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: What's your favorite part of school?
Homework 0 0%
Friends 15 57.69%
Lunch 5 19.23%
The weekends 12 46.15%
Holidays 14 53.85%
: 26.

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09-04-2004, 12:36 PM
misty's Avatar
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misty  (10)
Exclamation Back to school!

Yay back to school! New teachers, new excuses, new friends, and even for some, new schools! Like the first year in highschool, the freshman year, I thaught it was great new school new teachers, I mean what could go wrong. Well for me and ALOT of other people alot went wrong, but thats a story that dosent need to be told, I came here to congradulate all of the freshmans and to warn them about the homework that will keep you away from oddworld in your sophmore year. Beware! no im just kidding, its not really that bad you've just got to stay on task thats all. But in the mean time go on and take the poll on what your favorite part of school is.
...Awakening the spirits of mudokons long past...

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09-05-2004, 12:30 AM
Joshy's Avatar
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Well the best part of school is waiting for the day to end, and for the holidays. There is so much assessment / homework in school its just terrible.
"Why do you have to quote others when you can quote yourself?" (Quote by me)
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God.
You see things, and you say 'why'. But i dream things that never were and i say 'why not'.

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09-05-2004, 10:07 AM
Fuzzles!'s Avatar
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Well I've been out of school for a good long while, but I voted The Weekend because it was my favourite thing then, and now that I work full time, it's still my favourite thing!

VaniLLaKiLLah rocks! She made my sig!

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09-05-2004, 10:09 AM
VaniLLaKiLLah's Avatar
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holidays, weekends and my friends were the best parts, now i have a job...

F*CK! All I need is U

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09-06-2004, 12:20 AM
Facsimile's Avatar
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Not everyone goes back to school from holidays when you do. I don't rant and rave when I have holidays, and I don't care when you go to school or not, so just shut up.
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09-06-2004, 05:57 AM
misty's Avatar
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Rant and Rave?

Not everyone goes back to school from holidays when you do. I don't rant and rave when I have holidays, and I don't care when you go to school or not, so just shut up.

Well then, someone has a temper. I just wanted to make a thread that might strike some peoples interests, not to "rant and rave" about my school days. Please try to understand that if you dont like a thread you dont have to read it or reply to it. So just think befor you tell someone to "shut up" that maybe you could be polite and not say anything at all.

Thank You,Misty
...Awakening the spirits of mudokons long past...

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09-06-2004, 06:13 AM
Sekto Springs's Avatar
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Fuck school! I'm going to blow it up anyway. God, I hate every waking moment of it, I'm already smarter than the over-paid teachers and the plethoric number of stupid peers. There is nothing I like about school, not even the holidays, they're just excuses so the half-assed teachers don't have to do their job, which I don't understand, there is no easier job than teaching. Just read books to the class. They always assign an ass load of homework, I never do it, and I'm still an A student.
I bought some powdered water, but didn't know what to add.

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09-06-2004, 06:17 AM
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Not everyone goes back to school from holidays when you do. I don't rant and rave when I have holidays, and I don't care when you go to school or not, so just shut up.
I agree with the above statement. I have no interest in this aspect of other people's lives. Please in future, keep it to yourselves as I think most people here share my opinion.
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09-06-2004, 06:23 AM
Esus's Avatar
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Yay, sixth form is so fun! Seriously though, first three days have been great.

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09-06-2004, 06:30 AM
misty's Avatar
: Oct 2002
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hmm so many opinions about school maby I should start a thread about work
...Awakening the spirits of mudokons long past...

Last edited by misty; 09-06-2004 at 06:41 AM..
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09-06-2004, 06:42 AM
Leeum's Avatar
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School isn't bad for me at the minute, now that i don't have to do stuff like Food Technology and Languages
"Heroes are the ones we do not recognise..."

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09-06-2004, 06:54 AM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
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Well I just started school about three weeks ago I cant remember a time where I've wanted my summer back so much more. Probably cuz I had one of the best summer's of my life even coping with some deep problems with someone, and a lot of emotional damage and weight. Yet I am still maintaining all the high standards this year in my third year of High School, I have lunch all year round with all my closest friends and I now can leave school grounds for lunch so I usually chill with all my friends at my house or we drive in one of our cars to go places, its awesome. I also just made the Top Jazz Band at my school which is a huge thing for me so things are looking great so far, just a lot of school work I always have to keep up with and a lot of standards I set in the previous years for myself that I have to meet and exceed.

But by far one of the best things is always being around my close group of friends that I have become like this with *motions crossing his fingers* we hang out all the time on weekends, and hung out for the last half of the summer all the time driving around places doing random things having parties, all the guys and gals. It is always a really great time.
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09-06-2004, 07:01 AM
Fuzzle Guy's Avatar
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Well, I get in trouble for being better than my IT teacher. More to the point, the only thing school has taught me is how to read and write, wich my parents could have, so, I'm not that exited.

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09-06-2004, 07:17 AM
misty's Avatar
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I have IT as well, my teacher is stupid but you know. My mech. drawing teacher is scary ad pays way too much atention to detail. Oh fuzzle Guy...you spelled wich wrong
...Awakening the spirits of mudokons long past...

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09-06-2004, 09:14 AM
The Red Muse's Avatar
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I'm actually quite pleased with my new school, mostly because I get to do what I like and the teachers are very, very laid-back. My school ain't that big, so , it's a really cozy place and has a nice atmosphere.

Oh... and we get to have a cigarette-lenght-break whenever we feel like it, which is just uber.


For once I can say that school's great.
~[:: Surrender your cookies and you shall not be harmed! ::]~

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09-06-2004, 09:18 AM
misty's Avatar
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misty  (10)

cool cool, My school is huge Its the same size as some collage units.Its easy to get lost
...Awakening the spirits of mudokons long past...

