Originally posted by Eibu:
I applied for a job to mainly earn money for the X-Box but through my secret ninja spy techniques I've discovered all the members of my family pitched in and got me one for X-Mas, I feel so loved...
That's great, but am I the only one who wants to be surprised on Christmas day?
BTW, I bought an Xbox bundle on launch (11/15/01) with three games (Oddworld: Munch's Odysee, DoA3, and Halo), an extra controller and a carrying case (waste). Overall $500. The only way I got it was because I did a painting job with my dad and I received $300 from that. Plus, my birthday is November 16th, the day after the Xbox launch(!), so I got some money to help out. Thank God my dad was kind enough to chip in the extra $100 for me to get one the first day