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10-09-2001, 08:31 PM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
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frankly, i see no reason for this argument. if either side would actually listen to what has been said here, you would both see that there is no real argument here, neither side has really said much contradicting the other...

i have to say, although i disagree with a lot that Glukkon-whatever has said, a lot of it also makes sense, and i respect him/her for being prepared to speak out like that when he/she in obviously in the minority. he/she had some well-thought-out arguments, and i thought the comment about the parts of the faces being sewn up was very funny, actually.

i have a kind of neutral position here, since i am not mad keen on OW really [i mainly come to the forums for the people here] and i can see that [no names mentioned and no offense intended] a few of you do seem to be refusing to listen to what Glukkon-etc is saying. i know that you pro-OW people COULD come up with some convincing and devastating arguments if you thought about it, but most of what i have seen amounts to a gut reaction to criticism of OW.

what is so shocking about the idea that Lorne *shock horror* is trying to make money, anyway? i mean, he's a businessman! of course he's going to put profit first! i am not saying that that is a nice thing to do, but i think we can hardly expect better, really...

oh, and Pilot, i appreciate that you know Lorne better than the rest of us, i am just looking at the arguments that have been put forward and coming to an opinion here.

way to make an entrance, Glukkon...

[please don't flame me for this, i am attempting to mediate]

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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10-09-2001, 10:45 PM
Osiris The Fleech
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Rettick: Good show!

It seems that the forumers are not really being the open-minded people they should be. Just because someone has different opinions doesn't mean you should flame him. You've just convinced him you're a bunch of Oddworld-freakish-zealot people. And admit it. Those cartoons were funny.
No spamming club member

Zorak: You don't want me to play ya to the desk?

Spaceghost: When have we done that??!! We've never done it that way!! And if you think you're getting sympathy from the shark, well, then you're wrong!

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10-10-2001, 07:15 AM
Steel Shark
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The persons thing was that the next Oddworld games would be nothing much due to the real creative people being axed. It's heresay, who knows what's up with people being let go and people staying. That was the whole point in a nutshell.

Where is the proof that all the talent have been fired. No where to be seen, if the clown had proof, the clown would have shown the proof, therefore talk is cheap, and bullshit walks.

It's a game. Have fun with it.This is what it's about, not negativity of future games that have no "SUBSTANTIAL" evidence to the clown's statements.

Some of you say you are here for the people, don't forget that for the most part the people here are ODDworld fans.It's a game, the next will be too. Take them all with whatever you feel at the time.This person states that top people that got Munch to where it is have been canned, who says, who is this person? Where's the proof? Sometimes even the best talent move on, and other great talent come in for another project better suited for there individual needs of that new praticular game, there are many intangibles. Stop giving credence to "UNSUBSTANTIATED" crap. At first people were giving the game back up rightfully so, now a couple have soured that pot in my opinion. So very easily giving up on our Oddworld and giving some statement from out in leftfield credence.

We have a right to believe for ourselves what we will, but not one person asked this person for validation of what they stated. All the talent have been fired just before the games release. Where, show me, and if so do not forget the intangibles. People move on from project to project, maybe there individual job with Munch is finished, on and on it goes.

It's going to be a great game, I'll be all over it on November 15th, when the next one comes out I'll be all over it as well. This company has already proven to me it is of a top notch calibur in all ways possible as from a games viewpoint.

Has anyone looked on the other side of the coin? Even if talent was let go (And of course that is just heresay and false until proven) who says new talent have not been hired to create the next chapter?

An unknown come in here from no where and a couple or 3 of you start leaning away from Oddworld so very quickly. What upset still over the PS2 not getting the game, get over it. It's on XBOX, live with it.

Prove it big mouth. How can some of you be sooooo gullible, it's a shame. Maybe it's just the ones that have this anger still for Oddworld and there move from PS2 to XBOX huh, that's it huh?

Anyway, it's a game, creativity deserves it's reward, why not make money with your talent. And as for the people getting fired, show me facts and proof before you go spouting off .

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10-10-2001, 09:23 AM
Outlaw Mortar
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Stark you are a very smart dude but for once i am going to have to half disagree with you. The part i am disagreeing is the "Anyway, it's a game, creativity deserves it's reward, why not make money with your talent"
Yes money can by a guy food but THE REAL GLUKKON IS ADVERTISING. Advertising is just the topping over the salary the dudes make. The only problem that i have over oddworld is putting advertising in the game! its ok if they have advertising outside the game but inside is just plain crap.
Talent is something you should cherish not sell out to big brand companies only if you work for them! Stark you are right, you have to see both sides of the coin but advertising inside of the game is ignoring both sides and just buying something with the coin.

my opinion, do not hate me for it!
Free the beans.... and ill free your heart... free your heart and ill fry my beans!

