He may not have been her father, but he was her Dad. And that he encouraged them (though insisting they stick to his ‘rules’) meant more to Bailey then he could ever realise.

Bailey would always remember that day, the worry for Haigar, and for Stranger as well, the wrenching on her heart that she may have to choose between them. And the joy when Haigar had burst in, letting her know everything was alright.

“I wonder.” She repeated, and stroked her lips against his, kissing Haigar softly.

“I love you.” He breathed.

“I love you.” Bailey returned, there was a pause, though Bailey felt incomprehensible joy, there was still a weight on her heart. “Haigar, I love you,” the Steef smiled warmly, “But I need to see Stranger.” Haigar looked at her, then nodded. Still smiling,

“I understand. You should see him.” Bailey kissed his cheek.

“Thank you.” Haigar kissed her cheek in reply and drew his arms from around her. Bailey stroked his forearm for a second then left. She found Stranger just as he left Daimen, Alika and Haigar’s hut. “Stranger.” Bailey whispered.

Stranger froze and looked round, he saw Bailey and looked away, casting his eyes down. Bailey didn’t miss the shame and regret in his eyes. Bailey’s heart tugged.

“Stranger.” She said again, “Stranger please, don’t be angry with me.” Stranger stopped again. Then he looked up sharply.

“Liddle darlin’…I’m not angry.” He said softly, sounding mortified. Bailey felt her eyes prickling as they misted up with tears.

“Daddy.” she whispered. “I love you Daddy.” She didn’t know exactly where the words came from, they had come from somewhere deep down in her heart. So deep down that there could be no deception. Only truth. Stranger stared at the young human as tears trickled down her cheeks. His heart felt like it had been twisted apart at her words. By one word in particular that had great effect on him;

“Daddy?” he asked. Bailey wiped her eyes with the sleeves of her shirt, then looked up. She nodded,

always been my Daddy, Stranger, always.” She whispered, voice rasping with tears. Stranger felt his own eyes becoming moist.

“I’m not angry with yer baby.” He said softly. “I could never be angry at’cha. I…I love yer too much.” He whispered.

“But, Haigar…” the regret and shame re-entered Stranger’s neon green eyes.

“Bailey…I’m-I’m sorry… I shouldn’t-a snapped at’cha…not like tha’…I know yer’d never do anythin’ like tha’…It’s, just…yer ma baby Bailey, I don’t want ter lose yer… I don’t want’cha ter get hurt… No one’ll ever be good enough fer ma baby…” Stranger looked away again. After a moment, he felt a touch on his arm. Bailey had come up next to him.

“Haigar loves me.” She said quietly, “An’ I love him too… I know yer just bein’ protective, I know you just want me to be happy and I’m so grateful… But he’ll look after me, he wants to keep me as safe as you do… I couldn’t have found anyone better…” Stranger took a deep shuddering breath and glanced at her, “I still love you Daddy, I always will…”

Stranger blinked and looked skyward, swallowing hard. When he looked down again he found Bailey looking at him pleadingly. He smiled. Slowly, Stranger went down on his knees.

“I love you too.” He answered. Bailey flung her arms around his neck. Stranger wrapped his arms around his human and held her tight. He stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head. After a moment Bailey pulled away slightly and looked Stranger in the face.

“He said, you gave him permission…” Stranger met her eyes, and nodded.

“Yeah. Yeah I did…an’ I ain’t gonna take it back…I know he loves yer…” he smiled ruefully, “It’s, just hard…ter let yer kid go…” Bailey smiled and hugged him again.

“That’s why you’re my Dad…”

Haigar looked down at the human female in his arms. Sensing his gaze Bailey looked up and met his eyes.

“You were somewhere else.” He said softly, she smiled and nodded.

“I was just thinkin’…how much I love Stranger, how lucky I am to have him…” Haigar smiled in agreement, the smile became teasing.

“What about me?” he asked playfully. Bailey’s grin grew wider. She leaned up and kissed his chest slowly, stroking the fur. Haigar’s hair stood up and he shivered. Bailey giggled.

“I love you blue. I don’t know what I did that made you love me, but I’m glad.” Haigar wrapped his arms her waist, his hands on her stomach as he buried his muzzle in her hair.

“You were just yourself.”

Last edited by LoboDiabloLoneWolf; 06-01-2006 at 04:52 AM..
05-06-2006, 09:42 AM
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Dark Elite_H2
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: Apr 2005
: WYYYARRGwop...Sounds fun, huh?
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Dark Elite_H2  (10)

That was the most mushy part I've seen you do in a writer's block.
I couldn't just help to bring a lil' tear to my eye.
That was beautiful, Lobo...I'm hopin' to see s'more soon.
Now, I'm just gonna...dab my eyes a bit...:sniffle:
The Stranger's girl

My arts page...check it out XP

My main page ^^

05-06-2006, 10:39 AM
Dancing Steef's Avatar
Dancing Steef
Clakker Relic Miner
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Dancing Steef  (10)

YAAAAAY finaly after a long time of waiting ya finaly brought up a new chapter

*reads new chapter*

that was... wonderful

It'll take a while before I update me fanfic - more problems ahem, schoolwork has been keeping me busy and will be it a few weeks forward so

Sorry... but yer story is awesome; I wanna read more


06-20-2006, 05:52 PM
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Stranger's Girl
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Yay! new chapter! Look at me! I'm-a dacin'! *Dances*
06-21-2006, 05:36 PM
Dark Elite_H2's Avatar
Dark Elite_H2
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: Apr 2005
: WYYYARRGwop...Sounds fun, huh?
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Dark Elite_H2  (10)

Lobo, I may have been gone fer a long time, but...PLEASE UPDATE!
I have no inspiration any more! I'm counting on you for some of it now! :wails:
The Stranger's girl

My arts page...check it out XP

My main page ^^

06-24-2006, 11:29 AM
LoboDiabloLoneWolf's Avatar
: Aug 2005
: The moist country of the UK
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LoboDiabloLoneWolf  (10)
Dead Oddworld Just Got Stranger

*runs in with a pile of typed paper and skids to a halt. panting* Oh my Odd, I’m so sorry about the hiatus on this fic…long story short, in the next week I’ll be finishing my two year science course, of which I’ll get a National Diploma at the end, anyway, I’ve had to finish all my work, but I’m on schedule now, so I’m BACK! Woot! Ahem, anyway, here’s the latest chapter, it’s a load of mushiness so don’t say you weren’t warned. Thanks go to Alector for this one for inspiring me with Steef bonding ideas! Cheers matie!

Love, Honour, Respect, Protect
Loki stood as still as she could as several older female Steef flitted around her, her mother among them. They were pinning up her dress. The green swath of satin material felt silky against her fur and Loki had no doubts that when it was finished it would look magnificent. But still the young Steef maiden felt a coil of apprehension stir in the pit of her stomach. Alika noticed her daughter’s tense stance and her silence. She smiled slightly.

“Nervous my dear?” Loki nibbled her lip and nodded. Alika, sensing that Loki wanted to talk to her alone, glanced at one of the other dressmakers. The seamstress nodded.

“I think we can take it from here.” The older female said, she and her younger assistants packed up the dress with the adjustments firmly pinned into place. Finally they left Alika and her nervous daughter to themselves. Alika took Loki’s hand and led her over the couch and sat down.

“Now,” she said soothingly, “Do you want to tell your mother what’s bothering you?” Loki chewed her lip and twisted the hem of her shirt in her hands. “Second thoughts?” Alika ventured. Loki looked up quickly,

“What!? No, of course not. I love Chiron, I really do, it’s just…I don’t know, I’m just nervous…” she smiled ruefully. “I’d happily skip the ceremony and just be bonded to him.” Alika smiled as she combed her claws through her daughter’s hair,

“I felt exactly the same way about your father.” Loki smiled slightly, calmed by her mother. “Have you thought who you want to be your maid?” Loki smiled, slightly guiltily.

“Yes, but I haven’t asked her yet…I’m afraid she might not want to…” Alika smiled knowingly,

“Bailey is you’re best friend, she watched over you when you were little. I’m sure she’d love too… Although I think convincing her to wear a gown would be as easy as asking a Steef to stand on it’s head.” Loki laughed as she thought of Bailey’s expression if she were asked to wear a frock.

