Wasps. I often have to face them. At my grandmother's house, they make their hives in the mailbox next to the entrance. But I only had 2 stings yet. Once, I stepped into a wasp at a pool (with bare feet, of course), and recently one of those things got into a shoe. And then, I grabbed that shoe with 2 fingers inside it. So the little bastard even had the right to choose.
Same here, I hate wasps. I've always had a little fear of them, but over the years that's changed from a "get as far away from the wasps as quickly as possible" to a "kill the wasp as quickly as possible!"
I've been stung twice, but only one was from a wasp; the other was from a bee. They were both on the foot though, possibly the same one, too!
Also, wind, it's pretty scary if you're in bed at night and the wind's ripping around the house rattling windows and banging the unlatched door outside my room.
Fire, that used to be fear number one, but I've grown out of it since then, so now I still have
respect for fire, but not fear. And I think you all know what I mean by respect, not the same sort as you'd give a person.
Alcohol and drugs are things that I'm a bit afraid of, too, they have so much power! The fact that you can take them without knowing it doesn't exactly make it any easier.