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09-17-2003, 03:37 PM
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Exclamation Terrorism upon Mudos

Right first off, this thread is intended for fun only, if I cause offence/ sadden anyone I am truely sorry and I will shut the thread if it becomes a serious problem....

A long time after the great peace between the great races, the sligs feel left put, their jobs are either obselete, because there is no more threat from anyone, or has been taken over by faster workers like muds.

So Sligs are poor and homeless. The Slig government can barely afford to supply each slig with pants and the weapons it needs to gain what little employment there is left...

The Slig Security Minister, known as Smiling Mike, has come up with a plan among his top staff, and for the rest of Mudos, this is going to change their world......

3 weeks later, it starts... Sligs everywhere rose up against the governments leaving only a small number loyal to the remaining Great races. The Sligs in the uprising have resorted to terrorism, and you are a member of the last sligs with elite skills, able to fight against the uprising sligs..

You will get radio calls telling you and the rest of the squad( The rest of the RP'ers) where the terrorists are striking next.....

Character Setup:

Specialist area: (electronics/ Marksman/ stealth/ leader/)
Main and Support weapons: (make them up or use real ones i don't care)
Anything else:


Name: Hella
Gender: Male
Specialist Area: Leader
Main Weapon: MP 2000
Sidearm : Silenced Automatic Pistol of some sort
Anything Else: Is the leader of the last sligs able to combat the terrorism....


Hella and the team were sitting around the armory, loading and cleaning their weapons when a blast came out of the radio:

Radio: # Urgent! Hella, get your team over to Tikiwaka Towers! A group of Rebel sligs have got everyone hostage, Get over to the helicopter for arial Insertion......#

Hella: You heard him team! Get your Asses to the roof! Move guys, move!

Last edited by Hobo; 09-18-2003 at 04:23 AM..
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09-17-2003, 04:31 PM
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Name: Cooper
Gender: Male
Specialist area: slig counter-terrorist marine
Main weapon: Changes depending on his mission, but his choice.
Sidearm: Steyr TMP

i think we should wait for more peeps before we start...

Last edited by Fez; 09-20-2003 at 06:23 AM..
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09-18-2003, 02:24 AM
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Oh baby this is gonna be fun!


-Name: Gog
-Gender: Male
-Specialist Area: Electronics and other technical stuff. He is also an expert at laying mines.
-Main Weapon: Gog does most of his fighting from the computer and is an uber hacker. Although steriotype makes computer=nerd, Gog is really tough and can fight like the best of em'!
-Sidearm: Gog always carries two mini RCP-90's with spiked bullets.
-Anything Else: The ladies find Gog completely irresistable and he never fails to get a girly slig in da sack!


I really wanna start, so join people!

Last edited by oddguy; 09-18-2003 at 10:46 AM..
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09-18-2003, 12:33 PM
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Hey, who said ferill's word was final? I've already started, so come on guys! You can RP with as few as 2 people and there's no limit to how many others may join in
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09-18-2003, 01:58 PM
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Long time since I have done it, but, oh well, let's give it another try...

Name: Grob "Mojo" Z'tran
Gender: Genderless (used to be male)
Specialist Area: Electonics and Sniping
Main Arm: SE Lightning Cannon
Secondairy Arm: PAHITH Sniper Rifle
Anything else:
Grob used to be a Slig Popper, but after the revolution, he joined the resistance.
During a large fight he lost his pants AND his lower abdominen, but with the help of his technological knowledge, and Hella assisting him, he rebuilt his body. This includes new legs, which can run at extreme speed for about a minute. After this minute, Grog has to find shelter due to overheating. His legs won't function for half an hour.
After the horrible attack, he built himself two guns. The SE (Shock Em) Lightning Cannon, which has to be charged up in order to fire, and the PAHITH (Put A Hole In The Head) Sniper Rifle. This rifle supports normal ammunition, but also a special kind of paralizing darts, that Grob invented himself.
Grob holds a personal grudge against Smiling Mike, for putting him in jail for insulting him.
Though Grob seems to be very strong, he has 2 major weaknesses: He can't stand it when innocent people are harmed, and he rather fixes all sorts of malfunctions of his and his team's equipment than he fights. Give him a broken gun in the middle of a fight, and he starts repairing it, without noticing the battle...

