Thank you for your warm welcomes!
And thank you Darling, for accepting in on "your thing". (Also: You're welcome)
Women are 100% feelings though
And no I got new socks for Christmas, but they're in that state where you take them off at the end of the day and you have a load of sock shit in between your toes.
I am 100% feelings. So, therefore, I am woman. Hear me roar.
It's good to hear you got new socks, and that you're not still wearing the same crusty ones from before Christmas. I'm proud.
Hello! I remember this:
Originally Posted by kjjcarpenter
Hardly an over-reaction to someone wither a tender heart, who loves animals. She doesn't approve of animal slaughter, simple as that, and needless loss of life makes her emotional. She's even forced me to figure out ways to play through the games without harming anything save sligs and glukkons, unless it is absolutely vital. Even slogs are to be spared.
It certainly adds a new depth of challenge to the games. There was this part in Soulstorm Brewery with slogs and electric gates, and although it took me the better part of an hour to rework the puzzle and perfect the timing, no slogs were harmed. I think I added a few more silver hairs to my head, though.
Oh Vlam, you made me blush. I never realised I was so popular, looks like you guys have been talking about me for years

. Haha. From the tone of that conversation though, it looks like I could really be some fun around here. Link me to that post?
Vlam, you're one cool Frenchie.
does that mean MrsKJJ is also kevin? excuse me but when did kevin become a girls name? busted.
That's some good sleuthing there, 99. Kevin is indeed, NOT a girls name.
1) No, Kevin is not my name.
2) Once upon a time, when a couple was married, they would be introduced as "Mr and Mrs John Smith". I happen to like it. It's cute.

3) I'm copying @MrsTad.