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05-15-2003, 07:25 PM
MasterChief's Avatar
Bola Blast
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have the forums been gettin corrupt lately or is it just me? i mean ive been seeing some taking sides lately by the moderators.. but wut else would u expect when 14 yr old kids who havent hit puberty are running the forums.. what u guys think?
make love.

05-15-2003, 07:29 PM
nads's Avatar
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Well, that happens on every board. You can't stop it.

Isn't Kai older than 14 (based on pictures)

4 cold years...

05-15-2003, 07:30 PM
SeaRex's Avatar
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No. Shut up. There isn't any "corruption." Shut up.

The only taking of sides that I see is the seperation of people who post meaningless, flaming crap from those who actually act like they have some sense. I don't suppose I need to remind anyone that this is a fecking online forum! We're not dealing with warheads here, governer.
05-15-2003, 07:34 PM
nads's Avatar
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my point exactly

well...not really ,but... yeep!

4 cold years...

05-15-2003, 09:25 PM
Jacob's Avatar
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I agree with Luke. You may see this as taking sides, i see it as you not having a point...
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

05-15-2003, 10:16 PM
Majic's Avatar
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Re: Corruption!

Originally posted by MasterChief
have the forums been gettin corrupt lately or is it just me? i mean ive been seeing some taking sides lately by the moderators.. but wut else would u expect when 14 yr old kids who havent hit puberty are running the forums.. what u guys think?
I wonder why your not running it then. Your perfect.


EDIT: And besides, I'm not 14 yet.

05-15-2003, 10:34 PM
: May 2003
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Dragonlord3  (10)

Yeah i agree with Majic.I'm only 11.


Me: Dude calm down this isn't like we're Suddam Hussien in diguises

05-15-2003, 10:55 PM
Majic's Avatar
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Exactly. We're only Osamo Bin Ladens.
05-15-2003, 11:14 PM
Disgruntled Intern's Avatar
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With the exception of a handful of members, I don't like any of you. So why would I take sides?

I'm 17, by the way.

Buy my T-shirts. People will like you more and I will hate you less.

05-16-2003, 01:28 AM
MasterChief's Avatar
Bola Blast
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Yes majic Abe~! finally u realize bashing gay ppl is the right thing to do! man this forums is really lame, is there anyhting to do here besides be complete pussies and act like a bunch of peaceful homos? man lol Im outty, this forums really blows, maybe ill join one where cursing doesnt get u warnings and the people running it have some ide wut they talkin bout. bunch of flamers here with the exception of Ferril and Paramite Abe ( they r cool) and AL, but the rest of u Fags. specially the real fag Jacob Lol i hope i run into u in person, id love to see the butt plug up close. PC OUT
make love.

05-16-2003, 01:30 AM
: May 2003
: Trying to get into Mitsur
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Dragonlord3  (10)

you're the REAL flamer u idiot.Remember when u used to be under 13?God, you give idiots a bad name

05-16-2003, 02:12 AM
Joshy's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
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Who cares if the forum is corrupted or not, its a dictatorship anyways. What i say is rule, so all of you should obey me . Bow before me you slaves!!!

And cursing is bad because there is some young people here, and its a bad influence anyways.

And by the way communism rule!!!
"Why do you have to quote others when you can quote yourself?" (Quote by me)
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God.
You see things, and you say 'why'. But i dream things that never were and i say 'why not'.

05-16-2003, 02:32 AM
Alcar's Avatar
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I don't see anyone taking sides either I'm afraid.

And, hiting puberty has nothing to do with it. Majic is one of the most mature people I know, he'll have fun and muck around where appropriate, but he'll be mature when he needs to.

And besides, I wouldn't trust a Mid-teen any more than a 13 year old. Because you are going through all that God-damned teenage angst. Something I'm glad I've gotten over.

One funny line Adam Sandler said in a movie once was:

They (implying Gays) are just like us, they just watch a different kind of porn now

Everyone is equal, everyone has the right to equal rights. Your prejudice is clouding your minds. How would you like it if I was to turn around and start bashing Heterosexuals for loving the opposite sex.

