Read the first post. Hell, read it all, Digby runs a pretty good blog. Now I agree one hundred percent. What were they thinking? This man is good for reenacting Jordan pulp, not running a friggin' state. It happened with Jesse Ventura from my former home state, Minnesota. Now these guys have always had pretty good politicians(Wellstone anyone). But they fell victim to having a glamorous person win. Now it was cool to vote for a former pro wrestler and Navy Seal. This guy was the Archetypal Badass. But it stopped being cool when he let his mouth and ignorance embarass and wreck the state. Same thing with Scwarzenegger. Fun when you vote for the Terminator, not so fun when he terminates your money and bitches for a $$$$ special election. Let this be a lesson to everyone: The cooler and more well-known the person's persona or career was the shittier he/she is at governing.