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08-11-2004, 05:44 PM
Smitz's Avatar
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Sorry, didn't mean to offend you. I guess that is a little freaky.....really freaky.
"My feces are overloading the microwave! Poop!!"-happy noodle boy

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08-11-2004, 05:47 PM
Cyber-Slig's Avatar
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No not offensive....But I dont like people thinking Im stupid etc... My imagination is very strong which causes it and with these depressions it causes scary things like ghosts imagine to me...Maybe not clearly but I can see faint things and hear strange noises..And I dont know if its in my mind or its something infront of me...Ill be going to bed in 15 mins anyway so Im pretty frightened...I always have been....Thats the thing that offends me that people think Im just a baby at this..But its hard..extremely hard..not as in ''Mommy Im having nightmares way'' I step up to these things.Usually I cant get to bed so I read a book till it gets bright and wake up in the morning shattered.Makes my life a misery

Last edited by Cyber-Slig; 08-11-2004 at 05:52 PM..
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08-11-2004, 05:51 PM
Smitz's Avatar
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You're just using too many big words for my tiny brain to consume

Moving swiftly on....
"My feces are overloading the microwave! Poop!!"-happy noodle boy

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08-11-2004, 05:54 PM
Cyber-Slig's Avatar
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Erm what big words?Im ****ing 11 years old and I even know what liquidate means..
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08-11-2004, 06:15 PM
Smitz's Avatar
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What I'm trying to say, is I didn't get you're point.btw, I know that I could've just said that, so you don't have to comment on that. If this subject bothers you, then why did you bring it up?......*looks up liquidate in the dictionary*
"My feces are overloading the microwave! Poop!!"-happy noodle boy

Last edited by Smitz; 08-11-2004 at 06:22 PM..
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08-11-2004, 06:52 PM
Sekto Springs's Avatar
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What I'm trying to say, is I didn't get you're point.btw, I know that I could've just said that, so you don't have to comment on that. If this subject bothers you, then why did you bring it up?......*looks up liquidate in the dictionary*
You don't know what liquidate means? Even for a ten year old, that's pretty sad. Ah whatever.
I bought some powdered water, but didn't know what to add.

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08-12-2004, 03:58 AM
Cyber-Slig's Avatar
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Right ill explain it in dumbass goofball form for smitz.....Basically my life is sad and I have a medical condition about imagination which happens sometimes and I imagine faint things and I dont know if its real or not.Things I hear are fine though but sometimes I dont know.Yesterday when I was sleeping I heard someone sighing and the floorboards creaked....I even shouted ''Whos there?'' cos I was so scared.They say it should cool down in a year and ill be back to normal..I hope so...
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08-12-2004, 04:34 AM
Smitz's Avatar
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Well put. I am a dumbass goofball and always will be. Thats why I said "tiny brain". Anyhoo, i get it now and you don't have to explain it anymore.
"My feces are overloading the microwave! Poop!!"-happy noodle boy

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08-12-2004, 06:53 AM
Jacob's Avatar
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Sligster - They said Mouse and Rat though, and Rabbit and Human, so i'm thinking different animal shenanigans.

Oh, and CS - WATCH OUT, THERE'S A MAD AXE MAN BEHIND YOU...*Walks away*...Oh yeh, i'm cool. Ooohhh yerrrr.
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

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08-12-2004, 08:45 AM
Abe-gun's Avatar
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Holy shit. Cool.
Abe-Gun (formerly known as Sid Hawk)

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08-12-2004, 10:05 AM
Cyber-Slig's Avatar
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hehehhehe....making up jokes about it makes me feel better so sorry jacob its not literally seeing people.Funny thing is its usually in the dark.The light makes things clearer and I dont imagine this crap.
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08-12-2004, 06:48 PM
sligster's Avatar
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Sligster - They said Mouse and Rat though, and Rabbit and Human, so i'm thinking different animal shenanigans.
o, I read wrong. my bad. And yes, it does sound like somethings not right here...

