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: Left handed, right handed or ambidextrous?
Left Handed 3 9.68%
Right Handed 25 80.65%
Ambidextrous 3 9.68%
: 31.

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07-21-2005, 11:43 PM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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Left or Right?

I'm just curious - are you left-handed, right-handed, or ambidextrous?
I am right-handed.
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07-22-2005, 12:07 AM
Dino's Avatar
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I bet PA looked at this thread and got all excited, then found himself all depressed when he realised that it doesn't give him an opportunity to moan about the political left.

I'm mainly right handed and partially ambidextrous. As in, I have more dexterity in my left hand than your standard right handed person, but the same amount of dexterity in my dominant hand.
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07-22-2005, 12:23 AM
Leto's Avatar
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Right handed. Though I am a left handed hockey player.

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07-22-2005, 12:48 AM
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Right handed.
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07-22-2005, 01:01 AM
Dark Oddworld's Avatar
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Right handed. Can't do shit with my left.
But, like all worldly things, you will in time wear, and be used up. You age, grow ugly, weak, and foolish. You are always lost, late or soon.

MAN'S MYSTERY Man is mortal, and doomed to death and failure and loss. This lies beyond our comprehension - why do you not despair?

From the book Spirit Of Daedra...The Elder Scrolls Three: Morrwind

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07-22-2005, 01:22 AM
Gretin's Avatar
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I'm right-handed, but my left hand's fingers are a bit more flexible than my right hand due to playing the guitar. And for some reason my left hand seems to be more susceptible to cramp than my right...

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07-22-2005, 01:56 AM
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I'm right-handed, but my left hand's fingers are a bit more flexible than my right hand due to playing the guitar. And for some reason my left hand seems to be more susceptible to cramp than my right...
Probably due to the stretch of inversion bar chords.

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07-22-2005, 02:01 AM
Abe16's Avatar
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I'm right handed. I do everything righthanded.
I'm the guy who annoyed the other old pricks back in '03. ~Abe16~

“You shouldn't just be a band, ... If you've got the time and you've got the space you've got to make something of it. We might balls the whole thing up but you've got to try!”~Josh Homme, Queens of the Stone Age

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07-22-2005, 03:45 AM
Silversnow's Avatar
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I think I'm ambidextrious. I can only write and draw with my left hand, but I do everything else with the right. If I tried doing other stuff with my left, I'd probably screw up. And even if I'm wrong, I've already voted. Hah.

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07-22-2005, 03:53 AM
big bro boogie
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I'm right handed. Yet I wish to be ambidextrious, cuz I can't even cut my right fingernails properly. I need to file them...
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07-22-2005, 04:17 AM
Rich's Avatar
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Right handed, but like other folks have said, instrument playing helps your left hand become more useful.
What the Fuck is this???Hobo, you make a Shit outta my posts

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07-22-2005, 04:46 AM
Godlesswanderer's Avatar
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Right handed. I can't think of anything that I can do with my left hand.

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07-22-2005, 04:56 AM
Rich's Avatar
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I can't even cut my right fingernails properly. I need to file them...
Y'know... I don't think I've ever cut my fingernails, I just bite them down to a reasonable level. I seriously can't remember cutting my nails in living memory.
What the Fuck is this???Hobo, you make a Shit outta my posts

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07-22-2005, 05:18 AM
used:)'s Avatar
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I'm right handed, When I try to write with my left, the line just goes right off the paper.

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07-22-2005, 06:57 AM
ANN NEELY's Avatar
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I mostly write with my right hand, but I am ambidextrous.

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07-22-2005, 08:08 AM
T-nex's Avatar
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right-handed... But i can write my name with my left hand.... It just looks a bit... odd... :-S
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@


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07-22-2005, 02:35 PM
MojoMan220's Avatar
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I'm a righty. What more could I possibly contribute? Let's put more thought into these threads people!
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07-22-2005, 02:57 PM
Oddish's Avatar
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Right Handed. Yeah.

"For us, it's not about muscle bound characters with big guns. It's about little guys "
~ Lorne Lanning 15/02/2000
"We knew there were more of us out there, and were gunna find them!" ~ Abe

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07-22-2005, 03:46 PM
Ajiellyn's Avatar
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I think I'm ambidextrious. I can only write and draw with my left hand, but I do everything else with the right. If I tried doing other stuff with my left, I'd probably screw up. And even if I'm wrong, I've already voted. Hah.
Absolute ditto. :x

I'd actually rather be left-handed (fan issue because Link is, shush) but then I heard about the whole school-desk issue... I write and draw with my right, but I do everything else like a left-handed person.

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07-22-2005, 06:12 PM
Seargentbig's Avatar
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I find it interesting that while two people have voted ambidextrous, none have commited to being lefties.
Now complete with XBL gamertag for your pwning convenience.

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07-23-2005, 02:56 PM
Coolmanbizkit's Avatar
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Im left handed, Looks like the only pure left handed thats voted But i use my right hand for things like using scissors, using a bat. Thats about it really
Credit goes to Godlesswanderer for making this sig

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07-23-2005, 04:16 PM
Esus's Avatar
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Right handed.

Phew, looks like I've exhausted the discussion capabilities of this thread.

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07-23-2005, 06:21 PM
AquaticAmbi's Avatar
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Right-handed, meaning chances are my brain's left hemisphere is dominant. However, from all the psychological tests I've taken and just from knowing my own interests (science but art and music too) and such, I'm quite positive my hemishperes are fairly equal.

Here, for those that don't know (and for your discussiony needs, Esus) is a brief explanation of the dominanty stuffs I'm talking about: http://www.pierce.ctc.edu/tlink/gene...s_js_hand.html

And here's something I found that gives a few theories about why some people are left-handed. http://psychology.hypnoticworld.com/...handedness.php
Only a fool in here would think he's got anything to prove

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07-23-2005, 06:22 PM
Dino's Avatar
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Probably due to the stretch of inversion bar chords.
Oh yeah I hate that... the way you've got to reach round the WRONG way to do chords of any kind. That's why I like e minor... just a couple fingers, right up the end of the neck. You get a nice, meaty powerchord off it too, good way to check that everything is in tune.

Screws with your wrist after a while too, cause you've got to keep it in an unrelaxed twisted-round position for ages.
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07-23-2005, 07:32 PM
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Kimon  (518)Kimon  (518)Kimon  (518)Kimon  (518)Kimon  (518)Kimon  (518)

Oh yeah I hate that... the way you've got to reach round the WRONG way to do chords of any kind. That's why I like e minor... just a couple fingers, right up the end of the neck. You get a nice, meaty powerchord off it too, good way to check that everything is in tune.

Screws with your wrist after a while too, cause you've got to keep it in an unrelaxed twisted-round position for ages.
Ummm.... you're talking about guitars, right?

Anyway, I'm right-handed, just like Jesus was, which is just one more clue that I am, in fact, an incarnation of the Messiah.

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07-24-2005, 04:11 AM
Rex Tirano's Avatar
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Gay people may be up to 39% as likely to be left-handed as straight people
Oh yes

As for the hemisphere, I think my brain is equal. So, yes.

I am Right-handed. The end.

- Rexy

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07-24-2005, 04:31 AM
dripik's Avatar
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Right hand here. Tried to write with the left - no luck.

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07-24-2005, 04:50 AM
sligster's Avatar
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Anyway, I'm right-handed, just like Jesus was, which is just one more clue that I am, in fact, an incarnation of the Messiah.
If Kimon is the Messiah then may god help us all
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