Something like that? If there's something wrong, please say it to me.

In the armory, Grob was doing what he loves to do, fixing things. He was busy with his newly made Lightning Cannon. The old one kept blowing up when he tried to shoot it, and if it didn't blew up, it would electrocute him.
"Now, all I gotta do is fix this here..." He closed his eyes to shield them from the bright light of the welding device. "And then I gotta switch this and this..."
He was too busy to hear the radio. The only thing that reached his mind was a vague "...arial insertion".

"Done, now it should work." he thought.

Suddenly he was tossed back and forth. That brought him out of his concentration.


Grob: Wh-wha?

Hella: We're on our way to battle! Get up!

Grob: O-o-ok, hang on...

Grob throws the Cannon over his back, and grabs his Sniper Rifle.

Grob: *Well, I'll have time to test my Cannon very soon*

Hella: Let's go guys! Let's get those corrupt bastards!
I'm watching you...
- You're a dick, Mojo.
- And you're still a dick.

Last edited by Mojo; 09-18-2003 at 06:01 AM..
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09-18-2003, 02:22 PM
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(OOC:Great Work AS!)

Hella stood on the roof watching his squad get inside the three attack helicopters. Hella set up his ERS (Emergancy Reinforcments system) he sent out the message to have two choppers for evac, 2 for Support. Hella climbed into the lead chopper and sat on the mounted Minigun.

As the three choppers were heading upon their way, two more choppers flew up along side.....

Grob: Hella! They're rebel choppers! Mow them down!

Hella lined up his chain gun and emptied round after round into the chopper. It crashed to the ground.... Then the dreaded noise filled Hella's ears. *click*

Hella: Oh Shit! Hella pushed his men to the floor as the cabin fills with bullets suddenly a rocket strikes into the attacking chopper from one of the support choppers

Hella: *Into radio* Thanks guys! We'd be spam without you guys..
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09-18-2003, 07:05 PM
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Gog: (to Hella)*into radio* No problem. I just hacked their system and I have all their nukes at my command! Whaddya want me to blow up next?!

Hella: (to Gog) *into radio* We still have our boys in their! Don't blow up the complex yet!

Gog: (to Hella) *into radio* I know!

Hella: (to Gog) *into radio* Good! You're just so crazy I never know what you're gonna do next!

Gog: (to Hella) *into radio* Aren't you glad I'm on your side?!

Grob: (to Hella) Cut the chit-chat! We got more choppers comin'!

2 Choppers were headed their way, but they all exploded by their own ground rockets that Gog was sending at em'! But a gas bomb managed to get in the cabin and green smoke began to release!

Hella: These guy are idiots! Don't they know we got gas masks!

Hella, Grob and the rest put on their masks.

Gog: *on radio* Guys! Don't fire! That gas is flamable! You'll all go kablooie if one spark hits the gas!

Grob: (to Hella) That could be a huge problem since we got armored poppers maikn' their way over here!

Hella: Shit!

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09-19-2003, 06:34 AM
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Hella: Ok everyone! Arial Insertion has been aborted! We need to get the hell out of these choppers!

Hella: *into radio* Support choppers! Cover us! We're going for a ground insertion,

Hella: Everyone, Parachutes on!

Hella and the rest of the team parachute out of the choppers, they land upon a street two blocks from the Tower.

Hella: Primary Weapons Out guys! Fire on any slig notin our colours!

Gog: *into radio* Sir! We've got three slig Troop carriers flying above us! If they land we're going to be way outnumbered!

Hella: Right, everyone inside these houses, spread out, one rocket could kill you all if you're too close...