“I wouldn’t ask her to be in a dress. It’s just not Bailey.” She said, it was true, making Bailey wear a gown just didn’t seem right, it was like changing a bit of the human that made her who she was. Alika shared her quiet laughter.

“I’ll see what the seamstress can do, I’m sure she’d love the challenge. But you have to ask Bailey first.” Loki nodded and stood. She hugged her mother before she went off to find the human.

“Thanks mum.” Alika smiled.

“Go on, we both have a lot of things to do.”


Loki found Bailey with the Steeflings, while the young ones played, Bailey stood by, keeping a watchful eye out. As Loki watched, the little Steef broke off from their game and huddled together in an apparently serious discussion. Loki watched as Bailey’s stance changed; from a relaxed, ready position – weight leaning on one leg and arms loosely folded, to a tense stance; eyes focused and expression intent, arms slowly unfolding.

Suddenly, the group of Steeflings turned towards the human and as one screamed;

“Get Bay-Lee!” Loki giggled as Bailey’s expression morphed from concern into mock horror as she was pounced upon by the baby Steef.

“Oh no!” she cried dramatically, “So many great Steef warriors! Can’t…fight…them all!” with which Bailey collapsed onto her back in the grass. The Steeflings stopped jumping all over her and cautiously approached her prone form.

“Bay-Lee?” one of the Steeflings poked her gently. When she didn’t move all the baby Steef went quiet, their little faces becoming anxious. “Bay-Lee?” Abruptly Bailey began snoring loudly. The Steeflings collapsed into giggles and began poking her with abandon. “Wake up Bay-Lee!” they called. On command Bailey say up and yelled;

“BOO!” the Steeflings all shrieked in delight and tried to scramble away. Bailey caught one little male by the hind legs, rolling him over and began tickling his tummy. The Steefling squealed and kicked his little legs and when Bailey let him go he scampered off and joined the other Steeflings in chasing leaves.

Loki trotted over to where Bailey still sat on the grass and lowered herself down next to the human. For a while neither of them spoke, just watching the Steeflings play.

“I remember when you were that big.” Bailey said at last.

“I’m a lot bigger now.” Loki replied, Bailey smiled,

“And getting a mate already.” there was a pause as one of the smaller Steeflings trotted over and flopped down beside Bailey. Bailey put her arm around him and he snuggled into her ribs, promptly falling asleep as Bailey gently stroked his hair.

“They love you, you know.” Loki said.

“An’ I love them too.” Bailey grinned to herself and continued stroking the Steeflings head, he sighed deeply and cuddled closer. Bailey grinned all the more.

“Bailey…there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you.” Loki said hesitantly. Bailey heard the uncertainty in her voice and looked at the female Steef curiously. “It’s about…the bonding…”

“You an’ Chiron yes?” Loki nodded.

“Has…anyone told you what happens?” Bailey shook her head, looking interested. Loki smiled slightly, “You’ll be the first human whose ever been present at a Steef joining…it’s…”

“Very special, yeah, I know.” Loki glanced at the human, Bailey’s eyes expressed her understanding. “If I can help, in any way, I’d be honoured.” Bailey told her sincerely. Loki felt her smile widen.

“Well…there is something…”

“I’m listenin’.”

“I want you to be my maid.” Bailey frowned in confusion,


“My maid, I want you to be with me, when I’m bonded to Chiron…Chiron’s asking Haigar…” Bailey’s eyes went round and huge. “I’ll understand if you don’t want too,” Loki said quickly, “It’s a big thing to ask of you…” Bailey laid a hand on her shoulder,

“Hey, Loki,” Loki looked at her human friend, Bailey’s eyes were bright with laughter, “Whadda I havta do?” Loki’s eyes brimmed and she flung her arms around Bailey’s neck.

“Thank you Bailey.” She whispered, “This means a lot to me…”

“I know.” Bailey said, “How could I refuse?”


Bailey saw each and every one of her young charges safely home before she allowed Loki to drag her off to see the seamstress. The older female Steef, named Seamere was delighted when Loki took Bailey to meet her and told the older female Steef that Bailey needed something to wear. The cream-coloured and blue-eyed female immediately pounced on the young human and enthusiastically took her by the wrist, guiding her to the back room of her hut.

Swathes of fabric in every texture, colour and hue were neatly rolled into thick cylinders. Three younger female Steef, all of them Seamere’s daughters sat in comfortable chairs, giggling together while embroidering the green material that made up Loki’s dress with tarnished silver thread and quick, deft fingers. They looked up as Seamere, Loki and Bailey entered and greeted them cheerfully.

“Terra, can you please help me for a moment.” The middle of Seamere’s daughters; Terra, nodded, she finished off the elegant swirl she was sewing and carefully put the embroidery needle and thread aside, rising swiftly. “The measuring tape and some samples we put aside for the complementary cloths please.” Terra nodded again and went over to a set of drawers and opening the top one, and brought out what was needed.

She handed her mother a deep purple measuring tape with silver markings and a book of fabrics that complemented the colour of Loki’s gown. Mostly green with a couple of yellows and a few silvers. Seamere held several scraps of material to Bailey’s face, seeing how her skin tone worked with each hue.

“She suits green, although if it’s too pale, it makes her look sickly. The yellow is hideous- no offence my dear,” she added to Bailey herself, “But yellow sets off the wrong tones in you skin pigment. The silver,” Seamere smiled, “It makes your eyes sparkle. But then again, it may make you look too pale…”

After several comparisons and discussion while Bailey looked on, her expression bemused, they finally decided. Much to Loki and Seamere’s delight and Bailey’s complete confusion.

“I think that’s it.” Seamere smiled, “A tighter shirt in this leaf green fabric, embroidered with silver, though less lavish then Loki’s, with a flowing tunic in this gauzy silver material. Trousers, with bells bottoms in the same green and silver embroidery.” Loki beamed,

“What d’you think Bailey?” she asked. Bailey blinked.

“Huh?” Loki giggled,

“Nevermind.” Bailey’s expression seemed to amuse all the Steef as they smiled broadly when they saw her befuddlement. No sooner had the fabric samples been whisked away by Terra, who went to find the matching rolls, then Seamere was taking Bailey’s measurements.

“Raise your arms dear, no no, not that high, just straight out, that’s it.” The older female measured Bailey’s arms and legs and around her middle, and to the human’s embarrassment, around her chest as well. Bailey sank into a kind of trance, thinking her own thoughts while she was told to turn around and stretch her arms and stand up straighter.

She didn’t think of anything in particular, just let her thoughts meander around by themselves. Without conscious thought she found her mind settling on Haigar. She wondered what Chiron was putting him through and she smiled vaguely. Poor Haigar. She could see him, in her mind’s eye; he was smiling at her, with that smile that seemed reserved just for her. Bailey made up her mind to go and see him after this.

Eventually Seamere was satisfied.

“There, all done.” Bailey blinked and came back to reality. “We’ll make them up, then come and see if we need to make any adjustments.” Seamere beamed, Bailey smiled in return, the Steef’s enthusiasm infectious. “Oh, my dear.” She added, turning to Loki, “I do hope these go with the flowers you’ve chosen.” Loki smiled,

“I’ll be doing that this afternoon.” She nodded. Seamere suddenly plucked gently at Bailey’s hair,

“And you’ll have to do something about this,” she said to Loki, “It’s like a haystack.” Loki giggled as Bailey’s expression became bemused again.

“It’ll be sorted.” She said placatingly to the older female. “I know Della’s being designing a style.” Bailey blinked.

“Huh!?” Loki giggled again,

“C’mon.” she took Bailey’s wrist and dragged her out again.

“Er…bye…” Bailey said, still confused. Seamere smiled.

“Goodbye dears.” She called.


Bailey flopped onto the grass, a little way away from the cluster of huts that made up her family; hers and Stranger’s, Daimen, Alika and Haigar’s, Ixion’s was nearby and so was the now completed hut that would belong to Loki and Chiron.

