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10-20-2001, 01:37 AM
RoN_Rancor's Avatar
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: In a dank cage under Jabba's throne...
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Munch's Oddysee Demo

I got to play the Munch's Oddysee demo today at the mall. It was fun and answered a lot of my personal questions about gameplay. I will describe it in case you haven't gotten to play it. The demo was short and small and was obviously created to familiarize the player with the control setup. Munch and abe each had a set of humshrubs that they had to collect for you to beat the game. I went through different parts of the level with each character collecting humshrubs. I played around with the controls and learned some interesting things. The gamespeak is controlled with three buttons. One button is used to greet others (hi/hello/all o ya/ect.) Another button is a command to attack. The third gamespeak button caused munch and abe to either say "wait" or had munch burp or abe fart. Health is represented by birds around the character's heads, and can be viewed by pressing one of the triggers. The A button let abe or munch jump or pull a lever. Pressing the other trigger causes abe to chant or munch to send out what looks like an emp wave around him. When you press the right joystick like a button, abe punchs/kicks/slaps and Munch has little sparks come out of his head (will probably used for zap). The left joystick moves abe and munch. The harder you press the joystick, the faster he goes. The d-pad moves the camera. One of the black/white buttons (can't remember which) changes between abe and munch and the other centers the camera behind your character. The only problem I had with the controls is that it was hard to sneak without accidently starting to walk. I discovered that it took two hits on a mine to kill abe. I was able to use three vendos: expresso, bounce, and Klimb. No surprises in what they do However, when you use klimb, you just walk straight up (I thought that it would look like the muds climbing in the beginning of AE, but was wrong.) Munch can barely jump at all on land (he kind of just rolls over) but can jump to great heights when in the water. There were no enemies or any other characters at all in the demo, and abe and munch never got into the same area together.

Have you played this demo? What did you think? I liked it, but it was really short. I can't take it anymore! I want the complete version!! AHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
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10-20-2001, 06:11 AM
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where at??????????????????????
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10-20-2001, 06:22 AM
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enversi  (10)

No Sobe ads? Well, that's a good sign!

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10-20-2001, 08:48 AM
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hey, I want to play munch too, where can we try it ?

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10-20-2001, 02:58 PM
RoN_Rancor's Avatar
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I found it at a store that I'm pretty sure is named Software Ect. Someone else told me that the local Toys R Us had it, too.

[ October 20, 2001: Message edited by: RoN_Rancor ]
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10-20-2001, 03:06 PM
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Yeah, I just got back from playing the demo to it was in the mall at Software Etc. I was, the only thing that was had was the sneaking thing. If I tryed to sneak Abe would do it for a secone then start walking again. Other than that I loved it!
..I managed to take out the tiger with a can of mace; but the shop owner and his son, that's a different story all together...I had to beat them to death with their own shoes...


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10-20-2001, 03:30 PM
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Sewer Sleg
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Great review, Ron. One thing you didn't explain is how to make Abe sneak. You only told it is hard to do it.

I sort of figured out how the gamespeak worked long ago, since I heard you use only two buttons (a greetings button, and a help button), but I didn't know there was a third one (we can call it the "cancel" button, used to stop actions ).
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10-20-2001, 03:46 PM
: May 2001
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sodd  (10)

I just watched those newly released videos..
And all I can say is that I'm depressed....

Too much cartoonism integrated in...
Munch's hopping sound is so cheesy
and the fuzzles look awfully polygonal and very unrealistic in action...

Abe can WALK UP WALLS? that's super... that's great yah... What the hell is this junk? Why can't people at Oddworld THINK? Make Abe be able to climb like in the AE intro... That was sooo cool!

My paradigm has shifted... Screw wasting money on an X-BOX.. Oddworld has gone from good (AO) to okay (AE) to blah (MO)... What's the next step gonna be? bad and then terrible--most likely...
I can't believe it... I'm not liking this.
I've been a fan from the start...
"Jesus left that place, and as he walked along he saw a tax collector, named Matthew, sitting in his office. He said to him, "Follow me." And Matthew got up and followed him."


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10-20-2001, 03:52 PM
: May 2001
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sodd  (10)

"Hey fart breathe, take this!" -The slig in the newly released Munch movie...

Now you can't argue with me over that--that's is just plain stupid.

Sligs are sinister.. they're stupid...but not immature..
In AO, sligs said barely anything.. They were just silent..
And I liked their eye design way better back then as well....
"Jesus left that place, and as he walked along he saw a tax collector, named Matthew, sitting in his office. He said to him, "Follow me." And Matthew got up and followed him."


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10-20-2001, 04:08 PM
Spark Stunk
: Apr 2001
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Elum  (12)

I played it at the mall today too! I beat the demo...it was so great though. I love the controls! Munch looks so cool!

I played it at Softwear Ect. and Electronics Butique. I also watched the Oddworld commercial...it looks really great when its not streaming! haha.

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10-20-2001, 06:27 PM
RoN_Rancor's Avatar
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To make abe sneak you have to very lightly press the joystick in the direction you are going. If you push it too hard, you start to walk or run. Also, as far a I could tell, abe can't roll anymore.

Sorry, I accidently posted twice.