Grog: What about you sir?

Hella: I'll scout the area!

Grog: But what about these three troop carriers?

Hella: We can't fight them! Our support choppers are hiding currently, our deployment choppers are heading home for repairs and to be kitted up with more ammo and the lead one's being replaced with a support chopper. We've got to hide from them, until Gog can patch us in some artillary!

Grob: Sir!

The sligs hide amongs the buildings, their weapons primed and aimed. Hella runs down the road, MP 2000 in hand, aiming it up every alley..

Gog:*Into radio* No artillary yet, but a route into the towers! There's an abandoned industrial water pipeline, it should take you into the car park!

Hella:*Back into radio* Great work Gog!

Hella turns to see a troop carrier landing. The two rear mounted miniguns doing a sweep of any the area, any heat would be fired apon..

Hella: *into radio again* Gog! Where's that Artiallry I'll need it now!

Gog: *Into radio* I've got three Artillary Choppers with Long Range Missiles just about to go into range... You might want to get into that water drain if you don't want to be spread across Mudos...

Hella looks down at the nearest drain. He notes the screws and bolts needed to open it.

Hella: No time for that!

Hella fires a couple of rounds at the drain and gives it a hefty smack from the gun butt. He then dives into the water system, and listens to the other two troop carriers landing. He can hear shouts from a slig captain,

Hella: I Damnwell hope that we manage to get those troop carriers intact, They might be usefull later...

A couple of seconds later, a sound like no other, the missles tear up pavement and slig alike. Hella peers over the top of the water system to see that only a couple of sligs are still standing. Hella jumps out of the drain with his MP 2000 fully cocked and loaded.
Before he can open fire, three bursts of fire sound and the remaining sligs are cut down.

Hella: *into radio* Good work team! Clear out the crew on those troop carriers, we might have to use them later!

Hella:*Into radio to Gog* Gog! get us a engineer team here, we've got three troop carriers we want at our support...

Gog:*Into radio* Anything you say sir!
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09-19-2003, 06:07 PM
oddguy's Avatar
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Gog sent an engineer team of armored sligs with tank pants over to the troop carriers....not to mention a huge team of soldier sligs. Hella went over to the scene and talked with the commander there.

Hella to engineer commander: How soon can we get these flyin''?

Commander: Real soon. One of em' is perfectly fine. The other two had little probs. Easy fix. A broken windshield and a couple of fried wires.

Hella to commander: Great!

Commander: I also got the slig soldiers collecting the gear from the dead enemies. We put on their colors so we can fly these babies right to the complex. They won't know it's us till' we start shootin'!

Hella to commander: Good work! *into radio*(to team posted outside of complex)-I want all you guys to pull back and return to the base. We're gonna make em' think we're pullin' a retreat.(to Gog) *into radio*-Gog, I want you to send an unsecure signal tellin' the team to pull back and retreat. Those bastards will intercept the unsecure line and buy it!

Gog: Hehehehehehehe!

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09-19-2003, 07:06 PM
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Gog set up the apparatus as instructed.

Gog: *Into radio* Mayday, mayday, we're under heavy attack, we are under attack! Retreat to the base, RETREAT!

He saw a light go on on the control panel. "Message intercepted" said the notice. Gog smiled.

Gog: *to Hella, over the radio:* The package has been delivered, sir.

Hella: *to Gog* Great job!

As he peeks out of the sewer, he sees the troop of Armored Big Bro Sligs, that was just coming out of the Tower, turn around and get back inside.

Hella: *Into radio:* They're buying it, they're buying it!

"Sir, are you alrite?"

Hella looked up. Grob was peering over the edge of the hole.

Hella: Yeah, I'm OK. Get down here, now. And take the rest of the team.

Grob: Yes sir! Ok troops, assemble inside the sewers!

Grob looks at the gang of Sligs that jumps inside the pit.