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“Also, we don't need no Jacob to gay this place up. We have officially won the award for the forum with a highest proportion of gay members whilst not being themed about poojabbing, cowboys or Kylie.” - Nate

05-16-2003, 07:25 AM
Facsimile's Avatar
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Originally posted by MasterChief
Yes majic Abe~! finally u realize bashing gay ppl is the right thing to do! man this forums is really lame, is there anyhting to do here besides be complete pussies and act like a bunch of peaceful homos? man lol Im outty, this forums really blows, maybe ill join one where cursing doesnt get u warnings and the people running it have some ide wut they talkin bout. bunch of flamers here with the exception of Ferril and Paramite Abe ( they r cool) and AL, but the rest of u Fags. specially the real fag Jacob Lol i hope i run into u in person, id love to see the butt plug up close. PC OUT
Oh my god... it's happaned... it's actually happened! I have been waiting to read these words written by MasterChief for so long... I'm ecstatic!
Now let me begin: You are an illiterate idiot who believes yourself to be the best at something half the forum doesn't even care about. Your brain is the size of a hundred and thousand and you still use words like 'outty' which everyone looked down upon two years ago. You call people fags when you can't stop saying 'man' and are in love with a virtual robotic character.

Let's have a street party everyone!

I could have done better, but I want to play Diablo.
I do like fornicate
Check out my band!

05-16-2003, 10:27 AM
The Red Muse's Avatar
The Red Muse
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I didn't understand what was the point in this thread...
...I guess I don't even have to.

Argh. My nose is bleeding.
~[:: Surrender your cookies and you shall not be harmed! ::]~

05-16-2003, 10:32 AM
Jacob's Avatar
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finally u realize bashing gay ppl is the right thing to do!
Bless ya, you actually believed he was? And i would appreciate an answer to the questions i've asked you in PM, why are you so against gays? Is it cos Daddy touched you? Or did Unky Bob show you his plaything? Or, is it because when your with your [male] friends at a sleepover you long to be sleeping next to them, to be holding them, to be resting your head on their chests as they sleep? Im guessing, all of the above.

is there anyhting to do here besides be complete pussies and act like a bunch of peaceful homos?
For a 16 yr old you really are a f*cking moron aren't you? "Peaceful homos"? Im pressuming you meant 'homosexuals' but you do realise 'Homos' can also mean 'Homosapiens'. And i havent witnessed any Vagina-like actingness...

where cursing doesnt get u warnings
It doesn't usually [its just if you invoke hatefulness of the minorities] look;
Ha, you stupid no-lifer, small penised, Neo-Nazi, sad excuse for a Heterosexual. You really think your all "that" what with your "I am a Halo God" speak and such and such? Please, the only thing your God of is the disillusioned gang at school whom believe they're liked when all the Trendies and popular kids are acting like they like you for amusement, believe me...i've seen it and done it. You stated you had a girlfriend aswell? Interesting, not because i believe you, but because you believe an internet girlfriend is worthy of titling a "girlfriend". Your a sad, sad, low little man...and i personally would LOVE you to come back on the forums and spew some of your f*cking loserness somemore, you make most of the forumers seem cool...

Ferril and Paramite Abe ( they r cool)
Erm...i believe this confirms my above point...

but the rest of u Fags
If your going to be homophobic at least be the homophobe thats offensive and not one of the pricks in the street that merely states a gay guys sexuality at him...

specially the real fag Jacob Lol i hope i run into u in person, id love to see the butt plug up close
Is that a comeon? Are you coming onto me? Eww, please, i would rather insert an electric whisk up my anus and then turn it on, i would rather masturbate with sandpaper, i would rather have sexual intercourse with your overweight, balding father than to allow you to touch me in anyway that seemed at all sexual...
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

05-16-2003, 10:38 AM
Joshy's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
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Originally posted by MasterChief
but the rest of u Fags
I'm not a fag (sobs) So mean....
"Why do you have to quote others when you can quote yourself?" (Quote by me)
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God.
You see things, and you say 'why'. But i dream things that never were and i say 'why not'.

05-16-2003, 10:58 AM
Oddsville's Avatar
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Originally posted by MasterCheif
man this forums is really lame
If you really hate it so much then leave, we don't need a arse like you ruining it..

Originally posted by MasterCheif
man lol Im outty, this forums really blows, maybe ill join one where cursing doesnt get u warnings and the people running it have some ide wut they talkin bout.
Yes, yes Im sure you'll find pleanty of thoughs, but I doubt any of them will let you use the term "outty".....You'd just get your arse beat for saying that...

