Ethan: "E-Ethan Cale, sir..."
*Setting: The child stood in the spacious room, his hands behind his straightened back. Infront of him sat three high-ranking Orkhid personel. Seated behind a desk, they were like, to Ethan anyway, the guard Dog to Hell...Cerberus. Mahogany bookshelves lined the walls as did glass cabinets which held trophies of different shapes and sizes. Ethan was stood 5-6 ft infront of the Interviewers and was nervous like never before.*
Interviewer #1: "Hmmm, and how old are you?"
The speaker was female, her hair was chin length and professionally straight. Her nose tiny and her pale blue eyes piercing she stared intently at the potential recruit. She was sat in a black suit with a white shirt underneathe, her lipstick was a blood red and seemed to glow in the brightly lit room. She tapped a blue pen on the desk, awaiting a response.
Ethan: "N-Nine, ma'am..."
He gulped and attempted to calm himself. The female bowed her head and scanned through some papers that were on the desk, flipping the pages to find something relevant or informative.
Interviewer #3: "Can you tell me why you want to become a troop, boy?"
His voice was gruff and he was showing signs of ageing. He sat confidently, his fingers intertwined as he asked. He was starting to grow some facial hair around the chin, silver, like his head hair. Wrinkles were forming in the corner of his eyes and frown lines were beginning to show on his forehead. He wore the typcial Orkhid army outfit which fit quite tightly around his bulky arms.
Ethan: "Errmmm...I-I dont really want to join the Army, sir. I, i would like to become a Dr...or someone in the medical profession."
The Orkhid grumbled and fidgited around on his seat.
Interviewer #3: "You can be become a Medic on the field, we needed them back when i was a trooper. Kept us going they did..."
Gently Ethan shook his head and shifted his standing position.
Ethan: "N-No, i'd rather be away from War...sir."
A small chuckle escaped from the second Interviewer who had been silent upto now. He was lean and slim, his hair was dark-brown and short, no cosmetic product had been applied to it. He was sat in a black pinstripe suit and had no facial hair, not even a lone whisker. Gracing his hands were black, leather gloves.
Interviewer #2: "You cant escape it. Its everywhere. Even if your on a remote island somewhere, there's still war. Inside of you, we are always battling with ourselves. The only time there is peace is when you die..."
His voice was stern and crucifiably firm. He stared at Ethan with a menacing cold stare. His grey eyes sending shivers down the childs back.
Interviewer #1: "Why do you want to enroll here then? If you dont want to be in the Army?"
She tilted her head and looked at him in a way that seemed to state 'Why are you wasting our time?'.
Ethan: "My mum and dad are in the Army. They want me to join, said i'll enjoy it..."
Sitting back she leant to the left and whispered to the second Interviewer. Placing a hand infront of her face so that Ethan couldn't interpret anything. It was at that time he realised he had forgotten to say 'Ma'am' and began to panic even more. The second interviewer nodded and mumbled something, she nodded also and and then turned to the right. Doing the same with the third. After consulting both of them she then addressed Ethan again.
Interviewer #1: "We realise the situation your in, Ethan. And we are somewhat sympathetic to that. However, it is by our own experience that the only way to shape an Orkhids true self-worth is to enroll him or her into the Army. We have all been there and we have all ended up with different jobs. Dont worry, just because your training to become a Soldier doesn't mean you will be one. And if you do begin to fail in the physical aspect, we will make sure you get into something more to your nature."
Ethan breathed in deeply and nodded.
Ethan: "Yes, i understand, ma'am. Could i ask what you do,'am."
She smiled and nodded.
Interviewer #1: "I am a Consultant. I am involved in 5 of the Hospitals in the city of Carm and 3 of the Asylums in Liel. It's hard work..."
The child nodded and took his hands from behind his back, rubbing them together.
Ethan: "And you trained with the Army...?"
Interviewer #2: "We all did, like i said; War is all around us, in us. We cant escape it. I'm a Lawyer and 87% of the cases i have to deal with are War-related. Or at least include violence...Its in every living-beings nature to want to hurt its neighbour."
Ethan nodded and placed his hands behind his back again. Awaiting the third Interviewer to speak, he never did.
Interviewer #1: "It's your birthday in two days, isn't it?"
Once more the child nodded, this time alot slower as he thought about his 10th birthday, thought about the Chair.
Interviewer #1: "Well, Happy Birthday for then. I'm guessing your nervous, but dont worry. We all have to go through it and if you pass it'll be an easy ride from then on..."
The word 'if' lingered in his mind. He knew they would find something, realise what his hobby was. And as soon as they found that out they would most likely do something to him, a punishment of some kind. They were all fine and pleasant now, but he knew that within them their Souls were as black as Oil. Knew that inside each of them lay a dorment, foul beast that had helped them reach the top. He didn't want to become like them and he wished so hard he was of another race, or dead. Eitherway would be suitable. And that wish would get him killed, sooner or later.
Ethan: "Thankyou, ma'am. I hope i will see you all sometime in the future."
He lied. They smiled and said their goodbyes, watching him as he walked towards the door and exited. They then placed his documents, scruffily, back in his file and shoved that to one side. Calling in the next Orkhid recruit who was, hopefully, going to be a little more enthusiastic.
Useful links:
Note: The above fic has nothing to do with the current one. It just outlines the different process' the Orkhids use and the regime of their kind.
(OOC: Thanx for the comments and you will find out later. This story becomes more relevant in a couple of years time (Yes, its sad but i have all my fics endings already planned out, heh.).)