Hella: Ok team, I'm gonna divide you into two groups. You, you, you, you and you, you go with Grob and form Team Alpha. The rest comes with me and forms team Beta. Grob, I want you to get to the car park via the west end of the pipe system, I'll go via the east. We'll meet at the car park.

Grob: Yes Sir! Come on Alpha, lets go!

Hella looks at Team Alpha as they dissappear around the corner.

Hella: *thinking* I do hope Grob doesn't find any leaky pipeline...
*saying* Come one Beta, we've got work ta do...
I'm watching you...
- You're a dick, Mojo.
- And you're still a dick.

Last edited by Mojo; 09-19-2003 at 11:09 AM..
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09-20-2003, 06:07 AM
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Hella turns on the torch upon his MP2000. He leads the way while the rest of the team follow with their sidearms drawn.

Hella: I'll take care of anyone I see, but if I fall, i'll need you guys to use your sidearms to take care of them, Automatic weapons are far too risky...

The team make their way down the pipe, when Hella starts to hear a conversation....

Slig#1: Hey, you think those resistance guys are pulling a stunt with this retreat?

Slig#2: Does in damn matter they got us couped up in the carpark, like damn ticket collecters. I want some of the action....

Hella draws his side arm and creeps forward, with another member of his team. They creep up to the exit of the pipe and quietly jump out.

Hella: Don't shoot unless they see us...

Hella and the Slig creep next to a car and peer through the window and see the two sligs facing the oposite way.

Hella: Now...

Hella and the other slig creep around the car and quickly render the sligs unconcious with a kick to the head. They tie them up and put their bodies back in the sewer. They hide their weapons and gag them.

Hella: *into radio* Team Bravo, get out here, insertion is safe, form up on my positions, we've got a car park to clear out you know.....

Gog:*into radio* Sir! We've got the troop carriers with their colours in bound, they'll take it from the top floors, you from the ground....

Hella:*into Radio* Grob, we're in, we shall clear the car park for your arrival.....

Slig: Hella, I'll take Clark and Jefferson and form a sniping nest from around that van. That'll keep them busy....

Hella: Ok, but don't open fire, till i've shut off the power to the building.......

The sligs move over to the van and set up their sniper rifles...

Hella: Right, Those guy's are going to take care of the security, I'll need an electronics guy, and a traps guy to render the power down, and to make sure no one can re-enable it..... The res of you, get yourselves hidden nearby those guards, when the snipers open fire, i'll need you to make sure no-one gets away....

Hella and two other sligs dash to the power room, Hella charges down the door and the other two sligs run into the room, pistols drawn and put a bullet into the two guards skulls.

Hella: Great work, I'll get the door, you two get to work.

Hella levels his MP2000 at the door, and the two experts get to work, within minutes, the power is down and the terminal inoperable.

Hella bursts back through the door with his sniper scope upon his MP2000. He fires a burst at a slig running for the stairs.

Hella:*into radio* Car park secured, awaiting Grob before moving up to the lobby....

Gog:*into radio* Sir, the teams on the top floors have been massacred. As they landed, the miniguns on the landing pads just lay into them. No survivors have been detected..... Sorry sir, you're on your own....
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09-20-2003, 08:41 AM
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Hella: Dammit!

Meanwhile, Alpha stumbled upon a group of Slurgs.

Grob: Shh! Be quiet. When you see Slurgs, Fleeches must be nearby...

They quickly sneaked past the Slurgs and marched further down the pipeline.

At the car park, things were getting hairy. After the failed attempt of the aerial instertion, the Sligs in the Tower came outside to check for survivors. Instead of survivors of the troop carrier, they found team Beta.

Hella: Ok guys! Let's get them!

A heavy fight starts, bullets and cans of Blitzpacker flying everywhere... During this fight, the Beta team kills about 15 Armored Poppers and 6 Big Bro Sligs.

Hella: Allright boys, we've got them in the bullocks!

Suddenly he hears a yell...

Clark: I've been hit! I've been hit!

