Chapter 9
Chapter 9: Yellow vs. Green (Sligs vs. Mudokons)
At the Mudokon Fortress a single file line of about 400 dead sligs and slogs lie down. Fred is talking to one of the ten survivors.
“Well that didn’t go down as I planned,” said Fred laughing.
“Well what do we do now,” asked a slig.
“I know,” said Fred confidently. “We shall make the ultimate weapon with various parts of the train.”
“NOT THE SLIG CAN!” yelled a slig.
“Ok, ok,” said Fred. “Just fire at will.”
At that moment all the sligs were firing their machine guns at the Mudokons were firing at the sligs.
“You, DOC!” said Fred.
“I’m not Doc,” said a slig. “I’m 50967.”
“You’re a medic so I’m calling you DOC!” said Fred.
“Ok what do you want me to do?” asked Doc.
“I want you to run over there to help that slig,” said Fred.
“But he is not heart” said Doc.
Fred was looking at him as if to say DO IT while saying in his head “Just do it, I only need you as a distraction.”
“Sir?” asked Doc.
Fred aimed his gun at a slig in the distance and fired.
“He is heart now,” said Fred.
“OW MY FINGER,” yelled the slig.
Doc went over to him but by the time he got over there the slig didn’t feel any pain.
“Can I do anything for you?” asked Doc.
“Well there is one thing,” said the slig.
“What?” asked Doc.
“Well sometimes at midnight I wake up screaming for I always dream about Abe and Skillya having sex on the beach and I get very disturbed” said the slig.
“Right” said Doc with a weird look on his face.
Meanwhile the battle raged on until Fred asked a slig something.
“Hand me some ammo,” said Fred to a slig.
“I’m out,” he said.
Fred looked at all the other sligs but they shook there heads but one said.
“I got one bullet left.”
“I got a perfect way to use that bullet,” said Fred with a smile on his face.
“But sir,” said a slig. “When they find out that were out of ammo, their going to kill us!”
“Shhh!” said Fred. “There’s no possible way they can know were out of ammo.”
Up at the Fortress the Mudokons and Stranger were talking.
“Yep” said Stranger. “There defiantly out of ammo.”
Down were the sligs were Fred steps out and begins to speak.
“Ok Mudokons, were giving you a chance to surrender. We want your flag.”
“No Fred,” said a slig. “Last time we thought them and got their flag they put a bomb on it!”
“Ok then,” said Fred. “We want your flag and some cake. No, just the cake. And make it chocolate.”
“What do we get?” asked Abe.
“What do you mean what do you get?” asked Fred confused.
“We want something out of this deal to” said Abe.
“Hey” said Fred. “You’re the ones surrendering. All you get is shame and humiliation.”
“But we already have that” said Abe.
After 2 hours of arguing they finally come to an agreement.
“Ok” said Fred. “We’ll send over the medic, if you admit that the Mudokons suck and give us our cake.”
“Ok” said Abe. “Do it Alf.”
“Alright,” said Alf. “I want to say that the Mudokons suck, and I’m really a girl, and I want to kiss all the guys.”
“Ok” said Fred. “Were sending over medic.”
The sligs send over the medic, get their chocolate cake and leave for Rupture Farms.
“Fred was there any point in that?” asked a slig. “What are you going to tell Molluck?”
“I don’t know” said Fred. “At least we got cake.”
Chapter X: Mullock’s Fury….coming soon!
fuck that abe thing put almight rasen to main character!!