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06-19-2004, 10:02 AM
Killa_47's Avatar
Sniper Wasp
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Dead What do u like and Hates........

In all ODI games what do u like and hate about the games........it could be species or parts.

I like paramites the best in AE because u can posses em and i hate slogs the most.

Now u type

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06-19-2004, 10:39 AM
Oddish's Avatar
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You could just write Likes, theres already hates.

Anyway, i like AE,becuase things are more inproved. I hate the Paramites and Srabs gamespeak.

There lots of downsides in MO, it would of had these cool thing the was original plans, but you know, Xbox move made it imposslbe. ME ME ME!

"For us, it's not about muscle bound characters with big guns. It's about little guys "
~ Lorne Lanning 15/02/2000
"We knew there were more of us out there, and were gunna find them!" ~ Abe

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06-19-2004, 11:30 AM
WiLL the Wander's Avatar
WiLL the Wander
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I love the scrabs, they are cute... but I hate you... haha... no... i hate fleeches...

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06-19-2004, 11:37 AM
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I love paramites, but i hate the pig sounds they make in MO... That was relly bad that they made them do pig sounds, really took some oddworldiness away from them...
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@


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06-19-2004, 11:40 AM
WiLL the Wander's Avatar
WiLL the Wander
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PIG SOUNDS!!!??? Man... I never played Mo, but i hate the paramite's pig sound, too...

(EDIT: Better than the Mo GBA version... in that version the paramites have dog sound...)

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06-19-2004, 11:43 AM
Khanzumer's Avatar
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Interesting thread. This might be a good one for the Inhabitants to see.

-the vastness of the planet Oddworld and its many cultures
-Stranger's western theme
-combination of quick reflexes and problem solving in Abe's games
-great charmingly ugly character and creature designs
-dark, creepy comedy
-POSSESION!!! possessing creatures with different abilities and communication was what made Oddworld great

-uncertainty of Oddworld's future
-MO was too bright and cartooney
-the use of gaming conventions that detract from realism (teleporters with characters faces on them, spooce)
-real world appearing or mentioned in Oddworld (including comments made by Alf)
-not a lot of replay value
Buy, unwrap, eat, repeat as necessary.

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06-19-2004, 11:47 AM
Oddish's Avatar
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Spooch shrubs used to be the same colour as a babey Meetle, mabey those spooces were baby Meetles or something.

"For us, it's not about muscle bound characters with big guns. It's about little guys "
~ Lorne Lanning 15/02/2000
"We knew there were more of us out there, and were gunna find them!" ~ Abe

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06-19-2004, 11:51 AM
erwinraaben55's Avatar
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I love sligspeak together with slogs: HERE BOY, GET UM, FREEZE, RATATATATATATATATATATATA.
I like green farts, and what they do.
I like slapping mudokons
I like laughing gas, makes you happy
I like possesing crawling sligs, they are sow cool and helpless

But I hated the time that the game freezes (AO)
I hated the time that I was going to buy the PS2 on the launch date, and finding out in a magazine (didn't had i'net back then) that munch is XBOX only . DAMN also need a xbox then :S
I didn't like the 3d of MO THAT much, I like 2d.
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06-19-2004, 11:53 AM
WiLL the Wander's Avatar
WiLL the Wander
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Bring in the inhabitants...

- Possesion...
- great story
- great wild life
- great places (paramonia)
- great comedy

Not Likes:

- the bats... in Ao
- in Ae, there are lots of indoor levels
- the teleporters...
- Mo only in Xbox
- the school but it was over!

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06-19-2004, 11:33 PM
Killa_47's Avatar
Sniper Wasp
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Not Likes:
- the school but it was over!
Where the hell did that come from will?

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06-20-2004, 04:01 AM
WiLL the Wander's Avatar
WiLL the Wander
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From the real life, of course!!! I hate the school!!!

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06-20-2004, 09:48 AM
ANN NEELY's Avatar
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Happy I heart OW!

