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01-04-2003, 09:04 AM
Canned Gabbiar's Avatar
Canned Gabbiar
Spark Stunk
: Dec 2002
: Dunno...
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Rep Power: 23
Canned Gabbiar  (10)
Dead Victor's Tale

I've never written a fanfic before, but here I go. Oh and please reply to my poetry and fan art threads... I need feedback to see what you guys think. Anyway (better stop advertising ...), onto my fanfic... Victor's Tale.

Victor was an ordinary Vykker who worked at a large laboratory in the middle of a forest. His office was on the 3rd floor. Victor was just another normal Vykker; Purple, cruel, sadistic, cold-blooded, ugly and so on. Yes, he was just another Vykker who was out to make a living by cutting up flesh and developing teeth-rotting sweeteners. Until one day...

"HEY! INTERN! Get yourself over here! And bring a critter!" screeched Victor.

The Intern mumbled a rude reply and grabbed an occupied fuzzle-cage. He placed it on Victors table and left.

"Hee hee hee," giggled Victor while he stroked the shaking fuzzle and slowly raised a large injection gun towards it.

The fuzzle began shaking violently.

"HOLD STILL DAMMIT!" cursed Victor.

Victor was getting impatient and irritated. He whacked the fuzzle.

"AAAAAAAARRRRRRRGH!!" Victor cried, raising his left arm which now had a nice set of teeth marks imprinted onto it.

He dropped the injection gun. The injection gun striked Victor's foot. The needle dug in. His vision blurred and his eyes began to water. His head began to swim. His foot became swollen and he was losing his balance. He stumbled towards the window. He tripped over a dead fuzzle. He fell.

"What ...?"Victor wondered as gravity pulled him towards the ground,"my formula isn't supposed to do ... do... thi... this...."

He hit the ground. He slipped into unconsiousness...

Seer from December 2002 to present...

Last edited by Canned Gabbiar; 01-04-2003 at 03:35 PM..
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01-04-2003, 11:55 PM
Canned Gabbiar's Avatar
Canned Gabbiar
Spark Stunk
: Dec 2002
: Dunno...
: 385
Rep Power: 23
Canned Gabbiar  (10)
The story continues...

Well, seeing as I'm bored out of my mind, I'll just write a bit more. Oh and please look at my fan art please...

Victor awoke where he had landed. It must have been a couple of hours. His head was throbbing with pain and he had broken one of his arms. His foot was bigger than ever and hurt when he tried to walk.

"huh?" wondered Victor, "what happened? Where am I?"

A pair of Vykkers walked by.

"Hey Ivan, I created a new sweetener. I call it Evan's Super Duper Sugar. One grain contains five times the sweetening power of one teaspoon of the ordinary stu..." Evan stopped when he noticed Victor.

"Hey Victor you moron!" teased Ivan, "fell out your windo I see? Hahaha!" He continued to laugh.

Victor was confused. Who was Victor was his first thought. Who were these guys? The thought made his head hurt, so he tried not to think too much about it. But he couldn't stop wondering. Who am I? Who are they? Where am I? Why does my head hurt so bloody much?

"Who are you?" started Victor, "And who is Victor?"

The other two Vykkers exchanged puzzled looks.

"Jeez!" began Evan, "that fall must have rattled your brain quite a bit... Hey Ivan, reckon we should take him to the Infirmary?"

"Nah!" replied Ivan coldly, "He's not worth the trouble. Leave him here and use as bait to capture more critters." He sniggered and left.

"Hey wait up!" Evan scuttled after him.

All alone, Victor struggled to get up, but in vain. The sun was setting and it was becoming dark. For the next few hours, he just lied there in the dirt staring at the sky. The moon had risen. Then, too tired and in too much pain, he fell asleep. He dreamed...
Seer from December 2002 to present...

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01-06-2003, 11:32 PM
Stripe's Avatar
: Jun 2002
: Maryland
: 55
Rep Power: 23
Stripe  (10)

Storys running a bit fast, (but thats just me-don't worry) but I gotta know what happens to Victor! Seems odd (Odd?) that vykkers would pass up the opertunity to expirement on one of their own....professional courtesy?

What happens next?
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