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08-25-2003, 09:44 PM
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Idea Hand of Odd - like RPG

Well, this is my first RPG here on Oddworld Forums, and so this may not be as good as some others, but I just got this little idea to do a sort of early version of Hand of Odd for everyone here on the forums.
The rules are pretty similar to what you may or may not have heard:
You can choose between being Mudokon, Gabbit, Slig, Glukkon, or Vykker. Assume that Gabbits are not an endangered species.
As a Mudokon, you want to preserve the land, and make it as clean and wonderful as possible. Plant trees, herd/breed native animals, etc. etc. Also, by collecting Spooce, you can upgrade yourself to diffrent statuses as a mudokon. Try to become a wise shaman, or a brave mudarcher!
Gabbits will try and befriend the other species by any means possible. They can work for Glukkons or Vykkers for moolah or help with Mudokons to freshen up the land.
Sligs, when unemployed, can do what they want to either help or harm the Mudokon/Gabbit efforts. Note that unemployed Sligs have no pants or weapons, and CANNOT obtain them without working for Gluks or Vykkers. If a slig is employed, he wil earn moolah, with which he can buy more weapons or work up to Big Bro Status. Being a Big Bro means you can damage more of the environment, if you so choose. Big Bros can demand raises from their emploers.
Glukkons can do nothing on their own except hire sligs. They always start at Pud status (in the RPG) and have only 10,000 moolah. You must use sligs to help you build factories or what not.
Your goal is to become a Glockstar, with at least 2 million moolah.
Vykkers have a fun job: get in peoples way and perform experiments to make new equipment for other members (namely, Sligs and Gluks) to use. As a Vykker, you can demand any price you want for your equipment.
You are allowed to have up to 3 characters. I will add details to the territory once I have one of each species.

I welcome any suggestions from anyone about anything for this RPG. Too complicated? Too much? Let me know. I'll fix this up pretty for anyone who makes a good suggestion.

next: profiles! (at last!)
Name: Pick one
Species: Choose one
Age: Obvious.
Description: Describe your character--mood, looks, whatever.
Tribe (Mudokon only): Choose a tribe and/or make your own. Make sure to include an animal to wroship (fuzzle, meech, etc)
Alignment (Gabbits only): Choose who you want to help, Muds or Gluks/Vykkes.
Nature or Industrial (Sligs): Well, who you gonna help?
Goal (Glukkon): Choose a goal to achieve (other than GLockstar status, that comes with the territory).

Okay, finally: please, please, please use appropriate grammar and spelling (no "omg lol u crazy!" spell it out like you're supposed to). I'm not too picky with your writings.

All done. Good luck!

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08-30-2003, 07:22 PM
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Dave, with this kind of RP'ing i think you and I are going to get on fine.....

Name: Minsk
Species: Vykker
Age: 22
Description: Minsk is always carrying his 12 inch blade, he carries a portable lab set apon his back and has a tranq pistol in his belt. He is slow for a vykker but a master shot.

Minsk is sitting apon the transport blimp which cost him the last of his money. A slig comes up to him.

Slig: Hey, you Minsk?

Minsk: What is it to you?

Slig: Follow me.....

Minsk follows the slig down the stairs into the engine room, he looks around to see himself surrounded by sligs.

Minsk: What the?

The sligs pounce on him with their blades drawn, Minsk drops one of them with his tranq pistol but he is beaten to the ground by batons and the next he remembers he is on the ground in a deep forest with only his knife, pistol and lab kit.....
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08-30-2003, 09:32 PM
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NOTE: I decided that this would be easier to do if I made a site for it; there will be too much for me to manage here. Therefore I will be making an online community under MSN communities. Those of you who want to join will need a .net passport, which is generally easy to obtain. I will put up a link to it when it is ready to go.

if anyone thinks i should keep it up here, let me know.

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08-31-2003, 06:53 AM
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(OOC: Yeah, sounds like a good idea to me)

Minsk slowly lifts himself up and sits apon a fallen tree. he tends to his cuts and bruises with his lab kit and starts sharpening his blade on a nearby piece of flint.

Later that day, when Minsk had started exploring the forest, he came across a small, lake. In the middle was an island, with a cave inside a large rock upon it

Last edited by Hobo; 09-04-2003 at 08:22 AM..
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09-01-2003, 06:57 PM
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Ooh, Hobo made a little boo boo, even though it is my fault....
The land all characters are in is completely untouched up until this point. There wouldn't be and abandoned factory around here.

I should describe the land that is being explored....
It is, for all intents and purposes, 50,000 square miles of area.
50% forest area, 20% grassland, 7% farmable land, 13% water source (lake, river, whatever), and 10% desert-ish area.
The wildlife population, for sake of ease, is 1,000,000 animals.
29% meeps, 3% meech, 12% ratz, 10% paramite, 5% scrab, 35% fuzzles, 4% slurg, 7% slog. There you go.

Muds get 10 spooce per post; Gluks, Vykkers, and Sligs 10 Moolah per post. Gabbits get spooce or moolah based on who they align with.
Muds can regrow trees, revive dead beings, tame animals, etc.
Gluks are able to manipulate people very easily.
Vykkers are skilled at craftsmanship, and can make new tools or whatever is needed easily.
Gabbits can be trained to do whatever they need to do by their allies. Please don't change alliances without permissions.
Sligs are skilled weapon weilders.

okay and while im thinking of it, I should make myself a character:
Molk the Mudokon. Age 17. Mudiko tribe, worshiper of birds.

EDIT: Hey, guess what? I have the community started! Whoo! here is a link: Hand of Odd. However, there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING done yet. I'm going to put in a goodweekend to get it going. For those of you interested, join in now, and tell a friend!

Last edited by Dave; 09-03-2003 at 02:54 PM..
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09-04-2003, 04:26 PM
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Minsk gets out his blade and spends the day felling a large tree. By nightfall he has made himself a hollowed out canoe to get to the island.

Minsk wakes up and sails the boat to the island using a branch he snapped off. He sees that the cave, is not a cave, but a natural tunnel. He draws his tranq pistol and wanders down in to the cold and dark.....
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