Bailey was completely exhausted, Loki had trotted her around all day, doing various tasks in preparation for the bonding ceremony.

After leaving the seamstress and her daughters to their sewing, Loki had dragged Bailey off the pick flowers. They’d been accompanied by several other female Steef around Loki’s age, and the human had felt somewhat out of synch with all these giggling females. They’d all chattered and babbled excitedly to Loki about her up coming Joining while Bailey remained silent, just listening. Soon the conversation had turned onto males in general, with more squealing and teasing. To Bailey’s embarrassment one of the young girls, a Steef named Laylana, who was older then Loki, had turned to Bailey with a teasing but friendly grin.

“What about you Bailey?” she asked, Bailey opened her mouth but another girl, the same age as Laylana and darker with green eyes cut in.

“Bailey’s very friendly with Haigar.” She said in a sing-song voice, her tone coloured with a small amount of sneering. Bailey’s eyes darkened. But she drew herself up and broke into a superior smile.

“Yeah, I am.” She said. Loki looked at her, slight surprise in her blue eyes. Though she was perfectly happy about Bailey and her brother, she was also aware what the other females thought. Haigar was quiet and gentle. Two qualities that were not looked favourably upon before a male was bonded. Young male Steef were meant to be loud and vigorous, itching for a fight. Haigar just…wasn’t… And he was teased for it. Loki hadn’t expected Bailey to openly admit that she and Haigar were close.

This made Bailey furious. How dare they tease her Haigar. There was nothing she could do about the other males, but females were easily handled without violence.

“Ooo, really?” Laylana said in interest. Bailey nodded proudly. “Go on then.”


“Tell us about him.” Laylana grinned. Bailey blushed and cleared her throat. The other girls giggled and sat down in the grassy meadow they’d been hunting flowers in. Bailey sighed. There was no escape now… She sat down with them.

“Haigar’s…” she paused searching for a word to begin with, Loki watched her with an unfathomable expression on her face, while the others stared at her in anticipation and glee. “He’s sweet…he’s so quiet and gentle. He’s lovely.” Bailey said. “He’s sympathetic and loyal…he’s been my friend since I arrived…” Bailey’s eyes took on a longing, faraway look. Almost nostalgic. She smiled faintly. “He’s just wonderful…” she grinned, “And he’s a great kisser.” The young female Steef fell about, giggling delightedly. Loki stared at Bailey opened mouthed, but the amusement flared in her eyes. Bailey grinned hugely. “And he’s got a gorgeous body…” The laughter escalated and even Loki joined in.

“So…” Laylana said shyly. “Have you…you know…” Bailey looked at her, frowning in confusion, not understanding. Suddenly realisation dawned on her face and she spluttered and stared, gaping.

“W-What!?” she laughed, “No, course I haven’t.” Laylana smiled nervously,

“Sorry…” Bailey grinned and shook her head,

“Nah, s’ok.” She looked around at the other Steef, they weren’t laughing anymore, but giving Laylana reproachful looks. Bailey frowned confusingly. “It’s ok…I’m not offended.”

“No…it’s not that.” The darker brown, green-eyed female explained. “You shouldn’t have asked that ‘Lana…” Bailey frowned deeper. She looked at Loki,

“I don’t…I don’t understand…” Loki sighed, she glanced at the other females. They were no longer amused but serious. They nodded for Loki to explain.

“See Bailey… It’s a very touchy subject…it’s a Steef tradition that’s gone back since the first Tribe walked Oddworld and made the laws we live by…” Bailey nodded, listening intently. “One of them’s, ahem…” Loki looked embarrassed, “Not to…well…mate before being bonded…” Bailey nodded.

“Ah, I see.” She nodded again. “Smart move.” She said. There was an awkward pause. Then Bailey smiled and changed the subject…

Bailey found herself enjoying the company of the other young females of the Tribe and by the end of the afternoon, she’d made a few more friends.

So now Bailey lay on her back under a crooked tree, the same she’d been near when she’d had her pressure headache, and relaxing. Even with her eyes closed she knew when Haigar came and eased himself down beside her, a few minutes later.

“Hullo blue.” She murmured, smiling slightly. A gentle kiss was pressed to her forehead. Bailey smiled a little wider and opened her eyes. The dark Steef looked over her, his blue eyes shining.

“Hullo Bay.” He said softly. Bailey pushed herself up into sitting position. Haigar wrapped his arms around her and drew her close to his chest, rumbling a growling purr, knowing how Bailey liked it. He stroked her wild hair softly and looked down at her, smiling. Bailey ran her fingers through the fur on his chest, Haigar’s eyes closed lazily and the purr intensified. Bailey smiled fondly for a moment, then leaned up and kissed him softly. Haigar made a deep sound of pleasure and his arms tightened around the human, kissing her back.

After a moment they parted, Haigar made another deep sound that soothed his human and Bailey leaned against him. Haigar buried his nose into her hair.

“I love you.” He mumbled, his eyes closed in sleepy pleasure.

“Love you too.” Bailey whispered. She felt Haigar smile into her hair.

“I heard what you did.” He said softly after a pause.

“Did what?” Bailey asked, frowning slightly in confusion. Haigar’s smile grew and he nuzzled into her hair, kissing her neck gently.

“So you think I have a gorgeous body do ya?” he growled playfully. Bailey chuckled,

“Oh, that.” she said, she shrugged, “Hey, all I said was the truth.” Haigar pulled back and looked at her again. Bailey smiled at him and ran a hand down his neck, over his shoulder and across his chest. His fur prickled and he smiled warmly at her.

“You…really meant all that?” he asked softly. Bailey grinned,

“Every single word.” Haigar’s eyes glowed, he cupped Bailey’s cheek in one hand and kissed her deeply. It left Bailey’s mind dizzy and senses reeling. Haigar drew back from the kiss and smiled at her expression. He lowered his head and nuzzled her throat with his muzzle.

“I love you.” He whispered. Bailey smiled and buried her face in his hair.

“I love you too Haigar.” She replied, matching his soft tone. Bailey drew away, out of Haigar’s arms. She sat on the grass before him and after a pause, reached up, pressing against his chest and tugged gently on his braid. Haigar smiled, head tilted questioningly but he allowed her to pull him down with her as Bailey lay on her back again, Haigar at her side, upper body twisted towards her, Steef legs curled under his stomach, one arm across her middle, head leaning on her shoulder.

Haigar rolled completely onto his side, stretching all his legs out comfortably. He took Bailey in his arms again and let out a satisfied breath, Bailey snuggled up to him, smiling. Haigar grinned and began kissing her neck gently, smiling widely as Bailey giggled and put her arms around his own throat. She loved the feeling of his lips against her skin, his touch soft and velvety. The young Steef pressed his muzzle to her throat and let out another sighing breath that tickled Bailey’s skin, a growling purr rumbled up from his stomach, into his chest.

“Love you.” He growled again.

“Love you too.” Bailey murmured, closing her eyes. Haigar held her tightly in his arms and he stroked her back gently with one hand. Bailey sighed happily into his hair, feeling safe and loved.


Over the next few days Bailey learnt more about Steef bonding traditions; they happened at night, under a clear sky when the stars were out and the moon was full. And more and more, Loki would steal her away – more often then not from Haigar – to prepare her. Her outfit had to be fitted, she had to be familiarised with the ceremony, her hair had to be done. All of which Bailey indulgently tolerated and remained patient, even if it was to her chagrin and she wanted to scream.

But while she was with Haigar, she forgot everything that bothered her. All that mattered was him. They didn’t really do much, just talked about nothing, held each other, kissed. Made the most of their time together. Relaxing.

Then, suddenly it seemed, the day before Loki was to be Joined to Chiron arrived. During that day the entire tribe was in a rushing frenzy, getting everything ready, as perfect as possible.

Haigar had finally managed to escape from Chiron and was longing to see Bailey, but – as always – Loki had dragged her off to do something or other. Not keen on being recaptured by a nervous Chiron, Haigar made his way into the wilds, to his special place.

