Man I dunno... Swear words tend to fly past my ears. I never give them much thought, But I do use them a lot. "Fuck" is a pretty normal word in Denmark, that everyone uses(at least young people do).
I guess such words as "Luder" is a really bad one. A lot of girls take offense to it. It means "hooker" or "whore" or something.
Anyway, I simply LOVE romanian swears. They are simply so satisfying to say. I just wish I could remember them, and it has a lot of sharp pronunciations to emphasize everything. I always found swears with sharp pronunciation more effective.
One sentence sounds something like this: "Fututsi Pizda Masi" which means "Fuck her/his mother's cunt" >_< It's so horrible, yet satsfying. It's also a pretty normal swear. I wish I could remember more.
Edit: The sentecned can always be said like this: "Fututi Pizda Matii" which translates to "Fuck your mothers cunt"
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@
Last edited by T-nex; 12-10-2009 at 01:45 PM..