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09-06-2004, 01:39 PM
misty's Avatar
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misty  (10)

I wish my job was as cool as abe babe's job here at oddworld or even as cool as being a monitor for a site.what an honer
...Awakening the spirits of mudokons long past...

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09-08-2004, 05:50 AM
Fuzzle Guy's Avatar
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Oh fuzzle Guy...you spelled wich wrong
I type to fast so my fingers slip, forgive me.

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09-08-2004, 09:01 AM
Rex Tirano's Avatar
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I type to fast so my fingers slip, forgive me.
Obviously school hasn't taught you to read and write, back to nursery! *points at door*

I'm loving school (why does that sound strange). I'm taking the gcses I want to take, I've got the beat teachers. Apart from being put in really bad sets things couldn't be better. I'm even taking stats. *Squarebear heaven*

I've become close to alot of people I fell out with and grew apart from last year. All my friends are in at least 1 of my classes. And double drama on Thursdays. ^_^ I have time to go online during my IT lessons, I've not been stressed since we went back and I mean... Double drama on Thursdays.

So even though no one cares. School is great.

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09-08-2004, 10:59 AM
abe333's Avatar
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I don't go to school, i finished.
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09-08-2004, 11:28 PM
Facsimile's Avatar
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Well then, someone has a temper. I just wanted to make a thread that might strike some peoples interests, not to "rant and rave" about my school days. Please try to understand that if you dont like a thread you dont have to read it or reply to it. So just think befor you tell someone to "shut up" that maybe you could be polite and not say anything at all.
Yeah, I don't see that one happening. And your smilies aren't making the situation any better.
On topic: Science is lame.
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09-09-2004, 12:34 PM
ANN NEELY's Avatar
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Wired QUACK!

School isn't that bad this year. I actually like waking up every morning at 5:45 A.M.
Our teachers are pretty nice. They actually appreciate my sense of humor and they let me draw and write stories in class (If my work is done). We barely have any homework!
'Sides, if I get good grades, my parents will let me get contacts *Imagines self with lime green or cat-eye yellow contacts*.

Last edited by ANN NEELY; 09-09-2004 at 12:39 PM..
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09-09-2004, 12:57 PM
Sekto Springs's Avatar
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School isn't that bad this year. I actually like waking up every morning at 5:45 A.M.
Our teachers are pretty nice. They actually appreciate my sense of humor and they let me draw and write stories in class (If my work is done). We barely have any homework!
'Sides, if I get good grades, my parents will let me get contacts *Imagines self with lime green or cat-eye yellow contacts*.
Well, yeah. You're 12. You're like in...what....7th grade? Middle school is a piece of cake compared to my highschool, atleast where I lived. Just remember that though you may get stressed, you'll be facing twice as much in a few years.
I bought some powdered water, but didn't know what to add.

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09-09-2004, 03:29 PM
a flock of seagulls's Avatar
a flock of seagulls
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i actually like school now, i was a nerd last year (still am as a matter of fact) and the library just opened! YAY! and Edgar Allen Poe poetry is now there YAY!
Location: Poking Rich In Bed
I find it odd you're poking him.

Last edited by a flock of seagulls; 09-09-2004 at 03:34 PM..
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09-09-2004, 03:58 PM
SeaRex's Avatar
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School is good for me this year. My first semester is English IV AP, Mythology/Etymology, US Econ/Gov (required), Adv. Art Draw/Paint, and Art AP.

A whole three and a half hours of Art. It's great.

Next semester I have Humanities, Graphic Arts Production (printing, photography, etc... two periods), Adv. Art 3D Design, and Wellness (required... blargh... I must exert effort).
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09-09-2004, 05:07 PM
Mac the Janitor's Avatar
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People, people, stop being so rude, jeez. Misty did nothing wrong in the creation of this topic, so if you don't like it, don't click it.

As for me, I've been in school for about a month now. I'm really enjoying it; moreso than the previous years. I'm not sure exactly why, but it is much more fun.

Oh, and Misty, please don't double post next time; use the edit button.

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09-09-2004, 05:15 PM
sligster's Avatar
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School is good for me this year. My first semester is English IV AP, Mythology/Etymology, US Econ/Gov (required), Adv. Art Draw/Paint, and Art AP.

A whole three and a half hours of Art. It's great.

Next semester I have Humanities, Graphic Arts Production (printing, photography, etc... two periods), Adv. Art 3D Design, and Wellness (required... blargh... I must exert effort).
what is Wellness? I don't quite understand it... I have it this semester.
"Attention staff. You are expected to die on your job. You're loyalty is appreciated." - Sekto
Albert Einstein never learned how to drive a car.

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09-10-2004, 12:21 AM
SeaRex's Avatar
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Wellness - Let's all do boring-ass exercises like baseball and tae-bo! Not enough to actually get in shape, only twice a week so it gets annoying as f*ck! YAY!

Followed by tedious book work and a guest speaker the other three days of the week, naturally.

Last edited by SeaRex; 09-10-2004 at 12:25 AM..
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09-10-2004, 12:56 AM
Leto's Avatar
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Heh heh, not one vote for homework... I wonder why.
Too many mock exams... Argh.

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09-10-2004, 02:54 AM
Coiled Ice's Avatar
Coiled Ice
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Blah, school is damn annoying. The teachers can't even teach properly... Most days I go to school and just bum around and do little to no work because the teachers don't set anything or if they do it's too easy and I get it done in about 15 minutes. I wonder why I bother going to school sometimes. Oh, and the other students, jesus, they are irritating.

Ok, I'm done bitching... *Goes and looks for something else to bitch about*
Dear God if you were alive, you know we'd kill you...

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