And someone had apparently being thinking the same thing…

Bailey rubbed at her hair with the green herbal soap. She didn’t know how on earth (or Oddworld as the case may be) the Steef had managed to make soap, but really she didn’t care. She’d washed herself (as best she could in strappy top and shorts) and now she was washing her hair. Satisfied that the wild strands were completely lathered, Bailey dunked her head to be rid of the soap. When she resurfaced she brushed the soaked locks out of her eyes, just as arms slipped around her stomach and a soft, velvety muzzle nuzzled into her neck. Bailey smiled and ran her fingers through warm, wet fur.

“Hey blue.”

“Hullo Bay.” Haigar mumbled, too occupied with nuzzling her shoulder and neck to really talk. Bailey turned around in his arms and pouted playfully, swatting him off.

“None of that until you’ve said hullo properly.” She grinned. Haigar smiled guiltily.

“Hullo Bay.” He repeated, this time looking in her eyes. Bailey grinned, satisfied. She kissed his chin. Haigar smiled softly and brushed the tangled hair from Bailey’s face, stroking her cheek with his thumb. After a moment he buried his nose in her hair. “You smell like fresh plants” he murmured. Bailey laughed,

“S’coz I’m clean you daft Steef.” Haigar smiled.

“I knew that.” Bailey laughed again and wrapped her arms around his stomach. Haigar returned the embrace, holding Bailey tightly in his arms. Then, Bailey drew back, a devious grin on her face. Haigar raised an eyebrow and smiled slightly. “Should I be worried?” Bailey smiled.

“That depends…” she grinned. Haigar raised the other eyebrow,


“Have you had your bath?” Bailey asked innocently, drawing small circles on his chest with one finger and not fooling Haigar for a second. His eyes twinkled and he leaned down, until their noses were almost touching.

“And what if I haven’t?” he asked in a low growl. Bailey smiled and kissed him softly.

“Then let me help…” she said huskily. Haigar grinned. Bailey retrieved the soap bar and began rubbing it on Haigar’s chest, using her fingers to lather it into his fur. Haigar’s eyes closed and he purred, he held Bailey loosely in his arms, his hands lightly resting on her hips as she gently soaped his fur.

Bailey worked the soap in Haigar’s chest fur, then moved up to his shoulders and neck. Haigar’s purr intensified and deepened, he leaned his head back and his fingers flexed, Bailey grinned. Apparently the young Steef enjoyed that very much. Slowly, Bailey unwound his braid and began doing the same to his long mane, careful around his ears and making sure none went near his eyes.

Slipping out of his arms Bailey slowly moved around and began stroking the soap bar across Haigar’s shoulder blades and down his back. Haigar gasped and shuddered. Bailey smiled and continued gently working the soap into his fur. She paused a moment, then ran her hand down his spine. Haigar’s muscles arched and he shivered again.

“Bay…” he whispered, “Stop.” Bailey paused,

“Why?” Haigar took a deep shuddering breath,

”Please…just stop…I…I won’t be able to help myself…I don’t want to hurt you…” Any other time, Bailey would have softly reassured him that he wouldn’t hurt her. But something in his tone stopped her. She continued to lather the soap in his fur, but stopped teasing and tormenting him.

Soon he was completely covered and Bailey giggled.


“You’re all covered in bubbles.” Bailey laughed. Haigar chuckled and went beneath the water, resurfacing a moment later, free of bubbles, his fur slicked down with water. He smiled tenderly at Bailey.

“S’you’re fault.” He stroked one finger under her chin. Bailey smiled and pressed his hand to her cheek. Haigar smiled gently and stroked her cheek with his thumb again, watching with loving eyes as Bailey closed her own and let out a slow breath. “Love you Bay.” He murmured. Bailey smiled.

“Love you too.” Haigar drew the young human to his chest, close to his heartbeat. There was a peaceful silence as they just held each other. Finally Haigar sighed.

“We’ll have to go back…you need to dry off before you make yourself ill…” he smiled ruefully, “Or before Chiron or Loki find us.” Bailey reluctantly nodded in agreement. Haigar smiled sadly, feeling what she was. He buried his nose in her hair and sighed. He gathered Bailey in his arms and picked her up; her arms around his neck, legs around his middle. Rubbing her nose with his own, and smiling reassuringly. He carried her to the bank and carefully set her down, running his hands down the back of her legs as he did. “I’ll see you later.” He said softly and kissed her tenderly. Bailey kissed him back, smiling. When he broke the kiss he smiled and stroked her cheek. Bailey smiled again and gathered up her things.

“See you later…” she whispered before disappearing, heading back to the village.


It was dark, the first stars were beginning to show as little pinpricks in the midnight velvet of the sky. The full moon, white and cold with its frosty halo, slowly rose, lighting the valley in a soft, silvery cast. Torches sprang into life, their bright, warm glows flickering. Little tongues of fire in the night.

In a simple gazebo of white linen embroidered with green, Loki stood, trembling ever so slightly. Seamere and her oldest daughter fluttered around her, arranging the dress and the greenery woven into the young Steef’s hair. Just then, Bailey came from behind a cloth partition where she had changed, already dressed. Loki looked over at her and smiled briefly. Seamere had done a breathtaking job and Bailey looked wonderful.

Bailey cracked a half grin in return. She felt a bit subconscious, the green shirt was rather too tight for her liking, hugging close to her body, but thankfully the gauzy silver tunic made her feel less embarrassed.

Seamere stepped back from Loki to admire her work, she sighed.

“You look beautiful Loki.” She breathed, smiling.

“Thank you.” Loki tremulously replied. The seamstress smiled and kissed the back of Loki’s hands.

“Go well my dear.” She ushered her three daughters from the hut, leaving Bailey and Loki alone. Bailey smiled and laid a comforting hand on Loki’s arm.

“Relax Loki.” She said softly, “After tonight, it’ll just be you and Chiron.” Loki smiled and nodded, her heart pounding. “Deep breaths.” Bailey murmured, “This is about you and Chiron, only you two.” Loki did as Bailey suggested, drawing herself up and drinking in deep breaths. The young Steef grew calmer and smiled.

“I’m ready.” Bailey nodded, she crossed to the entrance of the small pavilion and drew back the curtain of green beads that served as the door of the marquee, opening it for the young bride.

Just outside, torches, that were fixed on poles embedded in the earth, ringed where the bonding would take place in a large circle. The tongues of flame glowed warmly, flickering redly over the many Steef of the gathered Tribe. They milled around, whispering quietly and a happy air filled the warm summer night. Under an arch, bedecked in flowers, in the middle of the throng, stood Chiron. He fidgeted nervously, picking at the velvety collar of the blue, silver embroidered tunic he was wearing, shifting uncomfortable, the cool material of the matching pants feeling strange on his fur. Beside him, Haigar chuckled deeply.

“Chiron, stop fussing…”

“I can’t.” muttered Chiron. Haigar smiled calmly and grabbed Chiron by the shoulders.

“Don’t worry about it, Loki loves you, you love her right?” Chiron nodded mutely, Haigar grinned, straightening his friend’s askew collar. “So what is there to worry about?” Chiron swallowed and smiled wanly.

“Nothing I guess.” Haigar chuckled.


“I…I just wish…that my mam was here…” Chiron murmured after a pause. Haigar nodded understandingly, Chiron’s mother had died giving birth to him around last autumn. Ixion had been crushed by his mate’s death, but he had been the Tribe leader and so he’d remained strong and become and strong and even wiser leader. He’d never taken another mate. Steef never did. Mates were bonded forever.

“I know buddy…but she’s watchin’.” Haigar smiled vaguely as his best friend looked at him, Chiron smiled wanly and nodded.

“Yeah…” he said softly, “She is…”

Just then there was a hush and the two young friends turned. Haigar smiled at his little sister, Loki blushed as her gaze moved from her brother to Chiron, who was gaping at her in awe. Bailey murmured something encouragingly and Loki lifted her eyes to meet Chiron’s again. Her anxiety seemed to melt away, wiped gently from her mind. She was being bonded to a Steef she loved more then any other and she smiled shyly, there was nothing to worry about, nothing to fear.