"Attention staff. You are expected to die on your job. You're loyalty is appreciated." - Sekto
Albert Einstein never learned how to drive a car.

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08-12-2004, 10:10 PM
Shell Man's Avatar
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At least some of those 'wings' are explainable. Sometimes fur gets dirty, mashed, and tangled until it becomes matted. That's what some of those are, in fact the gray and white spotted cat with the ones on it's butt are just that.

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08-12-2004, 10:16 PM
sligster's Avatar
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omg, shellman! don't post anymore!

your post count is 117! omg! Halo!
"Attention staff. You are expected to die on your job. You're loyalty is appreciated." - Sekto
Albert Einstein never learned how to drive a car.

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08-12-2004, 11:43 PM
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*Doesn't give a crap about anything Halo related* HAHAHAHAHAHA!

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08-13-2004, 12:54 AM
Oddfan's Avatar
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Out of those pics that chubacabra thing or however u spell it freaked me out the most I know it's a painting but imagine seeing that thing run through the woods at night ............. haha the article said "deformed puss" it's a deformed pussy hahahahahahahahahahaahahahahhahhahahahahahahahahahahahahaah

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08-13-2004, 01:01 AM
the brew master's Avatar
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you like deformed pussy?......what?

Whats stopping you?

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08-13-2004, 01:29 AM
Oddfan's Avatar
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no but it's funny.......... now that chubacabra painting got me into paranormal crap now I'm looking up stuff about aliens and bigfoot and crap I need to stop!

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08-13-2004, 09:51 AM
Jacob's Avatar
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Shenanigans is an amazing word, thankyou for that Sligster, all my fantasies have just come true *sighs happily*
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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08-13-2004, 10:05 AM
Smell's Avatar
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Those pics are really weird, there was something like that in this mag I was reading, but some looked pretty stupid. As for the poor kitty, I feel sorry for it, if I was a cat, I would be proud to have wings, any how I'm not so there you go.

My Grandma's cat could be a form of satan *Gasps* That Cat is strange. It's called "Fluffy" a name which I don't think is appropriate.

And CyberSlig, I can sort of relate to the dark thing slighlty
Still waiting for an xbox to play Munch on before I can make any useful posts....... =P

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08-13-2004, 10:16 AM
sligster's Avatar
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no but it's funny.......... now that chubacabra painting got me into paranormal crap now I'm looking up stuff about aliens and bigfoot and crap I need to stop!
chupacabra XD



and a chupacabra news story.


Everyone has different invisions of what the creature looks like, but all of them include red eyes, grey and black skin, a long snake-like tounge, and spines running down it's back. Chupacabra is spanish for "Goat Sucker". It is named this, because the chupacabra has two large fangs on it's upper jaw. It uses these fangs to pierce the necks of livestock, causing major loss of blood. Goats are among the most common victims. Some say it even has wings, but this is highly doubtful. There have been over 2000 cases of mutilated livestock which are blamed on the chupacabra. The first cases origionated in Puerto Rico, but has since spread north. A group of scientists say that they have obtained a chupacabra specimen from a farmer who shot and killed one of the creatures, and are currently doing bloodtests on the animal. They say the blood is in no way compatable to humans or any other animal known to science, which means it could be alien. Most people belive the chupacabra is either alien, or a secret experiment released/escaped from government control, because there are no sighns on the evolutionary ladder that could have led to the creature's current appearence.
"Attention staff. You are expected to die on your job. You're loyalty is appreciated." - Sekto
Albert Einstein never learned how to drive a car.

Last edited by sligster; 08-13-2004 at 10:18 AM..
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08-13-2004, 10:40 AM
oddguy's Avatar
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I just love paranormal stuff.

I listen to Art Bell and George Noory as often as I can. Though, I haven't been able to lately.


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08-13-2004, 10:40 AM
Killa_47's Avatar
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You should post all this in the Stupid Shit Thread.