Hella: Damn. *to Clark* You're gonna be allrite. We're winning.

Clark seemed to be satisfied with this and closed his eyes, to never open them again.

The enemy, seeing Clark die, regained their spirit, and started to fight more violently. Now team Beta fought a losing battle.

Suddenly, Hella heard a high pitched noise. He saw a large burst of light drive into the enemy troops. They vaporized on impact...

Hella: WTF?!

He turns around and sees Grob lying on the ground.
He looked a bit dazzled.

Grob: Heh... It works!

Hella: Grob! I thought you'd never show up!

Grob: Well, you know me, o0ne of my teammembers gun refused to shoot, so I had to fix it... Now, let's go. We've got work to do. Cooper, can you find a way inside, and attack from the inside out?

Cooper: Yes Sir!

Hella & Grob: Let's gettum!
I'm watching you...
- You're a dick, Mojo.
- And you're still a dick.

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09-20-2003, 11:04 AM
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Hella reloads his MP2000 and removes the sniper scope.

Hella: Everyone stay here, the main door is locked, and I'm going in to unlock it.

Hella dashes across the car park and smashes a nearby window with his gun. he peers in to be greeted with a few bullets striking the wall next to him. He Unclips a grenade and tosses that in, clearing out the room, and blowing off the door.

Hella: *into raido*I opened it, get over here!
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09-20-2003, 02:22 PM
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Coopers helecopter hovered over the car park, he slid down on a rope. He had chose to use the H&K G36C for this mission, as he needed the firepower in a small gun. He walked up to Hella.

Cooper: nice to meet you Hella, i have been sent here to help you in anyway i can.

Hella: nice to see you too, just follow me into this building and you can help me.

Cooper cocked his G36C.

Cooper: roger that sir!

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09-20-2003, 08:48 PM
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Hella and the team ran into the building and hugged the walls on both sides. Making their way downstairs, they ran into armored bouncers. Tons of em'! The downstairs level was a huge warehouse filled with ammo boxes and bombs!

Hella: Looks like this is hand to hand. We can't risk blowing the building with our boys inside!

Cooper pulled out a case of teleporter guns.

Cooper: *to Hella* I thought these might come in handy. Gog told me to bring em'! I guess it transports whoever you shoot to another location.

Hella: *to Gog* (into radio) Great work, but where does it send em'?

Gog: *to Hella* (into radio) I got a satelite that sends em' to some lavapits not too far from here. But I haven't tested these, so I thought now would be the perfect time!

A smile spread across Hella's lips as he grabbed the gun and pulled the trigger and sent the bouncers bye bye!

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09-21-2003, 08:55 AM
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Hella and the team run up to the nest door.

Hella: Acording to Gog, hostages in here. Knives and hand to hand only guys....

Hella draws his knife and bursts throught the door, he throws his knife at a slig running for the phone.The rest of the team comes inside and, using their knives finishes all of the guards. Hella unties the hostages and retrieves his knife.

Hella: *into radio* Gog, what about the hostages?

Gog: Don't leave them there, but don't release them. The rest of the building'll see them and raise the alarm.....
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09-22-2003, 03:28 AM
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Hella: *into radio* (to Gog) Then how do we get em' outta here?!

Gog: *into radio* (to Hella) Let me see what I can do!

Hella: *into radio* (to Gog) Hurry!

Gog furiously typed commands into his laptop.

Gog: *into radio* (to Hella) I got it! You guys can get out through the sewer, but there isn't an access piont where you guys are, so I'm sending a digger(digging machine).

Hella *into radio* (to Gog) Is there anything else?

Gog: *into radio* (to Hella) That's the only option we got. And there's another con. The sewers are filled with fleeches!

Hella: *into radio* (to Gog) Eh, we can take fleeches!

Gog: *into radio* Move you guys! The diggers' comin' and you guys are standing right above it!

Everybody ran to walls as the digger burst through the bottom of the floor.

Hella: (to everybody) Alright you guys! Let's move!

