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04-29-2001, 02:04 AM
Silversnow's Avatar
Outlaw Cutter
: Apr 2001
: Closer than you think..
: 1,046
Rep Power: 24
Silversnow  (11)
OMIA profiles

Well, many has done this, so i just do the same.

Name: Jakun
Species: Mudokon
Occupation: Trying to solve his life up, actually nothing
Disguingishing marks: Every fullmoon he becomes a wolf beacuse of a accident on Vykkers lab (not a failed test). He has a big strange scar on his shoulder, and dont remember how he got it
Personality: Quiet and sticks to himself. When he gets angry, he doesnt understand the meaning of the word mercy

Name: Jin
Species: Elemental
Age: 2½
Occupation: Helping Jakun with keeping careful by fullmoon, Dak´s mate
Disguingishing marks: He looks like a dragon on two legs, but is actually just a creation of the mix of a slig and a mudokon.
Personality: He doesnt care about anything. Just a rude type, if its trouble coming, he leaves his pals behind

Name: Dak
Species: Elemental
Age: 3
Occupation: Jins mate, helping mudokons to fight against the cartel
Disguingishing marks: She has horns on her nose and head. She can control the fire.
Personality: She is the nice kind of girl, she tries to help anyone and couldnt even hurt a fly without a good reason.

More profiles coming soon.

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