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01-23-2003, 06:33 AM
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Native The Unamusing Belch

I have been thinking this for a while now, but I've only just remembered it again.
Why does Munch burp? It was original in AO when Abe farted, and it wouldn't be right if he didn't in later games, but with Munch, his burping is like a copied idea, and it's not even funny.
Do you agree with me in thinking it lacks very much in originality, something OWI is rather good at?
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01-23-2003, 10:13 AM
FireFrog's Avatar
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Actually, it doesn't bother me at all. As they said in the AO manual:

Some noises (especially the rude ones) are just for fun and to customise your style of playing. It's an attitude thing.

For instance I like to run up to sligs and big bros and just burp/fart right in there faces for no reason. As they said. It customises the way u play.


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01-23-2003, 11:16 AM
Canned Gabbiar's Avatar
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Arrow Nothing wrong with belching

Like firefrog, I don't have anything against Munch belching, though I can see why you would say it's unoriginal.

As Firefrog said It really just something that allows you to customise the way you play... sort of like developing your own view of Abe/Munch's character. For example, I sometimes make abe and munch continuously make the sounds as if they are having a competition, making them seem like little kids.

The burp in itself is not that funny, but burp at abe and he'll say something like "dude that's just wrong". I don't know why but I find that funny. Same goes when Abe farts at Munch.
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01-23-2003, 02:41 PM
paramiteabe's Avatar
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If you are going to be really worried about Munch's Belch then write OWI a letter of complaint. Who cares it's just for fun thats all.

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01-23-2003, 05:09 PM
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For example, I sometimes make abe and munch continuously make the sounds as if they are having a competition, making them seem like little kids.
This is a perfect example. Now, you see, if OWI wanted to make a good game they would make sure the above came as a last resort. So, please make the 4th adventure thingy more original and thooperer...cos otherwise your going to have children "customising" the way they play. And its not even customising. Fable is were you customise your character...
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01-24-2003, 07:21 AM
Canned Gabbiar's Avatar
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Ok then Jacob. Not "customise". That is going a little too far. And also, did I say I was always doing that? After I finished the game a couple of times, I just like to play around with the game features. It is just a fun feature that allows you to give Munch and Abe a "personality" to a certain extent. If you get what I mean. But mainly, you just do it for fun.
Seer from December 2002 to present...

Last edited by Canned Gabbiar; 01-23-2003 at 11:26 PM..
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01-24-2003, 08:32 AM
Oddness's Avatar
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I haven't played MO, but that's the impression I got about the burp - unoriginal and childish. I hate the way you possess farts in AE. It's just stupid and changes the aura of the game entirely.
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01-25-2003, 05:03 AM
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I liked the fart bit. It was a bit childish but it was different. In what other game could you possess a fart? The fart has always been a part in Oddworld.
Unlike the burp.
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01-25-2003, 06:34 AM
FireFrog's Avatar
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Well yeah, but that was because Munch was never in the other games.

Would you rather him fart again? Abe already does it.
What other noise would you have him make? The buttons gotta do SOMETHING!
Would you rather it without the burp? Well then it'd make Munch even MORE boring to play as!

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01-25-2003, 07:00 AM
Fez's Avatar
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i guess each character will have a certain characteristic...sound...
abe: fart
munch: belch

but what will squeek do? throw up?

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01-25-2003, 07:19 AM
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Pull out a bottle of beer, get drunk and hiccup.
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01-25-2003, 12:16 PM
paramiteabe's Avatar
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Well the only thing I can think of that would be useful for the Burp would that when Munch Burps Abe can possess that too. But the Burp would do something different and not explode like the fart Maybe it would be some kind of laughing gas to get sligs to laugh outreagiously in future games? I don't know but I am sure OWI will do something with it.

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01-27-2003, 05:10 PM
Oddipus's Avatar
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Abe: fart
Munch: burp
Squeek: Sneez!

Sneezing Squeek, sounds good allready :-)

Imagine what you could do with a possesed sneez! Bweek.