1. Cartoon stuff in MO
Dark, Creepy comedy
yep, I like that, too.
3. The characters. They're so interesting and strange. Yet lovable at the same time.
4. Enviroments
5. The voices of the characters (Like the Vykkers' voices, high pitched and annoying in a good way)
6.Species names
7. Great plots
8. Strategic gameplay
9. FMVs

Last edited by ANN NEELY; 06-20-2004 at 09:49 AM.. : XD
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06-20-2004, 10:30 AM
VaniLLaKiLLah's Avatar
Howler Punk
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i like:
nearly everything, but the voices in AO were sh*t.

BTW: my 250th post.

F*CK! All I need is U

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06-20-2004, 10:34 AM
Oddish's Avatar
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i like:
nearly everything, but the voices in AO were sh*t.

BTW: my 250th post.

I compelety disagree,BUT everybody has there own veiw points.The voices sound so dark, and strange.

"For us, it's not about muscle bound characters with big guns. It's about little guys "
~ Lorne Lanning 15/02/2000
"We knew there were more of us out there, and were gunna find them!" ~ Abe

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06-20-2004, 02:57 PM
Dipstikk's Avatar
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1. The insane ideas that comes out of the concept art
2. The way their characters work, the natural look (Concepts for skeletons, etc)
3. It has no human influences, but everything there seems to be a personification of our society.
7. They seem like their technology is advanced, but still resembes the old, old technology that we grew out of.
27.None of them talk in the steryotipical "alien" voice (monotone). They all have different kinds of voices.
Schfifty-5: Humphrey and Irwin. They rock and you know's it.
b. I forgot, ma'am.

1. The lack of depth in Munch's story. I hope we get a Munch 2 of some kind.
-the use of gaming conventions that detract from realism (teleporters with characters faces on them, spooce)
I agree. It seems way too convenient, especially in the Industrialist world.
I hope the manufacturer of those telepads was cortmarshalled. (no offense to the concept artist who came up with it, I mean the Oddworld creature..thing who invented it.)
3. The lack of Alf. His name is never mentioned in "Escape." Nobody knows who he is except us. Alf needs a bigger role. I like Alf too much...


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06-20-2004, 06:56 PM
VaniLLaKiLLah's Avatar
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I compelety disagree,BUT everybody has there own veiw points.The voices sound so dark, and strange.

i only played the german version, not the english or other language game versions and so i can say that the voices are pretty sh*tty.
It sounds like Abe has two different voices in that game.

F*CK! All I need is U

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06-20-2004, 09:55 PM
The Red Muse's Avatar
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Schfifty-5: Humphrey and Irwin. They rock and you know's it.
Heh, Group X

Yeah, well... what I like... Hmmm:

-Possessing sligs and shooting shtuff with them
-Slugs...Slurgs..or whatever the little black things on the ground are called.
-Ummm.... Greeters! Funny little creatures are they! Haha! *zap*

-The fact that OW will be exclusive only on Xbox. Damn you OWI people! You betrayed your fans, b*tches...!*throws Bill Gates & Lorne Lanning with empty beer bottles*
- The lack of Quicksave in AO

That's all for the moment. Thank you for your attention.

*flies away with magical powers of uberness*
~[:: Surrender your cookies and you shall not be harmed! ::]~

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06-20-2004, 10:00 PM
WiLL the Wander's Avatar
WiLL the Wander
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-The fact that OW will be exclusive only on Xbox. Damn you OWI people! You betrayed your fans, b*tches...!*throws Bill Gates & Lorne Lanning with empty beer bottles*

You right, Muse! You right!!

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06-20-2004, 11:13 PM
Coiled Ice's Avatar
Coiled Ice
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I like

- The outside worlds in AO. They are so detailed and beautiful. The one's in AE are good but AO is just so much better.
- The indoor levels in AE. Creepy and cool. Fee Co Depot, Slig Barracks. They're just awesome. And AO has good one's too. Like Rupturefarms.
- The voices of the characters. Like the Glukkons, Sligs and Abe.
- How AE has a god mode code. So I can kill things without getting killed my self. Very fun when stuffing around. They just keep shooting/attacking you but you can't die. Hehe.
- The video clips. Awesome!
- AO and AE just rock.