Haigar watched the exchange with a smile. Then his blue eyes found Bailey at his sister’s side and he felt his own eyes widen and jaw drop. His heart began pounding and a sweat started behind his ears. She looked beautiful. Her hair, washed and brushed and re-braided in the traditional Steef Guardian braid with the three green beads, was sleek and deliciously dark, a small wreath of winding green tendrils wound around her brow, where normally her bandana would have been. And what she was wearing made his jaw sink lower.

The flowing pants glimmered where the firelight caught the silver thread in the green fabric. The green undershirt she was wearing showed the shape of her body wonderfully and Haigar inwardly cursed the silver gauzy tunic she was wearing over the top.

Bailey smiled back at him, taking in his appearance with similar appreciation. He was wearing a rather tight blue shirt that came right up to his throat but had no sleeves, and some kind of blue version of his overalls, all embroidered with silver.

Bailey led her grown-up charge across the moonlit grass from where the simple gazebo of white linen embroidered with green had been erected to the little arch covered in foliage and flora. As soon as Chiron had taken Loki’s hand, Bailey left her and stood beside Haigar. Haigar moved his hand slowly and slipped it under the gauzy tunic, placing it on the soft fabric of the green shirt at the small of Bailey’s back. Bailey felt his hand, warm and comforting, lightly touching her spine and smiled softly. She felt his thumb gently stroke her then the bite of cold as he withdrew.

Silence reigned, an irrefutable master, only the crackling of the fire, and the breathing of many Steef broached that silence. And Bailey suddenly felt different. She felt as if she belonged. This was home, among these people, her people. She was one of them and joy blossomed in her chest. Her hazel eyes sort out Stranger, and found him, beside Daimen and Alika. As if feeling her gaze, he turned and looked at her. Bailey smiled. Stranger smiled back, a proud, loving parent.

Then, Chiron’s voice broke into her thoughts, the spell of realisation was broken and Bailey returned to the conscious world.

“Today begins my walk with you,” he spoke softly, but the hush of the Steef made the quiet so complete, that everyone heard his words.

“Where you go, I go,
Where you stay, I stay,
When you sleep, I will sleep
And when you rise, I will rise.” As he spoke he never took his eyes from Loki’s, though the vows were set words, each one came straight from his heart.

“I will pass my days within the sound of your voice,
And my nights within the reach of your hand,
And none shall come between us.”

“I will Love you,” as he said this, Chiron raised his hand and stroked Loki’s cheek tenderly with his fingers,

“Until the end of our days, and further still, to the ends of eternity.
I will Honour you, as my mate through this life and the next and no harm shall I ever inflict upon you, nor will I ever disgrace you.
I will Respect you, your thoughts and your opinions, your voice on any subject, you who are my equal and companion.
I will Protect you, from all others, from the dangers of this life and all harm that is within my power to shield you from, that no evil may touch you, that no harm or hurt will come to you, that no ill nor accident with befall you.
This is my oath to you;” he whispered,

“When you are sad...I will dry your tears.
When you are scared...I will comfort your fears.
When you are worried...I will give you hope.
When you are confused...I will help you cope.
And when you are lost...And can't see the light
I shall be your beacon...Shining always bright.
I will care for you and keep you…my love and my friend
This is my oath...I pledge till the end… I love you Loki.” Loki smiled up at him, but didn’t answer, it wasn’t the right time.

Haigar stepped forward and handed Chiron a necklace of beautifully carved green beads. Chiron nodded his head in thanks and turned back to Loki. With infinite tenderness, he fastened the beads around Loki’s neck.

For the first time, Bailey realised that she had seen beads like this before. She surreptitiously glanced at the Steef of the Tribe that she knew already were bonded to their mates. All of them wore the same delicately carved green beads.

Her attention clicked back to the couple under the arch as Loki spoke, repeating the words of the bonding. When she had finished her oath, Bailey came forward and handed Loki another necklace with the same green beads. Chiron bent his head slightly and Loki reached up to gently put them around his neck.

“I love you Chiron.” She whispered. Chiron smiled softly down at her and took her into his arms. Loki put her arms around his neck and he kissed her gently. A great wave of noise washed over Bailey like a tsunami as the Steef gathered began to cheer, drumming their hooves and whooping joyfully.

Bailey joined in, giving vent to a great yelp of delight and jumping into the air. Suddenly she felt arms go around her and hug her as music suddenly swelled. Bailey turned around and was met with Haigar, smiling down at her, holding her gently, his blue eyes tender and loving. He kissed her cheek softly. When he drew away Bailey smiled back at him, she stroked a hand gently from his stomach, up to his chest and finally to his neck. She tugged gently on the fur there, bringing him down to her eyelevel.

He kissed her again and Bailey slowly wrapped her arms around his neck. Her eyes drifted closed and she felt a thrill of pleasure as she moved her mouth against his, lips pressed to him. She felt her body shiver and his hands slid around her, pulling her close, the defined muscles of his chest pressing against her body, keeping her warm.

They parted only when they needed to take in air. Bailey breathed deeply, eyes half-closed as she drank in Haigar’s scent, the feel of his fur and his closeness. She felt one hand slide up her back and rest on the back of her neck as Haigar gently drew her into another kiss, his fingers brushing her cheek lightly.

Eventually Bailey reluctantly drew away. He smiled down at her and stroked her cheek again. Running his fingers through her hair, Haigar gently pressed her head to his chest and wrapped her in his arms.

“I love you Bay.” Bailey laid her hands on his chest and pressed her cheek to the firm muscle there. She let out a happy sigh, her content mingling with the music.

“I love you too.” She whispered.


Okay, bonding ceremony = mine, bonding vow = er…well, most of it’s nicked…
First bit was from the Wind on Fire series, same place 95% of the burial speech for the old Steef came from.
Second bit, is completely mine
Third bit is basically from an email I got, but I’ve tailored the end slightly to fit better.

06-24-2006, 11:53 AM
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wow had extra time?!?!
I read a small bit, will read the rest tonight
*Working on all the dead links around here, stay tuned!*

Throw around some Mudokons in my game Flying Mudokons!

Need images for your Oddworld fan project? Visit The Oddworld Vector Gallery!

06-26-2006, 10:53 AM
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Dancing Steef
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Awww that was so romantic Lobo! I loved this chapter a lot - Great work!

Ps. Glad to see ya again after such a long time and good luck with getting yer diploma - I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya !


06-26-2006, 01:34 PM
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Daw, thanks you guys. Made me go all warm and fuzzy inside. And yeah, I finish on Thursday and then I'm not a student anymore and unemployed. Let's all hope I can get to do what I've wanted to do for ages and get rich off writin' stories eh? Wish me luck, of course I won't neglect this liddle story here...I'm rather fond of it.

Thanks for reviewin' maties!

06-30-2006, 01:30 AM
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Dancing Steef
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Yer very welcome Lobo and GOOD LUCK!!!!

PS. I've updated my story if there are anyone whos's intressted reading it


06-30-2006, 02:21 AM
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E'l Scrabino
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The mushiness has enveloped me! Oh nostrils!

Anyhoo, great, no, scratch that, awesome story!

I can't wait to see more! Just let me get out of the mushiness that enveloped me first...
Statikk HDM is t3h pantz
The Albino Scrab, the ancient RPG.

06-30-2006, 05:48 AM
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Scrabino! Well I never thought I'd have a guy read this and like it! But you've made my day *ish happy* so thanks for that. The mushiness will end soon, promise and then more action which you may (or may not) like, so keep reading!

Hey hey Dancin' Steef buddy! Yeah, I read your story update but I didn't have time to review...sowwy... But it was fantastic! Daw Liana's been expected! That's so cute!

P.S. I GOT MY DIPLOMA! YAY!!! I passed my course and now I have a science Diploma.

07-01-2006, 03:15 PM
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Stranger's Girl
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So...mushy! Can't get....enough! Write more soon, plz! Lovin' it.
07-02-2006, 12:14 PM
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Dancing Steef
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Hey hey Dancin' Steef buddy! Yeah, I read your story update but I didn't have time to review...sowwy... But it was fantastic! Daw Liana's been expected! That's so cute!

P.S. I GOT MY DIPLOMA! YAY!!! I passed my course and now I have a science Diploma.

Glad ya liked it And congratulations Hurray for LOBO!!!!

