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08-29-2003, 07:20 PM
Fez's Avatar
Outlaw Hunter
: Aug 2002
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Fez  (22)
scaryist thing to happen to you.

whats the scaryist thing that ever happened to you?

being at the wrong end of a loaded gun being held by my trigger happy friend, he pulled the trigger too, but the chamber was open, so i lived...that bastard...

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08-29-2003, 08:19 PM
Silversnow's Avatar
Outlaw Cutter
: Apr 2001
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Scariest thing... That must be a year ago, when it was Halloween. Everyone in my class was supposed to go through the basement, so I went down with two friends. It was pitch black, so we just walked. But about the middle of the corridor or whatever, I felt something slip down into my dress and continue down, and I'm extremely afraid of bugs. I almost panicked down there, with something crawling on me and I couldn't see anything and my friends just yelling at me to keep going and a scary tape running... Luckily, it was just fake spiderweb, but it scared the hell out of me. And listening to other people screaming around me didn't make the whole thing better.
And when we got out, my friend got mad with me because I had yanked his shirt too hard. Stupid halloween.

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08-30-2003, 12:11 AM
SeaRex's Avatar
: Nov 2001
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The scariest thing to happen to me was... well, it was my car wreck.

You see... I... let's just say I wasn't paying attention. For a stupid reason. Very embarassing. Always keep your eyes on the road, kiddies. Seriously.

Anyway, I wasn't paying attention, and hit a tree. More like clipped it, though. Now you may be saying, "Why that's not so bad, you pussy!" Well because I merely clipped the tree, My car flipped back onto the road, and slid across it on the roof. Totalled the car, obviously. Anywho, I climed through the seat belt and out the window, which had been busted out. Ironically, my worst and only halfway serious injury was from the air bag. Burnt me face wit da chemical shtuff, ya know? Everything healed though... so no permenant damage done. Well, except for insurance.

I was only scared the day after, though. You know, the "Oh shit I could have died!" effect. At the time of the accident I was just like "Oh shit! Tree! *crash, flip* Oh shit! Time to get out of the car!"

Heh... all that was left of my glasses was a lense I found in the middle of a nearby yard.

EDIT: Oh yeah, more irony. I got insurance on the car only two days before, so I'm sure there were some folks rolling their eyes down at the agency.

Last edited by SeaRex; 08-29-2003 at 04:15 PM..
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08-30-2003, 08:10 AM
Facsimile's Avatar
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If I was ever in a flipped car I would get out pretty fast, what with the definate explosion going to happen. I play far too much GTA.

The scariest thing to happen to me was when we had a fire in our house. Earlier, someone had used the toaster and put it in the cupboard, which has a pull down door. The door held down the switch thingie. Everyone was in bed, mum and dad were watching TV in bed. They heard the smoke alarm and dad went downstairs to see why is was being a pain this time. He then yelled up the stairs "Wake up everyone, get the **** out of the house!"
I awoke easily from mums calling but my sister was in a deep sleep, mum had to go in her room and shake her to wake her up, she then fell down the stairs, being so asleep. Anyways, dad had ran past the fire and got the fire extinguisher and put it out, he tried to escape our back door but he was having trouble with the lock and the room was filling with smoke. He made a split second descision to run out the other way and nearly collapsed from smoke inhilation. With all the smoke, no one could see if the fire was out. We called the fire station and they brought 'round two firetrucks, and the men went in, cleared all the smoke with a huge fan, and disabled the power in the kitchen, for chance or sparks starting another.
At the time I couldn't stop cracking jokes, but the next day in school I was sitting there and I realised that had mum and dad not been awake, the smoke alarm on the stairs would have only reacted when the fire was right under it, preventing escape there.
We could have lost everything. That's why a while back I kept saying about smoke alarms.
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