[ October 20, 2001: Message edited by: RoN_Rancor ]
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10-21-2001, 12:21 AM
Spark Stunk
: Apr 2001
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Elum  (12)

yea, it took me a while to figure out the sneaking thing. Ya know when you are walking on that bridge and all the bombs were around it? i sneaked on it.

WHAT THE HECK DOES MUNCH DO?! One button I kept pushing, this big blue wave shot out of Munch. What is that?!

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10-21-2001, 03:22 PM
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stupid question, but: Is't there still Soulstrom Brew??? I like blowing farts

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10-22-2001, 12:50 AM
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Yay! I got to play it too. Unfortunetly OI downplayed the more fun areas such as Gamespeak, possesion, and many other cool things I expect in the full version (I think they thought that learning all this things was a little too complex for a 3-5 minute demo). What was presented was what looked like just a pure platformer. It's too bad because many other people at the store were saying how it looked boring if all you did was run around collecting Spooce. We all know it'll be better, but I think OI could have had at least ONE fuzzle/mud to control...
Anyways, on to the controls. I think It's one of those schemes were it takes a while to get used to (also it was my first time touching and XBOX controller ), and I think some of the Gamespeak could be a little more well defined...I kept getting the same respones...But the one thing that was really annoying was that when Abe drinks the Exspresso, HE WAS SOOOO IMPOSSIBLE TO CONTROL!!! I had to keep doubling back and getting Spooce I missed. And I just wish we could of seen ONE example of Munch/Abe's powers. All I was able to do was to regrow spent Spooce shrubs as Abe, and even then it wasn't that impressive.
BTW on the subject of Munch's port, I think maybe that is a radar-type thing that finds machines to posses and then you jump into them...so maybe he can posses stuff through walls... who knows.
So if you play the demo, keep in mind that THERE WILL BE ALOT MISSING THAT"LL BE IN THE FULL GAME! Many people at the store I was at were commenting on how stupid it was, and that's because it was all runnnig around collecting things. No powers, no Gamespeak, no teamwork. Just collecting. Oh well. The graphics were sweet...but the enviorment was kind of bland
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10-22-2001, 01:24 AM
Spark Stunk
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Elum  (12)

Man! I didn't think of that. People who don't know anything about Oddworld would definately be turned off by that demo.

I don't think that Abes gamespeak was even programmed into the demo. Because after I finished getting the spooce, I played again just messing around. I was messing with all the buttons, and there was no gamespeak. I don't think Abe said anything but I dont know and stuff like that (the volume was low, and I couldn't turn it up).

Munch...there was one button where when you pushed it, all this blue stuff shot out of munch. is that what you are talking about? I dont think it was a radar.

But another button made orange sparks shoot out of his port. I think when you push that button, if there are ememys around, you can point to them, and it will shock/shoot them. And maybe if there is a machine, point into the direction to it, and then you posess it.

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10-22-2001, 01:29 AM
Spark Stunk
: Apr 2001
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Elum  (12)

Oh, and I agree. After taking the stuff to make you run faster, abe was hard to control. Surely the only reason you would need to use that would be too run away from something. Also, the one to climb was kinda hard. I fell and got blown up. haha.

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10-22-2001, 08:41 AM
Lampion's Avatar
Sewer Sleg
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I've read some comments about the demo games in some XBOX related forums, and although HALO is being called the XBOX hit of this year, many players said that Oddworld MO is not that impressive, mainly because of the goals you have to achieve in the demo (collect shrubs). One player even compared it with nintendo's Mario games... I think OWI could put a more complex DEMO in the PROMO DVD's, so that new fans could be more impressed. We don't need that of course, BECAUSE WE KNOW THAT M.O. IS THE BEST!!

[ October 22, 2001: Message edited by: Lampion ]
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10-22-2001, 12:04 PM
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Originally posted by sodd:

Abe can WALK UP WALLS? that's super... that's great yah... What the hell is this junk? Why can't people at Oddworld THINK? Make Abe be able to climb like in the AE intro... That was sooo cool!
Sodd, Abe was able to walk up walls after having a drink from a vendo. I don't think it lasts long.

Anyway, I don't think MO has too much catoonism. I DO think the new MO creatures are cuter then the AO and AE creatures, but they still perfectly fit into Oddworld.

Anyway, your opinion...

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10-22-2001, 02:26 PM
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Like a cartoon??? Normal it's for TEENs. But yeah the vendo are... special : Bounce expresso, klimb... Is it still Oddworld ?

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10-22-2001, 05:45 PM
Oddsville's Avatar
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When I played the demo I had gamespeak. First I hit the greet button lightly and Abe said "Hello" or something like that then when I hit the button hard Abe said "Everybody listen" anyways I thought that was pretty cool.
..I managed to take out the tiger with a can of mace; but the shop owner and his son, that's a different story all together...I had to beat them to death with their own shoes...


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10-22-2001, 09:22 PM
Spark Stunk
: Apr 2001
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Elum  (12)

oh, yours had gamespeak? well, maybe i was using gamespeak and I didn't know it. The volume was so low on that thing that I couldn't hear what was going on. I tried turning it up, but it didn't work.

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