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02-04-2003, 03:57 PM
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dumboddrw2  (10)

The idea of possessing a fart in AE is the best bit of the whole game. When I showed a friend this 4 years ago. He litterally
wet himself. It is childish but without stuff like that Oddworld would not be what it is. Just read the Abes Oddysee manual on Playstation. Seriously it's got hundreds of jokes packed in.
Oddworlds games are funny and thats the way they should be.

CONCLUSION: Keep Munchs burp in it. I haven't seen it yet but sounds funny.

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02-04-2003, 04:00 PM
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dumboddrw2  (10)

Maybe the burp could kill Sligs at close range and if Squeak did sneeze then the sneeze could blow enemies away. But to sneeze you'd need to hold the button for a second or too. This would mean you couldn't use it all the time and would make it a good gameplay thingy.

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02-05-2003, 06:31 AM
Facsimile's Avatar
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No. Plus a sneeze is nothing like a burp and a fart, they are gas type things where as sneezes are... another thing. Someone help me out here.
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02-05-2003, 11:36 AM
paramiteabe's Avatar
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The sneezing idea is pretty cool. I know all kinds of useful things he could use it for. Like killing his enemys with covering all of them in this sticky, tacky, and rather disgusting snot or buger. And that "Buger" would act like a tacky glue or rubber cement. It would dry quickly over the slig or what ever and turn into this leathery sack like membrain that sufficates the enemys. I like it! It has potential.

I see Squeek more or less like this really cute little guy who has a bad cold that he can't get rid of curtesy of the Vykkers and their research in disease control. He's really small but has a hell of a nose. Hidden behind the cuteness is a wineing screaming nose that shows no mercy. Hehe rather disturbing I say! Sickness would never be the same once Squeek gets to you.

I don't know thats another idea of Squeek in my mind. You know what, ill go draw it up and show you guys this. Its rather cool what I am thinking of right now.

We only have two gas things and that is a fart and a belch. The sneezing for Squeek is perfect because not only it relates to the name Squeek but also can be something rather disturbing and odd. Plus the gas idea is starting to get old. We need something new an intrasting to watch. And why not Squeek's nose? I like it

Last edited by paramiteabe; 02-05-2003 at 03:40 AM..
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02-06-2003, 05:54 AM
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Originally posted by paramiteabe
Like killing his enemys with covering all of them in this sticky, tacky, and rather disgusting snot or buger.
That's what I mean, immaturity.
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02-06-2003, 11:51 AM
paramiteabe's Avatar
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Originally posted by Facsimile
That's what I mean, immaturity.
Its for fun! For crise sake can't I imagine?

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02-12-2003, 12:47 PM
Oddipus's Avatar
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Can we have a laugh please? Why do we have to be mature? Odworld games are fun. And there are multiple levels of humor included in each game: stupid childisch, but also subtile mature.

Is it such a crime to think about a sneezing guy? I bet you wouldn't complain if OWI actually put something similar in future games. (If done in a good way offcourse, keeping balance between stupid and serious). Without the stupid stuff, the games can become dull very easy.

Not willing to attack you, but please don't attack someone else for having crazy ideas.

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02-12-2003, 03:44 PM
Jacob's Avatar
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People have a right to crazy ideas but making them as immature as that is not crazy, its wrong. If OWI did do that then they would lose a vast amound of mature players. Thus their "message" or whatever wouldn't get across cos the only thing kids care about is making silly sounds or whatever.