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08-13-2004, 11:26 AM
Cyber-Slig's Avatar
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No cos it isnt stupid shit its cool stuff.And btw why is my post count back down to 300? Was it all my posts in the spam thread no longer count?
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08-13-2004, 11:38 PM
Fez's Avatar
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A group of scientists say that they have obtained a chupacabra specimen from a farmer who shot and killed one of the creatures, and are currently doing bloodtests on the animal. They say the blood is in no way compatable to humans or any other animal known to science, which means it could be alien. Most people belive the chupacabra is either alien, or a secret experiment released/escaped from government control, because there are no sighns on the evolutionary ladder that could have led to the creature's current appearence
Shut Up. Just Shut UP.

This one is rather interesting.... the bones of an unidentified creature were found near Vantage, WA, puzzling marine scientists.
Utter. Bull. Shit.

and finally, not really a photo, but rather a painting of the Chupacabra. If it's not obviouse, I have grown fond of the creature over the years.... THERES NOTHING WRONG WITH ME!
Coolest. Picture. Ever.

I am writing to tell you about something really weird that happened to me and a friend in the early hours of Thursday the 26th of June 2003. Though I doubt the monster is a Chupacabra (as it was far shorter and we found it in my friends house in Birmingham, England) when my friend saw the photo of the Chupacabra as we entered your website later to see if we could find any links to what we had seen, he shouted "That's it!" (though when we checked the information on the creature we found it to be rather different to what we had seen).

