How much time went by batween AE and MO?
At the end of AE we see the beginnings of a movement of Mudokins lead by Abe as they hold their hands up to the moon. Then it ends. And then we move onto MO. How long was it batween the events of AE and MO? was it an entire year, a few weeks, a month, two years? It would be cool to see what happens in batween games. Like you would have these small adventures takeing place that leads up to the next bonus game or oddyessy. Perhaps that is what OW4 is going to be. a small adventure leading up to Munch's Exoddus. Like a bonus bonus game. What do you think Abe did in the time batween AE and MO? We should ask Alf that.
Last edited by paramiteabe; 02-27-2003 at 04:25 AM..