Yeah, we should. We should trust you. You can do something and then criticize everyone who does the same, Mr. "Wired is an awesome idea!" Next, you can betray that trust again.
It'll be just like old times.
EDIT: Oh, here's our official list of crazy things we were going to do as Wired. Enjoy! Yeah... there's a lot of them. *sniff* We had a birthday coming up!
~Name: Claude
~Birthday: May 25, 1989.
~Picture: Find a similar pic of someone with purple hair! We’ll brag about how we dyed it someday.
~Posting style: Remember he’s got “multiple personalities,†so we can really mix up our styles of posting all the time. Sometimes extremely serious and intelligent-sounding, other times incoherent and n00b-ish.
~TyPiNg AlL wEiRd WhEn In A sERiOuS aRgUmEnT WoUlD bE iNtErEsTiNg.
~If we really contradict ourselves sometime, it shall be most fun trying to get ourselves out from the corners we've backed ourselves into. Or just making posts that make no sense when someone calls us out on stuff.
~Occupation: Finish school this year, thinking he might but right now he and his band are focusing on a musical career. He'll probably go to college this September and study music and photography.
~In the band, he's the lead singer and sometimes plays guitar or drums.
~He complains about his band all the time and how much better he could do any of their positions. Eventually he fires them all.
~He lives in the suburbs of some city in England. Uk members, decide what city.
~He's lived there for 3 years.
~His mother is now a married lesbian thanks to the new UK law.
~She is originally from England.
~She had a one night stand in Ukraine when she was doing business there as a holiday rep/travel agent. She met a Ukrainian guy in a bar and got drunk, they had the one night stand, and she got pregzorz.
~She happened to have some English relatives already living in Ukraine, so she moved there with them to raise her son with their help.
~Around when he was 5, his mother met an Ukrainian woman that she fell in love with. Her name shall be Yeva (Ukrainian form of Eve, me likey).
~His life's goal is to find his father someday.
~we play games on other people's game systems, and we once tried out Stranger's Wrath, which is how we found OWF--when we were looking up stuff on SW.
~We’re “too poor†to afford a game system of any sort.
~miscellaneous: We have a documented personality disorder, so that's why we post sort of erratically. Link to what we suffer:
~we've been watching the forums for months and we know how things work around there and stuff. Call people by their first names, it'll be creepy
~We'll post numerous threads in Forum Help and Suggestions, always making huge, incredibly insignificant, or crazy suggestions.
~Claude is uber power hungry and will ask for modship right away.
~If we're accused of being Dino numerous times, we'll deny it first but then later claim to be Dino and all his other accounts. A little while after that, we'll deny it again and say our therapist said OWF caused a new personality to be added to our disorder.
~When we get into arguments, often say "I win" at the very end of the post. Dino always said "you lose" and crap like that.
~Much, much, MUCH later into our time on the account, we can do more crazy things like make a hobby thread, talking about all the crazy expensive sports we do (like codek).
~If Dino ever comes back as Dino or as a new account, we must worship everything he says. (Now, we're not trying to be exactly like a Dino clone. But loosely based off them. Be sure to throw in whatever CLEVER, random crap you please.)
~it would be humourous to say that we can't actually afford an Xbox to play the games (Like many people say) and then go on to talk about our "crazy expensive sports". See if anyone picks up on it.
~we should copy and paste stuff from wiki and pretend it's our own words
~He often argues for gay rights because he was raised very well by the women, but at some point maybe he can change his mind all crazy-like because Yeva pisses him off over something trivial. He declares gay women to be evil!
~Although both he and his step-mother are immigrants, he should be against immigration.
~One of his close friends should be muslim, yet he attacks Muslims when terrorist threads show up, clearly believing his friend to be the ONE exception to the "fact" that all Muslims are evil.
~He'll have a birthday coming up: May 25! He'll be 17 and will soon after be learning to drive. With the fact that he claims to be too poor to afford an xbox, he'll create an attention-whoring thread to complain sometime that he crashes his extremely expensive car. Someone decide on what kind of car.
~In typical dino fashion, he has to play guitar and sing, but he's actually so good at everything, that he fired his band members as he was better than them