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10-10-2001, 04:30 PM
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enversi  (10)

Apparently the rumors ARE true. The newspost today on Polymer City chronicles, by a guy who actually knows people who got fired from OWI, says as much.

I don't know how I feel about this. I could say that I'm detatched and don't care about the poeple who make the games, just the games themselves, but that wouldn't be true. In reality, this simply compunds on the strange feeling of resentment thats been growing in me since I heard of the SoBe ads. Oddworld has somehow changed from what it was when I was playing Abe's Oddysee and Exoddus, into something decidedly not fun. It's not easy being a fan of Oddworld lately. There's not much for me to like.

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10-10-2001, 04:51 PM
One, Two, Middlesboogie's Avatar
One, Two, Middlesboogie
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Well said, enversi. I want an explanation as to why these people were made redundant.
Oddworld used to appeal to a very narrow hardcore slice of the gaming community, but it's too widespread and mass-market now. (That's also one of the reasons why I was disappointed with Wip3out; it was too shallow and commercial. That's why I'm looking forward to WipEout Fusion, which is going back to WipEout's hardcore roots after the poor sales of Wip3out).

A while back, someone (can't remember who; if it was you, speak up) on this board said that Oddworld looked distinctly less odd in MO. It was less dark, harsh and mystical, and brighter and cleaner than the previous games. He/she said that he/she liked the fact that in AO/AE you were 'the skinny guy with no weapons', but in MO there are things like Spooce cannons, which appear far too powerful to be associated with the Muds in the first two games. It was a far more exciting and satisfying gaming experience if you were much less well-armed than the enemy.

It's definitely too late for OI to majorly change anything about MO. I just hope that they manage to put back some of the AO/AE originality into ME and HoO.
Hand me my flamethrower... it's the one that says 'Bad Motherfucker'.

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10-10-2001, 06:17 PM
Steel Shark
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Steel Shark  (10)

One, two,Middlesboogie States:It's definitely too late for OI to majorly change anything about MO. I just hope that they manage to put back some of the AO/AE originality into ME and HoO.

Have you played Munch? What do you know of originality in anyway within the new up-coming Munch game? How do you know of it lacking originality? You have been against Munch and XBOX from the beginning. What the hell are you here for? Poetry? Go to a poet's Forum.

The heart and soul of this Forum is ODDWORLD and it's games, along with it's favorite console the XBOX. Love it or leave it. You have a issue now and then fine, but you are a "ONLY" negative person towards Munch and ODDWORLD along with the XBOX. You don't like them, your loss, as far as I'm concerned, but leave your negativity only attitude towards ODDWORLD,Munch, and XBOX at the door. You want to talk with friends here fine, do so, but just quit with the "ONLY" negative comments on ODDworld and XBOX. You know a disagreement or two on issues fine, but only negative comments have come from you about XBOX and Munch, enough.

How about I go to a Wipeout Forum and say it's full of crap, just all negative comments on it. That would be a fool thing to do, a rotten thing to do, a waste of time for all. Basically that's what you do here.

Stop bashing. This is a Forum for Oddworld lovers and the XBOX comes with it.
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10-10-2001, 06:38 PM
One, Two, Middlesboogie's Avatar
One, Two, Middlesboogie
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One, Two, Middlesboogie  (10)

Did you even read properly what I posted? I didn't say it lacked originality. I jsut said that it looks (from what we've seen so far) to clean, bright and garish, copared with the dark cruchiness of the last two.

"You have been against Munch & XBox from the beginning". So what? Just because I liked the previous games doesn't mean I have to like the next ones.

"How about I go to a Wipeout Forum and say it's full of crap" Did I say OI, XBox et al were crap? Did I?
Hand me my flamethrower... it's the one that says 'Bad Motherfucker'.

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10-10-2001, 06:58 PM
Steel Shark
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Steel Shark  (10)

Yes you have. Like a snake in the weeds. You have back-stabbed the game from every vantage point, every thread spills with your negativity of XBOX and in a smaller way Munch. You don't do it in a point blank way, you plant seeds of negativity here and there, always jumping on any thread with anything negative about XBOX and Munch. In a very un-assuming way.