I'm longing for the next chapter of yers


07-07-2006, 08:22 AM
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Dark Elite_H2
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Holy crap on a stick, this is long.
Sorry, Lobo, but I'll have to read the rest later.
It's really good, and I'm glad you updated! VEWY HAPPY PEWSON HEWE!
The Stranger's girl

My arts page...check it out XP

My main page ^^

08-05-2006, 03:44 AM
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Oddworld Just Got Stranger

Yer know…ah jist realised that Stranger’s accent keeps fluctuatin’ from dead thick to non-existent…so, from this point, ah’m gonna start writin’ in the accent ah picked up off Annouka (hope you don’t mind matie XD) coz it’s sooooo much easier…rather like the one ah’m usin’ now…good Odd that’s worryin’…

It had been a week since Loki and Chiron had been bonded. They’d moved into the small hut built for them and life had gone pretty much back to every day normality. And Bailey had never been happier.

Of course when she was with Abe and Slick and the rest of the liberated Mudokons, she’d always felt needed and wanted, but only here, among the Steef of Stranger’s tribe, did she feel truly at home. This was her family, and she dreaded a time in the future when she knew she had to return to her side of Oddworld, to the Mudokons…she just couldn’t let them think she was dead but it felt as if her heart was breaking when she thought of leaving Stranger…and Haigar…

So, for the time being Bailey pushed it from her mind. Though she knew she couldn’t escape it forever…

A warm autumn morning dawned and the slender rays of light poking through the blinds in Bailey’s room hit her eyes and drew her from a restful sleep. She nuzzled into her soft pillows and let out a happy, sleepy sigh. Her bed was warm and comfortable and she drifted pleasantly between sleeping and waking, and not really keen to do one or the other. She wondered vaguely if she could spend the day in bed, the prospect sounded delicious and she snuggled into the blankets as she thought of it. Cocooned all day in warm, soft bedclothes…

She felt a soft nuzzling on her cheek.

Opening one eye, she smiled slightly at the luminous green Steef eyes that looked back.

“’ey baby.” Said a quiet voice,

“Mornin’ daddy.” The eyes, which were of course Stranger’s, glowed as he smiled.

“Yeh gonna get up?” he asked, still using a quiet, soft tone. Bailey stirred and mumbled.

“M’comfy.” Stranger chuckled and eased himself onto the bed, Bailey shuffling over to make room. He put his arms around her and pulled her close. Bailey cuddled up to him, head on his chest and buried her face in his fur, letting out a happy sigh, then smiling. “Yer know…if you wanted to get me up, this isn’t the best way.” Stranger chuckled again, the sound rumbling deeply in his chest.

“Ah know…bu’ a father don’t need a reason ter cuddle ‘is daughter does ‘e?” Bailey smiled into his fur.

“No…love you daddy.”

“Love yer too squirt.” Stranger murmured. There was a comfortable silence, Stranger holding Bailey close and stroking her hair, then; “D’yeh know what day it is?” Stranger asked softly. Bailey didn’t answer but shook her head into his chest. Stranger paused. “A year ago terday ah first saw ma baby.” Bailey picked her head up from his chest and looked up at him. Stranger smiled down at her, then kissed her forehead. “’appy Birthday kid.” He said softly. Bailey beamed and cuddled closer to him, nuzzling into his fur.

“Then I’ve been in Oddworld just over a year…” she whispered.

“Oh? ‘ow d’yeh work that out?” Stranger asked, smiling gently, still stroking his human’s hair.

“Well…” said Bailey softly. “Remember when I told you about when me an’ Abe, runnin’ around from the Magog Cartel?”

“Umhm.” Stranger nodded.

“Well that was all through the summer…and if I met you a year ago, and it’s just ending summer now…means I’ve only been here just over a year…”

“Aha, a-see.” Stranger smiled gently. There was another comfortable pause.

“Fourteen…” Bailey murmured eventually, she smiled. “Doesn’t feel any different.” Stranger laughed quietly,

“No matter ‘ow old yer get, yer’ll always be ma baby.” He said softly and kissed her forehead. Bailey smiled and leaned her head against his chest once more and sighed.

“I’ll always be ya baby.” She smiled, “An’ I doubt I’ll change, how ever old I get…” Bailey pressed her cheek to Stranger’s fur, pressed close to his heartbeat. “I love you Stranger.” She whispered. Stranger smiled warmly.

“Ah love yeh too darlin’.” Stranger sighed happily and held his little girl close, burying his nose in her soft hair. “Ah love you more then anything. So much…” Bailey cuddled closer.

“Me too daddy.” Bailey said softly, she felt Stranger stroke her hair, felt the undeniable, unconditional love that came from him as he tightened his arms marginally around her and held her as close as he could.

There was a comfortable silence for a long time, then Stranger lifted his head slightly.

“Whadda human birthdays like?” Bailey looked up at him, with thoughtful but also vaguely confused eyes. Stranger tilted his head, his own neon iris’ growing concerned. He gently stroked hair out of her face with gentle fingers. The three green beads on her braid touched a fingertip, warmly wooden. “Oh,” he rumbled deeply and gently, “Ah see.” he looked into her face, eyes softening. “Oh Bailey…” he kissed her forehead.

“Am…am I human…or Steef?” Bailey whispered.

“It doesn’t matter…” he said softly, “Yeh are who yeh are. Yer can’t change where yeh came from, or what yer are…but yer decide who yeh are…” he stroked her cheek comfortingly, looking into her eyes, “Steef, human…it doesn’t matter, ah love yer…ah will always love yeh…just because yer are yeh.”

“But where do I belong?” Bailey whispered, “I’m not a Steef…but I don’t feel human anymore…I’m so confused…”

“Yeh belong with yer family.” Stranger said tenderly, “With me, an’ Haigar, because we love yeh…Bailey…” his voice lowered to a whisper again, “Yer both.” Bailey looked up at him, Stranger smiled and kissed her forehead again. “Yer human, but yer Steef too. Be proud o’ tha’.” he looked into her eyes even more intently, “Don’t be ashamed. Eva. An’ don’t ever believe that yeh don’t belong. Yeh hear me?” Bailey swallowed and nodded. “Ah’m yer dad, ah always will be. Ah will never stop loving yeh. Ah will always love yeh and that is where yeh belong.” Bailey smiled. Her eyes moistening.

“I love you dad.” Stranger hugged her close, kissing her hair and face, his fur brushing her cheeks, warm and smelling of him. For a moment they were silent, Stranger softly stroking her hair while Bailey pressed her head to his chest.

“So…” he said softly, smiling, “Whadda humans do on their birthdays?” Bailey smiled, thinking.

“Cake.” She said finally.

“Cake?” Stranger repeated, a gentle smile on his face.


“What else?” he asked,

“Hmm, well, le’see…the family all get together and just…have fun.”

“Then that’s what we’ll do.” Stranger smiled, Bailey looked up at him and returned the smile. He kissed her forehead.

“This is where I belong…”


A little later Stranger left Bailey’s bedroom while she changed out of her pyjamas and was immediately pounced upon by Loki and dragged out of Bailey’s earshot.

“Did you ask her!?” Loki whispered. Stranger – a slightly bemused expression on his face – nodded,

“Yeah ah did.”

“Well!?” Stranger wondered how Loki could get so excited and hysterical, yet contrive to remain quiet…

“Cake.” He said and smiled, amused as Loki was stopped in her tracks.


“Yeah, cake…an’ jist fer us, family, ter…be tergether…” Loki beamed,

“I’ll go and tell mum, we’ll bake Bailey’s cake, and you and dad and Chi can get the ingredients for us. Oh, and Haigar said he’d keep Bailey out of the way until this afternoon.” Loki flounced off, beaming, already planning what cake she and her mother could bake and she soon disappeared.

Stranger paused for a moment, then sighed and rolled his eyes, smiling slightly. He went back to Bailey’s bedroom and knocked on the door.


“Yeah?” Bailey’s voice was muffled by the door,

“Ah gotta go do some stuff, Haigar’ll be ‘ere inna sec, spend tha day wit’ yeh. Ah’ll see yeh this afternoon yeah?”