If games get too realistic then it is a good thing. We will be able to take our anger out on the different appendages of an enemy. For instance, taking a Sligs pants away and then standing on its fingers and then breaking its arms...thus making it squirm and thus making for fun realism. Games with high realism usually make the best games due to the fact that people like to smash a window, blind an enemy with the shattering glass and then bludgeon the twat to death with a chair leg...
America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

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02-12-2003, 05:41 PM
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As long as they make a fun game that has replay value to back it up, I'll be happy.
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02-13-2003, 05:42 AM
Oddipus's Avatar
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Sorry Jacob, but I don't entirely agree. Like I said, humor must exist in different layers. Based on reality (your finger-break-example) or on stupidity (Abe gliding down a cliff on back and belly in AO / AE, farts, belch, SNEEZE). I admit that the theory of attacking a slig with a huge snot-attack isn't cool or fun anymore, that's pushed too far, obviously. Do you really want pure realism? No absurdity at all? (anyway: farting, belching and sneezing is real too, right?)

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02-13-2003, 10:46 AM
paramiteabe's Avatar
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Well maybe I went a little overboard with that. I dident even draw it after I thought about it. Take this for an idea. Have Squeek be able to move in and out of other creatures in his way of disposeing them. His name is Squeek because when he moves through the air his body emits a light whistleing noise which sounds squeeky. He has no bones in his body which makes him able to squeeze through small cracks and also will be able to squeeze through the pores of a creature which he would then occupy the body. Kind of like Abe's possession only physical with Squeek. I realise we don't really need anymore bodly sounds or actions with our characters. Besides thats not what Oddworlds about. Your right it is imature. If theres any humor maybe it should be rather the way Squeek moves around. Thats not bad. That could be a humerous thing. And well the way he kills enamys would be rather odd.

Mainly I would like to see Squeek as a flying creature. No bones just a light weight creature who looks sort of like a Jellyfish or some kind of microb who could glide in the wind and could fit into the smallest of places. And yet an outcast to his kind. I see him liveing in mile high trees of a huge Oddworld forest. A society of this blob like race liveing high in a canopy glideing from branch to branch. At night their bodies glow because of all the energy they absorb. Squeek would be one of them. Maybe have his race be at threat do to industry. But your right what ever Squeek is no sounds.

The sounds worked for Abe and Munch but thats it. The fart and the belch was well suited for those games because of the character. Thats over and we press on to something different. Our unlikely heroes are getting rather more interesting as time goes on. Lets hope Squeek is rather unusual and like nothing we have ever seen before. Different from Abe and Munch that makes them look rather normal.


Last edited by paramiteabe; 02-13-2003 at 07:03 AM..
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02-13-2003, 06:31 PM
MojoMan220's Avatar
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How many gross bodily sounds can the Oddworld Inhabitants come up with?? It may sound odd, but it would be hilarious to have one throwup... in a twisted, dark kind of way.
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02-14-2003, 12:59 AM
Facsimile's Avatar
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Originally posted by Oddipus
Is it such a crime to think about a sneezing guy? I bet you wouldn't complain if OWI actually put something similar in future games.
Yes I would. I complained about the burp didn't I?

Abe gliding down a cliff on back and belly in AO / AE,
This may sound weird, but I only just realised that was meant to be funny.

PA your newer ideas are a lot better than the sneeze one.
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02-18-2003, 06:06 AM
Oddipus's Avatar
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Facsimile, let me put it this way:

Do you agree that it is possible to make the burp, sneeze or watherver a fun/good gameplay element? (Not like the meaningless burp in MO, more like the fart in AE.) And if you do, how exaclty would you want to see it.

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02-20-2003, 05:52 AM
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No, because once again it would be unoriginal.
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02-25-2003, 05:01 AM
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All this discussion about use of bodily functions in games reminds me of this corny old Super Nintendo game called Boogerman: The Pick and Flick Adventure. I don't think I need to say more, other than it had a range of bodily functions as attacks.

Anyway, I'd really like to see something original in future games. Farting and burping are funny, but like all things if they are over-used, they can wear out their usage. I'm not good at thinking up these kinds of things, but I'm sure Oddworld will come up with very original and humorous ideas.

Abe Babe...
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02-25-2003, 11:10 AM
Jacob's Avatar
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I think i remember what your going on about Abe Babe. It was on Mega Drive and was quite amusing, however, i was 7...
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