I don't like

- How AE had the green bottles in the screens that have secrets in them. It made that part of the game a bit easy.
- Fleeches. Cool, but damn annoying.

Ah, there ain't much more things I hate...
Dear God if you were alive, you know we'd kill you...

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06-21-2004, 06:54 AM
Killa_47's Avatar
Sniper Wasp
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Killa_47  (10)

i like:
nearly everything, but the voices in AO were sh*t.

BTW: my 250th post.

Agree......AE alot better for voices. Especcialy because he stops the I dont know when u press square anywhere!

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06-21-2004, 07:46 AM
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Hmmm, speaking largely generally:

- Oddworld as a parody of Earth, drawing attention to our own situations and issues.
- complex characters and their interactions.
- The whole ALIVE experience of Oddworld - OWI must go to great length to try and produce realistic biomes and societies.
- Character design, for the most part. Especially Vykkers, Gabbits, Scrabs and Paramites.
- The lush environments and gloomy factories - in fact, most Oddworld settings.
- The great original names, including things from RuptureFarms to Fort Glokz.
- OWI's relationship with the fans! It really is remarkable! Even the aweful DD Onlines were made for us, so you have to feel incredibly grateful.

- Things that clearly don't fit Oddworld - like some extracts from Dear Alf and the Daily Deception Online. Jokes are funny, but they crap on the illusion.
- Exceptions to the names/designs/environments rules. Interns, Clakkerz and Wilderness are good examples respective to those catagories.
- Earth things on Oddworld, e.g. SoBe.
- But at the same time, 'fans' who go and give other fans a bad rep by ultrareacting and 'leaving' Oddworld (not including those who just grow out of it).

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06-21-2004, 08:19 AM
Oddish's Avatar
Outlaw Semi Auto
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Native That's it.

Fort Glokz.
There's a new one.

The Gabits disignes are great! and other desinge are great two.

- the Creepyness
- The strang schructors, and meanings og them.
- the Music
- the mysterys
- envroments
- Villans & heros
- and what Max said
- the voices of the Vykkers ( it dos'nt suit them )
-and what Max said

"For us, it's not about muscle bound characters with big guns. It's about little guys "
~ Lorne Lanning 15/02/2000
"We knew there were more of us out there, and were gunna find them!" ~ Abe

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06-21-2004, 08:56 AM
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I loved the voices of the Vykkers. I think half of the humour of it is that it doesn't suit them. It's totally unexpected, and if I'd have heard it for the first time in the game, I'm sure I would have laughed out loud. A shame the first time we hear it is when Irwin is in the distance. We should have seen more of them, and then had their voices revealed to be so high.

I also love the joke: "Don't worry; we can give you powers..." "Yeah, scary powers!" "Yeah!". The first two are delivered with deep, menacing and spooky voices. The last is high-pitched and squeeky, lol! Ah. Vocal humour is wonderfully done on Oddworld. That's a great like.

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06-21-2004, 09:15 AM
Sekto Springs's Avatar
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I love Alf during the good ending of AE. He starts off sounding all sweet and nurturing "Hello, my name is Alf. I had my first brew when I went with Abe through the desert." Then we see his true colours, "Can I share now?" "No, just shut up!". Heheheheheheee.
I bought some powdered water, but didn't know what to add.

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06-23-2004, 10:23 AM
Smell's Avatar
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I like possesing the paramites but I don't like getting them killed or trapped. I think they are quite cute. I think crawling sligs are cute. Untill the get there pants!!!
Still waiting for an xbox to play Munch on before I can make any useful posts....... =P

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06-28-2004, 10:34 AM
Software Bug's Avatar
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I hate if you sneak and a slig wake up!! just bechase you stepped wrong.
And i love to play and feed the scrabs with myself.
(maby thats why i never complete a level!!!)
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06-28-2004, 11:30 AM
Fading Away's Avatar
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I like scrabs and sligs, i think that their cute little creatures.

I hate when i'm on one level and i can't somehow pass it and it makes me all fusterated and crazy.
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