"...You get rewarded for killing, shooting, for being the bad guy"
I admire the non-violent approach, and if you can achieve goals as great as the three heroes of Oddworld by not laying a finger on or planting a bullet in the head of your enemy, then more power to ya.
But let's face facts: a game based on Ghandi's methods would be
reeeeeally boring.
You kinda
have to kill your enemies in situations that Abe, Munch, or Stranger faced. It doesn't work if you don't take action. You can't just walk up to a Slig and
politely ask him to stop shooting your buddy. No, you possess his snot-green ass and blow him up, or toss him in a meat grinder; teach him and the other guards that you mean business! YEAH!
A certain level of violence in a video game that's not rated E-10 is kind of a given, and why Sherry can't see or understand that is beyond me.