Anyway, straight to the point. Me and my friend were sitting in his room talking about mythology, ghosts, etc. The hall lights went out, but we just presumed the bulb must have gone. At around 3AM we heard a sound downstairs like a door opening. Our sisters were asleep in the other room and my friends parents in theirs so we decided it could just be sounds from the nearby motorway/highway and tried to settle down. The sounds grew more frequent and we both decided to keep watch in the hall with a flashlight whilst the other used the restroom. We caught glimpses of something moving and decided a rat had somehow got into the house. We decided to just go to bed when we heard more loud sounds that a rat couldn't possibly be making. My friend grabbed his flashlight and I grabbed a penknife. We also grabbed a spray can each in case we needed to spray something in the eyes. We spotted the creature standing still down the stairs, by the front door. We could not see it well in the flahlight, so decided to go down and investigate closer. It did not seem bothered by the light and hadn't even noticed our presence in the room until my friend dropped his spray can at the top of the stairs, making a loud clunk. As he bent down to pick it up, the creature ran on all fours to the foot of the stairs and stood upright on its hide legs looking up at us. My friend said it was about a foot tall and we both noticed it had 2 large, catlike eyes. We ran into the bedroom and after about a half hour of sitting, waiting for something to happen, my friend decided to check and see if it was still outside in the hall. He had barely opened the door, when he pulled it to again and sat with his back to the door, blocking it from the inside. He told me the creature had poked his head around the top of the stairs and stared right at the door. Since there was another door leading to the hall from his room, I blocked that and soon enough, we heard a scratching sound against the door my friend was guarding. We both gulped and I grabbed the penknife, just in case. I also grabbed my mobile telephone in an attempt to ring the mainline phone and wake my friend's parents, but the line was dead. Perhaps it was just a coinsidence that the line was dead and the hall light had gone off, but there was definetely no way out of the room, except the door, which had an unknown reptile-like creature behind it. We were completely trapped in the room. The scratching stopped so my friend and I peered through the crack at the bottom of the door and to our horror, saw a giant catlike eye looking back at us. My friend braced himself and slowly opened the door. Again he closed it quickly, but this time he said he had distinctly seen a small, dark creature who (in his description) resembled the Moria Orcs (or Goblins) from lord of the rings. The creature had not even noticed the door was open and continued to crouch, looking under the bottom at us. For a while after we closed the door, it sat there, possibly waiting for us to go to sleep so it could come in and steal small objects from the room (this may sound stupid now, but I'll explain more about why we think this later) until finally it gave up and we heard it descend down the stairs. We sat, alert, until 5AM when it finally started to get bright out before going downstairs to find it. Again, I stood watch at the top of the stairs while my friend went down with the flashlight and the knife. As he shone it on the couch, he made out the outline of the creature sat on one of the cushions. He came back up stairs and told me about it and then went back down to see if he could catch it. The creature ran behind the couch into a corner, vanished, and then appeared behind my friend in the corridor. My friend chased him, yet again into a corner, until he vanished again, this time appearing between the stereo and the wall. My friend came back upstairs and we decided the creature possibly had the ability to teleport because it had dissapeared and reapeared without explanation in several locations. I agreed to come downstairs and again, the creature was by the stereo, his large eye perfectly visible in the darkness. He dissapeared and reapeared behind the kitchen door when we went to make a drink. We went back into the living room while our tea was boiling and looked in his old hiding place by the stereo. We thought he had reappeared there, but then realised that 2 pogo sticks which had been on the floor had been moved and their shiny handles propped up to create the illusion of the Goblin's eyes staring at us. We realised this because the eye was far lower than before and had no pupil. Upon closer inspection, we found him hiding underneath the stairs by where the sticks had been and again he dissapeared. I looked through a gap in the drawn curtains and saw something move slightly in the bushes and told my friend. He looked too and said it was the creature because it's head was sticking up (My glasses were upstairs, but I could still see him). We decided to go and have our drinks in the kitchen (it was 5.30AM now), but when I looked through the window, he was no longer in the garden. Suddenly, he appeared beneath the table, saw us and vanished again. After we finished our drinks, we spotted him hiding in a pile of rubble in the garden. We went back upstairs and at around 6AM I fell asleep. My friend woke me at 9AM and we decided to find where it's den was. We found it almost straight away under a vent beneath the stairs, near many of the places we had seen it (e.g: Stereo, corridor, etc.). We were the only people in the house, so we removed the grate and found underneath a small, very dirty tunnel that stretched as far as we could see. Inside, there were rats running about and a huge spider web blocking the tunnel. My friend leaned into the tight space and told me he could see the Goblin asleep in the tunnels. We didn't know what to do so we put the grate back on and went and got ready to go to my house. Upstairs, I found one of my socks, but the other was missing. We pulled the sheets off my bed, but it was not there. We checked the whole house together (this is how I know my friend hasn't been playing a trick on me), but couldn't find the sock. We went back into my friends room and found the sock, lying right in the middle of the sheetless bed (thats why we think the Goblin steals stuff because we can find no other explanation for this). We went to my house, both extremely alert and cautious I(as if we were being watched) and at 4PM went back to check on the Goblin (we brought a camera this time, just in case). When we removed the grate, we found the spider web was in our way of the creature. Regretedly (because we didn't want to destroys the spider's home) we resorted to pouring water onto the web. The water flushed out a lot of maggots in the tunnels so we looked to see where they had come from. A rat lay, dead, covered in burrowing maggots on the floor, it's organs were visible and (though we aren't experts) many appeared to be missing (we thought this sounded rather like one of the Chupacabra's methods of killing when we read about them on your site). I was about to lower my friend into the tunnel to photograph the creatures that lay inside when he told me not to. That was when we saw what had made the web. You don't get wild tarantulas in Britain (or at least not to our knowledge) so the giant, hairy, 8-legged creature came as a very big shock to us. I pulled my friend out of the tunnel and we replaced the grate. If the Chupacabra or whatever it was had chosen that as it's guard it must have some level of intelligence. On that instance, we didn't get close enough to photograph the Goblin, but we did see it's fingers so we believe it is still there. So there you have it, a rather detailled account of our encounter with an unidentified creature. We wrote down some notes on the creature's appearance and habits. We believe the creature is nocturnal and relies heavily on it's senses of smell and hearing more than it's sight. The creature was dark blue-ish and had small, pointed ears. We did not see it's teeth (but believe it may have been behind the death of that rat in the tunnel) and we believe it is mildly intelligent (it seemed to regard the whole escapade as a game of hide and seek). It has slimy, short, dreadlock-like hair and leathery skin on it's thin body. We believe it can teleport or run at amazing speeds and feeds on small mammals, birds and insects. From what we have seen it is afraid of humans, but will probably not attack unless provoked. We believe the creature has lived in the house for a while (the previous owners' budgies were all eaten mysteriously possible by the Goblin or spider). As my friend previously had a rather large dog which could get rather violent if he saw something he considered a threat, the creature was probably too scared to come out in case the dog attacked. My friend told me a few stories a while back about getting locking in the dark attic with a growling creature when he was younger (and it wasn't his dog), waking up from a nightmare and hearing a loud growling noise and a wardrobe mysteriously opening itself. We pieced these together and decided that it was possible this creature that was behind all of these. We decided to name the species Calex Goblins (a mixture of mine and my friend's names) and nicknamed this one "Douchey" just because it was so annoying. My friend is back at home awaiting another possible visit tonight. Hopefully, he will be able to snap a few pictures of the creature. If so I will alert you of them and will send them to your site. Thanks for your time, hope you found our sighting of interest,