Originally posted by MasterCheif
but the rest of u Fags. specially the real fag Jacob Lol i hope i run into u in person, id love to see the butt plug up close. PC OUT
Ok, heres where I could get really mean but sience Im very tired (and sick) I won't even bother. I don't enjoy wasting my time on people like you. Btw, you know your just bashing yourself when you insult, as you like to say, "homo's"....

Now I end with...
MasterCheif, Jacob is much cooler and and smarter ( you have the IQ of a brick so there's no real competition) than you on your best day. As is everyone else here. If your mad at them for insulting you a ways back all I can say is...get over it! Its not the end of the world, if you even tried you would find that everyone here's a pretty nice person.
..I managed to take out the tiger with a can of mace; but the shop owner and his son, that's a different story all together...I had to beat them to death with their own shoes...


05-16-2003, 11:05 AM
The Red Muse's Avatar
The Red Muse
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Originally posted by Jacob
Is that a comeon? Are you coming onto me? Eww, please, i would rather insert an electric whisk up my anus and then turn it on, i would rather masturbate with sandpaper, i would rather have sexual intercourse with your overweight, balding father than to allow you to touch me in anyway that seemed at all sexual...

MasterCheif, Jacob is much cooler and and smarter ( you have the IQ of a brick so there's no real competition) than you on your best day. As is everyone else here.
Heh, you boys made my day.

*sniggers and walks away*
~[:: Surrender your cookies and you shall not be harmed! ::]~

05-16-2003, 02:58 PM
salty pretzils's Avatar
salty pretzils
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Oh Master Chef, I'm so flattred
Number one rule when attempting to insult people, make sure they actully care about what you think, say or do or you end up looking stupid.
Hmm...I wonder if that applies to you, Chef boy?
Well, that was a bit of a laugh. I'm sure we all enjoy some stupid soul getting grilled by Jacob and co.
05-16-2003, 03:22 PM
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Yep, Cheers Jacob! You've really put a smile back on my face.

As for MC, no loss. We don't need another person who claims they're a god at any game. Because, being the religious persont hat i am. I take that offencivly.
05-16-2003, 05:11 PM
Big_Bro_Slig222's Avatar
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Dang, I didnt get here soon enough. Jacob already blasted that moron,nice job there.

Ah yes, glad to see your back Nads.

05-16-2003, 07:09 PM
Fez's Avatar
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Re: Corruption!

Originally posted by MasterChief
or is it just me?
its just you.

05-16-2003, 09:18 PM
Melvin:squeeking paramite's Avatar
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Originally posted by MasterChief
id love to see the butt plug up close. PC OUT
I'm jacking off to the thought of this right now.

Oh yeah. Ram it up my poop chute, Masterchief... that's right. Oh yeah, you fit little cunt.... Mmm, baby. I think I love you.
05-16-2003, 09:39 PM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
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Well, Im not going to give into this mob mentality especially since I know MC personally. But its really disapointing to see things degrade to this level from an arguement amogst two members. I think many members not saying MC is without blame either, but many of you have acted in a very very immature matter. Some suprise me with that but others dont. Oh well, I could go on and shoot down a lot of these claims against my good friend, but I dont have the time to fight or argue. Nor do I want to feed this frendzy. I rather go play halo.

05-16-2003, 10:56 PM
Majic's Avatar
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Originally posted by Al the Vykker
Well, Im not going to give into this mob mentality especially since I know MC personally.

But its really disapointing to see things degrade to this level from an arguement amogst two members.

I rather go play halo.

1. I give thoust my deepest sympathies.

2. It was MC against.... basicly a small portion of the coherently thinking forum, which is more than 2.

3. Bad chocie of words.

EDIT: And hes in special ed, right? If not, please give me an alternate (almost) excuse... Please.

Last edited by Majic; 05-16-2003 at 03:00 PM..
05-17-2003, 12:36 AM
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I think MasterChief deserves rest.

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“Also, we don't need no Jacob to gay this place up. We have officially won the award for the forum with a highest proportion of gay members whilst not being themed about poojabbing, cowboys or Kylie.” - Nate

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