“Ah-kay!” came the cheerful reply. “See ya later dad!”

“See yeh baby…” Stranger purred softly, he smiled again and left.

Not a few minutes later, Bailey came out of her room, dressed and bed made to find Haigar waiting. He grinned at her. Bailey returned the grin and slipped her arms around his middle, squeezing him slightly in a hug. Haigar chuckled and returned the embrace. When she looked up at him, he smiled again, leaning down to kiss her gently.

“S’just you and me.” He purred huskily, tenderly brushing a stray wisp of hair from her face. Bailey grinned and – because she was really too short to reach herself – gently tugged on his chest fur to bring him down for another kiss. Haigar purred as he kissed her back. Suddenly he swept her into his arms, Bailey giggled against his lips but never broke the kiss, she buried her fingers in his hair and kissed him deeply. Haigar moaned softy. “Bay…” her name muffled by the press of their lips. Bailey smiled and pulled back to breathe, she nuzzled him fondly, just as she’d seen Alika nuzzle Daimen, Haigar beamed and cuddled her.

“And what are just you and me going to do?” she playfully asked after a pause.

“Well…” Haigar smiled at her, his voice lowering, “We could…do this…” he slowly kissed her, nibbling her lip gently, but pulled back before Bailey had time to respond, he grinned, “Or this…” he kissed her again, deeper, and allowed Bailey time to kiss him back, he smiled against her lips as he heard her moan softly. After a moment he slowly drew away. “Or we could just laze around all day.” He suggested. Bailey smiled broadly,

“How about…we laze all day and do this…” she kissed him tenderly, Haigar rumbled a deep sound, somewhere between a purr and a growl as he kissed her back.

“That sounds good.” He said, his voice low and husky, “C’mon…” he smiled at her and set her on his back before making his way out of the hut, into the grass and sunshine. Bailey sighed happily and leaned her cheek on his shoulder blade. After a moment she kissed his shoulder.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.” Haigar whispered. He carried Bailey outside, smiling lovingly down at her, walking a little way from the huts before stopping; “Look.” He said softly and gently gestured with his chin. Bailey followed his gaze and smiled, between two trees, was a hammock. “Your place to laze my lady.” Haigar grinned. Bailey laughed gently, then she leaned up and kissed him.

“Laze with me?” she asked hopefully, Haigar smiled,

“You just try and stop me…”

08-07-2006, 07:04 AM
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Dancing Steef
Clakker Relic Miner
: Mar 2005
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Dancing Steef  (10)

Oooh it's so romantic wonder what'll hapen next "you jus' try and stop me"... hehehe nice keep updating cuz I'll be waiting

08-07-2006, 10:29 AM
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Dark Elite_H2
Outlaw Sniper
: Apr 2005
: WYYYARRGwop...Sounds fun, huh?
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Dark Elite_H2  (10)

Very beautiful chapter, Lobo! Happy boifday ter Bay! X3
The Stranger's girl

My arts page...check it out XP

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08-09-2006, 05:04 AM
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Stranger's Girl
: May 2006
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Stranger's Girl  (10)

Ooh! Great chap! A++++ On the fluff factor there! Can't wait for more!
I always knew I was crazy, but when I started to talk to him: http://www.goldenweb.it/software/imm...%20Prime-1.bmp I knew I needed help. Too bad I didn't get it.
http://www.jour.sc.edu/pages/wigginsweb/optimus.jpg He's my hero

09-13-2006, 02:04 AM
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: Aug 2005
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sniffle You guys are all so great. Sa-ry for taking so long to update, Writer’s Block has come to live with me it seems…urg…

A little later Haigar looked down at the human he held in his arms. She lay beside him in the hammock, her eyes closed, her head on his shoulder, her breath ruffling the fur of his neck, one of her hands laid over his heart. She looked so peaceful… Haigar gently brushed a loose strand of hair from her face and stroked her cheek gently with one finger.

“I love you…” he murmured softly, knowing she wouldn’t hear him. He watched her breathing for a moment longer, then gently placed a hand over hers, the other resting lightly on the small of her back, holding her gently to him. He leant his head back with a contended sigh and a soft smile and closed his own eyes.

He felt her stir a little later and opened his eyes again to find her looking up at him fondly.

“Hey sleepyhead,” she smiled and kissed his neck gently, Haigar arched his neck and half moaned, half purred as she kissed all up the column of his throat and nuzzled at his jawline, his eyes closing sleepily. He felt her gently ease herself up so she was leaning over him as she kissed his throat again.

Haigar opened his eyes and smiled at her. Bailey smiled back at him, leaning her cheek on her arm across his chest as he laid a hand on her hip, his thumb stroking gently. He watched her for an instant, before he leaned forward and kissed her again, drawing away after a moment. Bailey smiled warmly and stroked his fur.

For a while there was just silence, the young Steef and human just gazing at each other. Eventually Bailey let out a happy sigh and a smile. She moved off Haigar, laying at his side once again and moved herself up so she was closer to him. Haigar turned his head so he was looking at her again as he kissed her, Bailey smiled and laid a hand on his neck as she kissed him back.

It was impossible not to see that the young couple were in love.

It was only when they heard Stranger clearing his throat did they stop kissing. Bailey squinted up at him and grinned, only saying; ‘Heya dad.’ Before she kissed Haigar again.

Stranger chuckled.

“’Ere you liddle varmint,” he said fondly, “All yeh’ve been doin’ all mornin’ is lazin’ around an’ cuddlin’ yeh lover boy there, s’time ter stop lazin’, c’mon!” Bailey moaned, she didn’t have the energy to move, the day was just too warm and she was too comfortable. Haigar however, seemed to agree with his uncle,

“Traitor…” Bailey mumbled as he picked her up and slid out of the hammock. Haigar smiled down at her and kissed her again. Bailey melted and kissed him back gently before leaning her head on his shoulder. She closed her eyes as Haigar walked after Stranger, she listened to his heartbeat and felt an overwhelming feeling of love wash over her. Bailey sighed happily and snuggled into him, burying her nose in his warm fur.

Haigar smiled down at her. He felt his mind wander irresistibly to the thoughts he’d recently been having. Bailey was fourteen now, Loki had told him. He remembered once when they were younger and Bailey had asked about Steef aging rates, she’d asked when Steef became mature and he’d told her about two seasons for a male, one for a female. He remembered next asking when humans became adults. And when he remembered her answer, he felt a thrill in his blood and his stomach jumped. Bailey had said that humans were classed as adults at both sixteen years and eighteen years for different things…she’d added – only in passing at the time – that sixteen was the legal age when humans could mate and get married without parental permission… Haigar clenched his muscles to stop shuddering.

He wanted Bailey to be his mate, he wanted her to be his partner in this life and the one to come. But because he loved her so deeply, he wouldn’t ask…not yet…although she’d explained that humans could marry before sixteen but with parental permission, Haigar didn’t think she’d be ready. So he would wait. He would love, and wait.

Soon the trio reached the little area of grass that was situated in front of Bailey’s family’s huts. Hers and Strangers, Damien, Alika and Haigar’s, Ixion’s and Chiron and Loki’s. In this little grassy place sat four Steef; Damien, Alika, Loki and Chiron, all of them waiting…for something… Haigar gently set Bailey on the grass and both they and Stranger wandered over.

“What’s everyone doin’?” Bailey asked, her head tilting fractionally to one side. Loki looked up at her and broke into a huge grin.

“We’ve been waiting for you!” she gushed happily, springing to her feet. She clattered over to Bailey and pulled her by the hand to come and sit with the others. Haigar and Stranger looked at each other, hiding smirks and eased themselves on either side of the bemused human.

“Waitin’ fer me? Whadda yeh waitin’ fer?” Daimen gave Stranger a look that clearly said ‘she’s sounding more like you everyday’. Stranger rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment but detracted the attention from himself by smiling fondly down at Bailey.

“Well, s’yeh birthday ain’t it?” he asked, Bailey nodded slowly, looking up at him, amused but slightly confused. Stranger smiled; “So we’re celebratin’ it…” he said gently, he ruffled her mess of hair. “’Appy Birthday kid.” He said softly. Bailey bit her lip and swallowed, praying she wouldn’t tear up.

