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11-06-2003, 09:49 PM
beserker slig's Avatar
beserker slig
: Nov 2003
: my private continent, Katopia.
: 92
Rep Power: 22
beserker slig  (10)
MRPG:resistance of the mudokins

for a while, there has been an alliance of native creatures called
...I don't know... but they're a team alright!
it's consisted of Mr. D, butch(stupid name),
jeff, drake, diego, and etc.(they're all mudokins)

they live in a cave in the middle desert and ride
hover bikes made from junk piles.

*butch runs into the cave*
"our swoop bike is nearly complete, LT. Diego!"
butch said. "excellent, our swoop bike will move TEN TIMES
faster than normal hover bikes, we can take down
squads of sligs and slogs!" he replied.
*jeff slowly drives swoop bike into cavern's main hub*
*drake and mr. D run in with assault rifles to pass around*
"we got slogs cumin'... so find some plateu's to snipe from...
we don't have snipers, so these will have to do."
drake said, calmly.

hope you enjoyed it.

i did punch a baby once, in anger....in my defense, i just wanna say that baby was being kind of a dick.


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11-06-2003, 10:29 PM
beserker slig's Avatar
beserker slig
: Nov 2003
: my private continent, Katopia.
: 92
Rep Power: 22
beserker slig  (10)

*slogs screeching in pain*
"LT, what are the enemy status?"
a bold voice spoke to him through
"general, how good to hear from you.
those sligs get to ya?" asked the liuntenant.
"no, slig scum may have got me in the past, but i'm back.
i got 3 snipers set. there are more sligs coming."
he replied. the slogs were coming down with ease.
more sligs came into site. but, these were armored
poppers. *armored poppers shoot down snipers*
"dang! well, we still got your troops. we will need the sniper rifles
after we take these poppers out."said the general.
"poppers? those are slig!"LT. said.
"glukkons, and, well, ALL industrielistes call
them that..." he replied. "we are not industrielistes!
we are the resistance! one more thing, we constructed
the swoop, all we need is a shuttle..."said the LT.
"turrets...they'll need turrets. and in the factories are where we'll
get them."the general replied.
all the poppers were dead.
---back at the fort---
"we're low on ammo, general...
but we've made more swoops.hey, general.
what's your name anyway?"said drake."call me...

i did punch a baby once, in anger....in my defense, i just wanna say that baby was being kind of a dick.


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11-07-2003, 10:01 PM
beserker slig's Avatar
beserker slig
: Nov 2003
: my private continent, Katopia.
: 92
Rep Power: 22
beserker slig  (10)

no, this is not the clumsy abe, but his descendant.

*sligs patrolling deserts on hover pads
with slogs in the back part waiting to be released*
"sir...where are we going?" said the slig.
"excellent, just the parts we need...our shuttle should be
finished by tomorrow morning...then, we can go to the big well...
we can build a new fort, and go back and forth..." said the general.later that night, when the shuttle was finished, it was stocked up."let's go."said the general. "but, its night! its too dark!"said Mr. D. "the shuttle has lights! and, besides, by tomorrow, sligs will surround us and KILL us... its too late for
prison.they know that I know how to escape."said the general.
---on the shuttle---
*butch piloting shuttle, and the LT. on turrets patroling*
"we're here."said butch.

i did punch a baby once, in anger....in my defense, i just wanna say that baby was being kind of a dick.


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11-12-2003, 07:37 PM
beserker slig's Avatar
beserker slig
: Nov 2003
: my private continent, Katopia.
: 92
Rep Power: 22
beserker slig  (10)

now, i'm...bored. you guy could give me tips for a better story.
you can make a TEAM(not one person)
all on your own...
you just say "my team is made of blah, blah, and blah."
not name:
blah blah etc.


i did punch a baby once, in anger....in my defense, i just wanna say that baby was being kind of a dick.


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11-13-2003, 03:19 PM
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Try to keep the technology to what we have in the real world. That way everyone knows the limitations. And the last post was spam, do it again and it's a warning.
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11-13-2003, 08:37 PM
beserker slig's Avatar
beserker slig
: Nov 2003
: my private continent, Katopia.
: 92
Rep Power: 22
beserker slig  (10)

sorry about that

when the crew got to mudokon fortress, the
first thing they noticed was a big bro slig looking straight
at them. this was beserker slig. the roughenest,
toughenest, shootinest creature in oddworld.
he was a bounty hunter for 9 years, then taken in by
vyykers for expirementing. he was then sold to gluckons for

i did punch a baby once, in anger....in my defense, i just wanna say that baby was being kind of a dick.


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11-18-2003, 09:13 PM
beserker slig's Avatar
beserker slig
: Nov 2003
: my private continent, Katopia.
: 92
Rep Power: 22
beserker slig  (10)

The big bro slig smashed up the shuttle and sent them to an outdoor prison. they couldn't think. after a month,
it was only diego, drake, and abe.
*drake draws figures on floor*
"finally...we can go...FREEDOM!"he shouted.
after the plan was explained, the 3 did as followed:
complained about hungriness,
knocked out a slig,
took I.D. card,
left prison cell,
got to mudokon fortress.

*mudokons greeted by natives*

i did punch a baby once, in anger....in my defense, i just wanna say that baby was being kind of a dick.


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