Alex + Calum (both aged 14), Birmingham, England.

Here is the next Update:

Sighting posted June 29 2003,

Hi, I'm Alex (one of the 2 who found the thing in England) and to be quite honest, I don't really blame you for not beleiving me. I know it sounds in places unbelievable and we haven't got much evidence, but we assure you that it did happen. I've only told a handful of people I know and most of them haven't beleived me at first. Beleive me, when we heard something moving about the house at 3AM we were scared beyond detail. My friend usually has some decent weapons in his room (Pellet gun and a decent sized knife) but all we could find to protect us from this potentially murderous creature (who for all we knew could have killed his parents and our sisters already) was a rather blunt penknife and 2 cans of spray. Who wouldn't have been scared? The creature was fast and we didn't know what it was so it could have been dangerous. We chased it round the house for about an hour (and we couldn't find a camera). My friend has now got my camera so we are desperately trying to catch it on film. The tunnel is deep and hard to get to so we are currently trying to figure out our plan. We'll keep you posted, Alex (and Calum)

Update on Creature status June 30 2003, 9:25 AM

Thought you might like to know: Thursday night, Calum (the dude whose house the thing lives in) was woken around 3 by a sound outside his room. The door (which had been closed) was now fully open and there was a small shadow moving at the door, making hissing noises. It ran off before he could snap it. Saturday night, Calum stayed up all night near the grate with a plate of chicken and a camera. After 3 hours of waiting, the thing teleported in front of him (it didn't open the grate), grabbed the meat and teleported away really quickly. Calum tried to photograph it, but it escaped before he could. He could hear it eating the meat though so it must have gone back in the hole. To be honest, I'm not suprised it teleported away, Calum tried to stroke it! He saw it closer up and told me it's about a foot and a half tall and is covered in thin dark hairs (it's still blue though). It didn't come back out on Saturday, but it's still there as he removed the grate since and checked. The tarantula is now dead. Calum crushed him so we can now get closer to the thing while it's sleeping. I'm gonna go and check up on it tomorrow and I'm going round with my video camera on Thursday. I'll get a photo of the grate (and try to get some of the creature) and I'll try to lower a lamp down so we can see better in the tunnel. Keep you informed, Alex

P.S: Yeah, it is a bit like the Nightcrawler from X-men 2.

P.P.S: The grate is blocked because there are things on top of it. We know he lives down there 'cos we moved 'em, but he's been getting out by teleporting. We'll still film it though.

Calum (the other guy) It's real

July 9 2003, 2:18 PM

Right, for a starter in response to your messages, if I could have got a photo of the thing, I would've taken it the second it appeared, but the fact is: 1. It doesn't like light. Light scares it. How am I supposed to get a decent photo in the dark? 2. If there was a creature that was pretty much unknown to man right in front of you (with fangs) you wouldn't want to move too fast in case it attacked. Thank you to the people who believe us (e.g. Nightcrawler, Crypto_hunter2287 and Mightysage) and no thanks to you skeptics out there (e.g. LG) who we will prove wrong! Screw you, LG! Calum


