Originally posted by paramiteabe
Abe actually looks a little bit more stronger than he used to. To me at least.
He seems stronger in MO than previeous games. Remember he was a weakling in AO but after the Big Face turned him into a hero, I am sure his phisical appearence has changed too. I mean now he can bounce around like never before. Thats sign of strength improvement.
I would also tend to agree with that. Now seeing him even with all those tattoos, he looks a bit stronger, and could be some sligs silly. Which makes me wonder why everyone feels abe is an unlikely hero. I mean he was when he started off being a floor waxer and a slave. But now he tends to look more like a true freedom fighter, and a strong willed mud, that does get scared at times.
Also I should scan a magazine cover from a couple years ago that previewed munch for PS2 it has a drawing someone did for the cover, and ABE is really really buff.
As for abe growing feathers. I personally dont want to see that, I think his orange ponytail and distinctive color blueish green is good, and his orange eyes. I think its better for him to look different from the other muds, and stick out.