This is probably going to be like that Exoddus beta. I doubt anyone on here will know, you'll just have to hope the uploader replies. :/
I hope the user does. Out of curiosity, what is this Exoddus beta you mentioned?
Why would you want one? I mean, I can understand if it was an Abe game or something, but Munch?
1. Because it's alot more like the original Abe games, which I think Munch's Oddysee would've been better if it had been.
2. What's wrong with Munch? :P
Well, it has Abe in it. So that's good enough to want to play it. Just my opinion though.
The fact that it's Oddworld is a good enough reason to want to play it.
I can't even watch the second video because the uploader didn't make it available in my country.
Here's a link to the one you need to watch it on.
The first one was just one of the gameplay concept videos that they made before full gameplay development revved up.
The second one I've never seen before, but it looks so similar to the final game that I'd bet it was actually made on the Xbox.
You could be right, although there are alot of differences. Either way, I like the look of it and really want it.