Stalking little git

July 10 2003, 12:38 PM

The little git is following us around. Calum saw it at school, clearly, watching him through the door. He nudged me. I told him to bugger off because we were watching the T.V and when he looked again it was gone. Last night, Calum came to my house to stop the night and at one AM he nudged me (I had just got to sleep as well) and told me he thought it was somewhere in the house. I told him he was just being crazy and started to doze off again when I heard the camera click. Calum said it had appeared at the foot of the spare bed and he could make it out. He said he photographed it and it dissapeared. He was really excited (even though the photo probably wont come out well because of the darkness and the flash on the camera didn't go off). I also think it follows us because sometimes when we're outside or alone, I feel like I'm being watched and see things move. I'm gonna catch this thing on video camera next time I stop at Calum's (hopefully soon because schools nearly over). I'll sort out our plan of action tomorrow. Alex


Re: I know what It REALLY is July 10 2003, 11:23 PM

Good explanation. It hasn't attacked us yet and we have been in close contact with it for a while. Calum said that when he was at his house, it was waiting for him and watching him. He got really close and it didn't teleport and when he started to walk, the thing copied his movements like it wanted to be like him. Weird.


Last night July 13 2003,

Last night, the creature appeared to be seriously p*ssed off and was making loud growling noises that sounded really close (and scarey). We tried to find him, but he was moving around a lot (on one occasion circling us), but when we did see him, he looked p*ssed off. We put down some bait and filmed it for 20 minutes, but he didn't appear (but some of the bait had dissapeared at the end). When we looked outside, Calum filmed a scrap of the chicken (bait) which was no longer in the house for just a breif second and saw something moving with it (which then dissapeared). We have this on tape (but it's not great quality) and will send it in if enough requests are made (2). We'll try again soon, Alex


Tape July 13 2003, 11:56 PM

Okay, I'll send it in. It's not great because you see it so fast you can't tell what it is, but we might have caught slight glimpses of it so I'm gonna check it now and send it in. Alex


July 15 2003, 8:30 AM

On sunday night at 12, Calum went downstairs for a drink when he saw our little friend. The creature hissed at him and bared his fangs, so Calum ran screaming upstairs (while being chased) and into his room. Hiding at the side of the door, he was able to whack the creature over the head with a plank of wood before it teleported (and it left a dent on the wood). He didn't see it again that night. I will be putting the film up shortly, but 45mins of a plate of chicken isn't exactly fascinating stuff to watch. Please be patient, Alex

July 15 2003, 9:53 AM

Thanks, I didn't doubt you believed me. The thing doesn't like being filmed or photographed and getting a clear shot is hard, but I'll try my best to do so.
Heh, those kids give the English a bad name. If it had been my and Luc in the situation though, we'd have blown it away .

Last edited by Fez; 08-14-2004 at 12:03 AM..
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08-14-2004, 12:34 AM
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Ah, so American of you, Fez.

The fish/human hybrid is long known to be a fake, I thought...

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08-14-2004, 07:19 AM
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eh? How is that American?

I'm just violent

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08-14-2004, 11:02 AM
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Which is a largely American trait. If something is alive and your first impression is that you'd like to kill it, you know you have little enough regard for life to move to, say, the US. I would have tried to communicate with the creature somehow - facial expressions, slow gestures. Killing is wrong in any case (And does anyone see a discrepancy between not wanting to destroy the spider's "home" and crushing the spider? I don't follow that), and anyone can surely see the illogic of killing something that's obviously and undocumented cryptid.

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08-14-2004, 11:25 AM
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Yep in america ''If its no good kill it''....hey isnt this how I started the argue about animals?
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08-14-2004, 01:34 PM
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'facial expressions, slow gestures.'

And then Jeremy Beadle pops out and you come off as a stupid prick.

I can't stand people who kill Spiders or Flies, i hate Spiders but i never kill them, i always feel thooperlicious when i chuck it out of my bedroom window...which is on the 6th floor of a flat [well, one of my bedrooms is].
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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