No XBOX = No Munch. They go hand in hand, deal with it or leave. You need both. Stop trolling.You don't like them fine, why be here then, it makes no sense. The heart and soul of this Forum is ODDWORLD and it's partner XBOX, deal with it or get out little lady.
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10-10-2001, 08:23 PM
Oddworld Forums Founder
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I don't have very much to say, but I think there's far too much speculation and negativity going on here.

One more thing: please be kind to each other.
The Glass Asylum

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10-10-2001, 08:39 PM
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Question: If you owned a company and decided to have your employees all take a one month vacation, would you want to pay them for doing nothing? The term used "layed off" is correct for the context, and different from the term "fired." Layed off means, "to take leave without salary" and fired means "job termination." Mr Lanning even told me that everyone's taking one month off before coming back. Chew on that.
That was lame.

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10-10-2001, 09:42 PM
Joe the Intern's Avatar
Joe the Intern
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WOOHOO!! we still have some warrior defenders of the ODD. the elite: steel shark, pilot, and myself. oddworld is a great company, and where do you think half of their income goes? into future oddworld games for you guys! they get a fraction of what the games make. and the advertising, where do you think the money for that goes? future games! future games are for you guys! every decision OI makes is for YOU! i back OI 110%. if you dont think before you speak, you dont think at all! i hope alf sees this and clarifies everything for you non-believers.
"A shark on whiskey is mighty risky! But a shark on beer is a Beer Engineer!" -Space Ghost

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10-10-2001, 10:33 PM
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I hope you weren't refering to me as a non- beliver in your last post Joe , I have always considered myself a huge Oddworld fan and have always tried to defend it...
..I managed to take out the tiger with a can of mace; but the shop owner and his son, that's a different story all together...I had to beat them to death with their own shoes...


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10-11-2001, 12:27 AM
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of course i wasnt oddsville! im talking about all those people that are constantly complaining of OI selling out when they didnt sell out! i know youre a huge oddworld fan! as am i!
"A shark on whiskey is mighty risky! But a shark on beer is a Beer Engineer!" -Space Ghost

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10-11-2001, 04:22 AM
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I always wonder sometimes when I read these kinds of posts. I tend to agree somewhat with what Steel Shark says... that we are all here for Oddworld. If everyone looks back to the reason why they came here in the first place, it is because we are Oddworld fans. Some may stay for different reasons (people, RPG, etc)... but in the end we are all an Oddworld fan of some kind.

Unfortunately not all of us are like I am. I'm someone that tends to support OWI no matter what. I don't criticize their decisions too much and regardless of where their game is ... I follow to that console. It could be released on an Atari for all I care and I'd buy one. I'm one of those dedicated fan type people.

I know we are all different, but it really disheartens me when I read some negative stuff like this. Like I read in someone's post that they were calling Lorne a negative name... I won't name the person (they are a regular), nor will I say what was said, as I have great respect for Lorne. I mean if it weren't for Lorne, none of us would even know Oddworld at all. I really get annoyed when I read this kind of stuff.

As for all these rumors and stuff... I don't know a thing about what's happening... but I do know from past games, that after each game many people take an extended break from OWI not only because they have more than put in the hours and need a break, but perhaps also because their stage in the development is just not quite ready again for the next game.

Abe Babe...
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10-11-2001, 04:35 AM
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Yes, some peoople are quick to judge. It also aggrivated me when I saw that Mr. Lanning was having names thrown at him. I said this in a previous post in another topic: He is doing this for YOU and ONLY YOU. He's not out there to make a buck, but to hopefully teach you all that there's more to everything and everyone than meets the eye. And also to educate you about yourselves as a society; a society that victimizes itself and others purely for monetary gain. This is THE ONLY REASON that he's doing what he's doing. I am curious how some can come to condemn him for that?
That was lame.

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10-11-2001, 07:34 PM
Joe the Intern's Avatar
Joe the Intern
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here here!! i happen to be exactly like ab babe. i respect any decision OI makes completely. hell, if it werent for lorne, iw ouldnt have made this many friends on the forums!
"A shark on whiskey is mighty risky! But a shark on beer is a Beer Engineer!" -Space Ghost

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10-11-2001, 08:13 PM
Danny's Avatar
Wolvark Sloghandler
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to be more precise, joe, you wouldn't have made any friends on the forums, since they wouldn't exist...

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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10-11-2001, 09:26 PM
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Joe the Intern
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Joe the Intern  (11)

exactly my point dan!
"A shark on whiskey is mighty risky! But a shark on beer is a Beer Engineer!" -Space Ghost

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