Voting has now began for the new moderators. This thread will remain open as means of questions about voting only. Voting will run until 31st August
Off-Topic Discussion
-- Hobo
-- SeaRex
-- Mac the Janitor
-- Seargentbig
-- Jacob
Fan Corner
-- SeaRex
-- Dave
-- Splat
-- Oddguy
Non Oddworld Art and Literature
-- ferill
-- SeaRex
- Votes are to be PMed to Abe Babe. Any public votes will not be counted, even if you PM them as well.
- Public discussion of who you voted for may also result in your votes being disqualified.
- You are allowed to vote for one person per forum.
- You are only allowed to send one PM for voting [i.e. you can only vote once].
- You are not allowed to vote for yourself. However if you don't wish to vote for someone in the same category as one you are nominated in, just don't vote for that category.
- Voting will run until 31st August [until the end of the month].
** If you think you should have been included and you haven't, then it is because you didn't accept your nomination.
"If that's so, I shall draw you into the darkness. Into the nightmare that forever deprives you of light, from which you can never awaken." ~ Sephiroth, Kingdom Hearts
Obsessed with J.J. Abrams!!! <3
Creator of Cloverfield, Lost, Alias and Fringe ... he's just too awesome!
"Why do you have to quote others when you can quote yourself?" (Quote by me)
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God.
You see things, and you say 'why'. But i dream things that never were and i say 'why not'.
“Also, we don't need no Jacob to gay this place up. We have officially won the award for the forum with a highest proportion of gay members whilst not being themed about poojabbing, cowboys or Kylie.” - Nate
I guess we'll base it on when the forum removes the announcement. Although I'm not sure if the forum will remove the announcement at the start of 31st Aug or at the end.
"If that's so, I shall draw you into the darkness. Into the nightmare that forever deprives you of light, from which you can never awaken." ~ Sephiroth, Kingdom Hearts
Obsessed with J.J. Abrams!!! <3
Creator of Cloverfield, Lost, Alias and Fringe ... he's just too awesome!
It has been brought to my attention that a nominee is not valid. Lucipher has been removed from voting, as he is in violation of the rules pertaining to a one year minimum. He registered in September 2003, while the voting ends August 2004.
EDIT: I have removed Lucipher from the list of nominees.
“Also, we don't need no Jacob to gay this place up. We have officially won the award for the forum with a highest proportion of gay members whilst not being themed about poojabbing, cowboys or Kylie.” - Nate
Rats. Voting ends tomorrow? S'pose I can't blow it off any longer then. *thinks hard about who to vote for* Such decisions. Best of luck to all. From the way it looks, all nominated are in deserving positions.
Well, depending on your timezone, the voting has basically ended. I'll wait for any last minute votes for those in the US time zone and then count up the votes and announce the winners.
"If that's so, I shall draw you into the darkness. Into the nightmare that forever deprives you of light, from which you can never awaken." ~ Sephiroth, Kingdom Hearts
Obsessed with J.J. Abrams!!! <3
Creator of Cloverfield, Lost, Alias and Fringe ... he's just too awesome!