Which one?
Cairo Station
Remember the part where you have to take a walk in space for the first time (after the small battle with Keyes and Sarge)?
If you look out of the airlock, you'll see some sort of ledge. It's possible to do a crouch jump on it. Now, behind that one, is another ledge like that, which is ALSO crouch-jumpable (CJ). CJ on that one, and walk towards the left side of the station (while facing the MAC gun). You will eventually come to a wall, go right there, towards the gun, walking underneath some platform. Now, eventually, you will have the chance to go left again, towards some big gap. It looks like 2 slopes next to eachother, with another platform behind it. Go to the platform. Go to the back end of the station (away from the gun), and eventually, you can walk to the right side of the station, or walk onto another slope. That slope will lead you towards the frontside of the station. Do some exploring yourself, if you don't get it.
As for Delta Halo:
You will need at least 2 grenades.
You know the little slopey thingies, protruding from the center structures? You can get up there with the help of the Tanks Turret. Just hop from one slope to the other, and when you get to the corner, do a 'nade/crouch jump. It's hard, but it is possible. I've found it easier to use a plasma grenade, cuz you can time your jump easier. Throw it RIGHT next to the wall. Now you're on top of the structure. If you look around, you will see some pillars, with TEENSY WEENSY ridges around them. They are walkable. Walkable? Yeah, walkable. This is what you do. Walk (or run) up to the side of the pillar, MC will start to "bounce". You can now (CAREFULLY!) walk around the pillar, with slow speed. Be careful when you're near the end. There will be another platform on the other side. And another pillar. Repeat the same process again. But now, you can just jump to the ridge on the other side. You'll see what I mean. Follow the small ridge up to a big wall. You can grenade jump that as well. But this time, you have to throw the plasma (although frag works as well) further away from the "wall". Do a running/grenade/crouch jump, and you'll be on top of the wall. Now you can walk up the the pillars, and CJ them. The platform directly ahead of you isn't reachable, unfortunately (or maybe it is with the Sputnik Skull, but I haven't got it yet, this is all doable without skulls), but on the other side of the pillars (the right side when you first jump onto the pillars), you can go various ways.
It's not much, but you can see the beautiful 2D trees up there.
Good Luck!
By the way, has anyone ever gotten up onto the 2nd building, in Regret? Not the first one, with the Sword Elites, but the one right after that, before the Gondola Ride? I've tried it a couple of times, but I only have 1 Plasma Grenade, and I need at least 2. In the 2nd building, there's a caved in section. It is possible to jump out of that, and after that you can walk around on a ridge around the building. But there are a number of windows on that part, and I've managed to jump into the first level, but I haven't got further.
I'm watching you...
- You're a dick, Mojo.
- And you're still a dick.