“This is fer me? Jist coz it’s ma birthday?” she whispered. Stranger caught her up in his arms and nuzzled her head.

“Course it is.” He murmured. Loki beamed,

“Why wouldn’t we?” she asked happily. Bailey hugged Stranger back then looked at her gathered Steef family and smiled faintly,

“Thanks guys…” she whispered.

“Hey,” said Chiron, “What are families for?”

Alika and Loki then stood and went into the hut behind them – Haigar and his parent’s – and returned bearing two baked clay platters, and on them, the two biggest sticky toffee cakes Bailey had ever seen. There were loaf-shaped and as wide as her handspan and twice as high. The cakes looked light and spongy and were absolutely dripping with thick golden syrup. Bailey’s mouth hung open.

“Oh, wow…” she breathed. Loki beamed as she and her mother set the platters on the low level wooden table that sat in the middle of the little circle.

“Me and mam made them.” she stated proudly. Chiron sniffed the nearest one and a dreamy look stole into his eyes.

“That smells gorgeous.” He said, Haigar grinned,

“Yeah, my mouth’s watering.” Stranger nodded vigorously in agreement. Daimen laughed at the identical looks on Stranger, Haigar and Chiron’s face. They all looked like eager Steeflings.

“Careful mother,” he said laughing, “If you don’t dish out that cake, I dunno what those three might do.” Alika laughed and began slicing the first cake and putting the pieces on little wooden plates and began handing them out. The softest middle piece going to Bailey.

“There you are dear,” she smiled, “Happy Birthday.” Haigar, Chiron and Stranger cheered, ‘Happy Birthday!’ then proceeded to dig into their portions of cake. Bailey did likewise, spearing as a chunk of cake with her fork. It too was made of wood and had three prongs instead of four like a salad fork. She stuck a mouthful of the sticky toffee cake it her mouth and melted. It was still warm from the oven and was exactly how it looked, light and spongy. The syrup was thick and sweet but not overly so. Bailey swallowed and immediately bit into her next mouthful. Loki watched them apprehensively, her own slice untouched.

“Is it good?” she asked worriedly. All those that were stuffing their faces, which was to say everyone but herself and Alika nodded vigorously with enthusiastic ‘um-hm!’s coming from each of them. Loki smiled in relief and began eating.

After the cake there were chocolate brownies which were perfectly soft and warm, then muffins with sweet red-purple berries in them and spongy rolls with cream and honey. It was all freshly made and tasted divine. Soon however the Steef males in particular began hankering for something not so sweet and light. They were by nature carnivores and as Daimen put it; needed some good heavy meat and cordial to have what was considered a ‘proper’ meal.

Obligingly Alika next brought out a glistening roast. Bailey didn’t know what animal the meat came from and neither did she care. It smelt and looked gorgeous, and though but a few minutes before she’d been feeling full, she felt hungry again. The meat looked like a cross with beef and pork, it had crackling like pork but the meat looked more like beef. Alika began dishing it out along with some deep purple drink.

“Stranger,” Bailey whispered, he looked down at her, “What’s that?” Daimen heard the question and answered when Stranger shrugged,

“It’s cordial,” he smiled, “You know those red berries in the muffins?” Bailey nodded, “Well there’s a purple kind, bigger, we pick them and either preserve them in jars to make jam, or press them to make this. This is fresh, so don’t worry about it, it’s the mature stuff you have to be careful with. You drink too much of that, or drink it too fast,” he smiled and tapped his temple, “Makes yer head go all funny, not a lot of us drink that…normally s’only the males when they’re really partyin’…makes ‘em a bit rowdy though…” Alika handed a wooden cup to Bailey and she took a sip. It was like fresh berry juice, right out of the fridge, and tasted good and familiar. Bailey smiled and took another sip as Daimen carved the meat joint and Alika passed it out.


It was getting on evening. Bailey lounged against Stranger, full of good food and dozing. Her birthday celebration had worn her out and now she slept peacefully. Stranger glanced down at her, smiling fondly and absently stroking her rough, wild hair before he turned back to his older brother with whom he’d been conversing with.

The other Steef sat around at their ease, nibbling on snack foods and talking lazily as it grew pleasantly cool though the night remained warm and Zappflies began dancing on the still night air. The stars were starting to appear and the Steef village began lighting the lanterns outside their doors when the talk began to wind down. Eventually Daimen stood and cleared his throat;

“I think all of us,” he glanced at Bailey and grinned, “Even those of us who’ve has as much excitement as they can take in one day, will agree with me that that dinner was delicious and my beautiful mate and daughter did a fantastic job.” Alika beamed and Loki blushed when the rest of the group laughed gently and nodded in agreement. “So while they relax out here, me and Stranger will clear up, right bro?” Stranger grinned and nodded,

“Haigar.” Haigar smiled and scooped Bailey into his arms, bringing her close to his chest and purring deeply to sooth her as she stirred, as Stranger eased himself up and he and Daimen gathered up the plates.

“Ho-oh no,” Alika said, standing, “Last time you washed up Daimen, our plates rotted.” Daimen blushed, thankful for his dark fur to mask the worst of it, he made an embarrassed sound and rubbed the back of his neck. Alika smiled, “So I will be clearing up, but you boys helping out would be nice.” Daimen smiled and nodded sheepishly. Loki scrambled up too,

“I’ll help!” she said cheerfully. She gathered more plates and the four Steef entered the hut, leaving Haigar with a sleeping Bailey and Chiron. Chiron watched as his friend tenderly brushed some stray hair from Bailey’s face.

“You really love ‘er, don’t you.” he said, it was a statement more then a question, but Haigar nodded anyway, his eyes still on her face.

“More then anything…” he murmured. Chiron smiled faintly,

“Same as I feel for your sister…Haigar…” the dark Steef looked up at his pale friend, “Don’t let the fact that you’re different from each other, let you make the biggest mistake of your life…” Haigar looked up at him, frowning slightly,

“What d’you mean by that?” Chiron leaned forward slightly and spoke in an earnest voice,

“You love ‘er, it’s obvious, and she loves you too…don’t let go of that…don’t let her go…d’you hear me?” Haigar raised his eyebrows, Chiron’s expression was intent and serious. “There’s going to come a time when someone else sees Bailey for the person she is, and they’ll want her, she’s a pretty young thing with a good mind and beautiful personality. And you’ll have to keep her…Haigar, you may even have to fight to keep her… Just don’t let her go…” then Haigar understood, he looked into his friend’s eyes and nodded.

“I won’t let anyone take her from me…even if I have to fight to keep her…” he paused, and then explained about human courting habits. “When she’s sixteen…I’m going to ask her to be my mate…” he finished quietly. Chiron nodded, smiling.

“That’s good Haigar…she’s good for you…she’s your soulmate…” Haigar smiled and looked down at Bailey again, still sleeping in his arms.

“Yes,” he whispered, watching her tenderly, “I know…”

09-13-2006, 02:27 AM
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E'l Scrabino
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Woo! I can't beleive it! CAKE!

*mouth full* Oh yeh, da chabda *swallows* ish goo' doo *swallows remainder*
Statikk HDM is t3h pantz
The Albino Scrab, the ancient RPG.

09-13-2006, 06:41 AM
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Dancing Steef
Clakker Relic Miner
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Dancing Steef  (10)

Awwww what a happy lil family *cries out of happiness* And very good chapter !!!! Great job


09-14-2006, 02:18 AM
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Dark Elite_H2
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: WYYYARRGwop...Sounds fun, huh?
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Mmm...that descrption of the food just made my morning stomach rumble, and my mouth suddenly water...:drools:
Good work like always, mah buddeh!
The Stranger's girl

My arts page...check it out XP

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10-02-2006, 03:37 PM
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Stranger's Girl
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Ooh! Sorry I was late, but this new chap...I love it! ^^
I always knew I was crazy, but when I started to talk to him: http://www.goldenweb.it/software/imm...%20Prime-1.bmp I knew I needed help. Too bad I didn't get it.
http://www.jour.sc.edu/pages/wigginsweb/optimus.jpg He's my hero

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