hehehehe heres the next chap
Chapter 3
It's been a couple of weeks since her mate disappeared and Tilla's luck has continued to hold. So far the only bachelor males that came by were a couple of yearlings. These she was able to drive away since they weren't yet at their full size and lacked the know-how of stealing a burrow.
Hunting wise it was starting to get more difficult, as the first snows had fallen. While the snow did make tracking easier visually, it didn't keep scent very well, especially if the snow was wet and not dry. This forced her to travel further and further away from her burrow, making it more likely her burrow would be stolen while she was away, or a male would follow her back then steal it. So she was always looking around, seeing if any males were around.
One day it was unseasonable warm and Tilla was out hunting. The snow was melting and it was obliterating any scent there was, frustrating her efforts. As she padded along she spotted something very large (to her anyway) not far away. She caught the scent of death on a passing breeze and realized it was an arctic elum carcass. Who or what killed it she didn't care, it was food and she galloped toward it. Then she skidded to an abrupt halt when she saw that she wasn't the only one that found it...
There were other arctic drakkics there, about 10 in all. Mostly likely they were all male and they were all feeding on the carcass, their fur was red and pink from the blood of their meal. She noticed most were younger males and most likely won't know that her being out here meant she was mateless. So she trotted up to the carcass, confidently yet cautiously. None of them even seemed to notice her, so she found herself a spot and settled down to eat....
After eating her fill she headed back toward her den, making sure none of the males were following her. Once she reached her burrow she carefully checked for signs of intrusion, which there was none so she then went inside. Once back in her nest she carefully groomed herself clean, for she hadn't bothered to clean herself before after she ate. When she was done she curled up to sleep off her large meal.
Suddenly there was the sound of someone entering the burrow and Tilla jumped up in alarm. She knew what it was and she flattened her ears and charged toward the intruder. However, once she saw the intruder she knew her luck had run out, for the intruder was a large fully grown male. Tilla knew the chances of driving this one away was nil, but she was going to try anyway. She put on her best threat display, her ears fully back against her head, lips curled up into a snarl, back arched, and she hissed and barked. But the male wasn't intimidated the least bit by her display and forced his way into her nest area. He ignored her as he sniffed around, checking her status. She continued to hiss and bark at him, hoping in vain that he would just leave. But that wasn't going to happen, for the male then turned toward her and advanced, putting on a threat display of his own. She hissed and barked helplessly as he forced her out of the burrow and into the rapidly falling night.
She stared into the entrance of what was once her home and let out a long mournful wail. She just stood there a moment, shivering as a cold breeze came up, almost as if she was hoping the male would take pity on her and let her back in. But she knew that wasn't going to happen. Finally she gave up and wandered off to search for a relatively warm place to sleep for the night...