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09-22-2003, 01:10 PM
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Gog: *into Radio* Hella! Wait! These arn't the only hostages. Send a team of three to guard these guys. You can lose three, no?

Hella: Ok you three *points at some guards* Take these guys through the sewer

Sligs: Sir!

Gog:*Into radio* Ok guys, We're trying to get another team in through the top floors, but you guys better make your way up there incase. Do not use the lifts, they'll be where they're guarding...

Hella: Ok guys, Emergancy stairways. No guns guys. Knives or fists. If they get word that we're going then they're gonna blow the hostage floor....
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09-22-2003, 01:45 PM
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Name: Shot
Gender: Male
Specialist Area: Hitman, sniper, hand to hand.
Main Weapon: 723 auto Sniper with body heat detecting scope.
Sidearm : Magmum or Proximiny mines...
Anything Else: Used to be a specalized hitman hired by Glukkons to take people out, until he decided that that was too easy, and he then sought something harder to do...

Shot made his way through the meyhem in the sky, he landed softly on the roof of the building. He pressed a button on his flying pants, and they slowly shaped themselves into normal slig pants. He made his way toward the door to get into the building before he was seen from above. The door was locked, Shot smiled. He took out his magnum, and shot the doornob. The doornob fell off and Shot pushed open the door.

Shot: (to himself) That's better...

He slowly walked in the building, and shut the door behind him. He heard a voice on his radio...

Gog: Come in Shot, are you there?

Shot: Yeah, i'm in... where do I go from here?

Gog: Okay, you're by the roof entrance, right?

Shot: Yeah... where am I supposed to meet Hella?

Gog: Okay, the first door on the right is the stairway, go down to the 5th floor, meet in the conference room...

Shot: Okay...

He walked to the hallway, and took the right door, went down the stairs, and reached the 5th floor.

Shot: Ok, where now?

Gog: Go straight till you see the third hallway going left, and keep going... take the second door after you see the bathroom, and enter... that's the conference room.

Shot: Where is everyone, I thought there was supposed to be danger...

Gog: I guess they're in the upper floors, but we picked the 5th floor because it's not used much anymore... but we don't know why...

Shot followed Gog's directions and was outside the door.

Shot: Okay, here we go...

Shot opened the door, and he saw Hella and the others...

Hella: Dammit solder, we've been waiting for 17 seconds!

Shot: Sorry sir, I got here as soon as I could...

Hella: Fine, Gog has been scanning the building for the hostages, and he thinks that they're on the 23rd floor, so that's where we're goin'.

Last edited by GrigtheSlig; 09-22-2003 at 06:38 AM..
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09-23-2003, 01:42 PM
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: Feb 2003
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Hella leads the team up to the enterance of the lift.

Hella: Ok guys, i've got an Idea. Everyone get through the roof panel of the lift. I've got an idea....

Hella helps lift all the sligs up onto the top of the lift. He then climbs up there himself. Right, I'm going to set the lift to take us to their armory level, which is level 14. This'll be the most guarded floor, without it, they're useless.. When we get up there We need to take the floor silently, so that'll mean no guns, knives and silenced firearms only..

Grob: Sir, they'll have the lift door guarded tight...

Hella: I've got a distraction planned...

Hella jumps down into the lift presses the button for the 14th floor and then climbs back out onto the roof. The lift rises for about 20 seconds and then stops. The doors open with a clang.

BBS: Hey, why is this lift empty?

BBS2: Dunno, maybe we should have a look?

BBS: Nah, can't be bothered, there's no one there, no problem....

At that minute the two support helicopters flie by the window spreading heavy machine gun fire across the whole lobby. Hella and his team dive out of the lift and run into a nearby office, taking out the slig inside.

Hella: They're gonna be firing upon the choppers, so we can get them with their backs turned. And if the choppers can't handle it for long, I've instructed them to unleash every last missile at a slig, on this floor or any of them.....
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