Thanx, all the info was v.helpful. Since u lot kn0 about Meeps...i am wondering wot they r myself...they look like Elums wiv 1 leg and eye. Fuzzles r those things that mutate in2 mugs or meetles. Rats...i have no idea wot they r...(Hopefully u can posses them) and the Chronicler (Green, top hat, 4 arms, brief case) wot is he? Wot part does he play?? And on AE wot happens if u save all 300 Mud's? Also...were the Oddworld creatures supposed 2 sound like actual creatures, I.E Scrabs = Crabs, Paramite = Parasite, Glukkons = (Possibly) Gluttonus, Fleeches = Leeches, Slurgs = Slugs and Elum = Mule i the only 1 who noticed that?