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04-17-2010, 04:11 PM
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Let's talk about Doctor Who.

So, anyone else been really enjoying Matt Smith's Doctor?

I think he's got a nice mix of Tennant's charm with the alien-ness that has been lacking lately.

Plus lots of love for Moffat!

Oh by the way

These guys have streams of this season's eps if they aren't in yer countree yettt.
Ah, we are high school boys,
the miserable high school boys.
If we were girls, we could get popular by doing anything:
rock band, jazz band,
karate, kendo, mahjong, cyborg, synchronized swimming...
On the other hand, high school boys are
useless outside battle and sports anime.
But they're recklessly trying to make a slice-of-life anime about us.
Ah, we are high school boys,
the miserable high school boys.

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04-17-2010, 06:12 PM
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Let's not.
The Oddworld Wiki

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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04-18-2010, 12:58 AM
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Unless it's about Jon Pertwee.
A man walks into a zoo. There's nothing there but one dog. It was a shih-tzu.

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04-18-2010, 01:44 AM
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Airing here in 15 mins. I can wait.
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04-18-2010, 01:59 AM
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Yes, the Doctor Who Wiki has a page about Jammy Dodgers now...
do you think i give a heck

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04-18-2010, 02:10 AM
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I would totally do his new assistant. Also; he's not too bad. Not in that way. No.
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04-18-2010, 02:17 AM
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Last night's episode was unspeakable wank, and yet completely indicative of how Doctor Who is evolving. Doctor Who encounters "Churchill vs. the Daleks" (wank), historical character is cheeky but noble (as opposed to the batshit insane he was historically — wank), older design of something is replaced with newer "awesome" design void of subtlty, despite the fact this has no effect on characters' actual awesomeness (wank), more pointless prophecies that would make an astrologer balk at the vagueness (wank). Doctor Who has become even more bland, predictable, unintelligent, mass-produced and painful than The X-Factor.

Summed up thusly: The new white Dalek is called "The Eternal", but Stephen Moffat and Mark Gatiss both admit they don't know what that means yet ("but it sounds cool").

Next week is "River Song vs. the Weeping Angels", which is beyond wank. It's Moffat just sponaneously ejaculating. Ejaculating through the television and into your eyes.

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04-18-2010, 02:27 AM
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I can't be bothered with the new series at all. I was a little unsure about the Christopher Ecclestone series, although Ecclestone made it watchable. It went down hill from there. I used to love the old ones when I was about nine, and still do quite enjoy them, but they certainly seem much less amazing than they did back then.
A man walks into a zoo. There's nothing there but one dog. It was a shih-tzu.

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04-18-2010, 02:30 AM
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The old ones were never amazing, they were always cheesy shit and that's why I like them.
“I always believe the movies I've made are smarter than the way they are perceived by sort of mass culture and by the critics,” Snyder said, a statement he immediately followed by saying, “Also, ‘It looks like a video game.’

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04-18-2010, 02:34 AM
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The old Daleks were definitely better. Their rickety appearance made them more threatening (somewhat, anyway. The Daleks' appearance has never really been threating) in my opinion.
A man walks into a zoo. There's nothing there but one dog. It was a shih-tzu.

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04-18-2010, 04:55 AM
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Yes, the Doctor Who Wiki has a page about Jammy Dodgers now...
JESUS CHRIST how about a spoiler alert there?
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04-18-2010, 09:19 AM
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Josh never uses spoilers, just like he never used to use tard faces for vagina's.
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04-18-2010, 10:11 AM
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The old Daleks were definitely better.
Not to mention fucking iconic.
Ah well. At least the new Dr. Who didn't do to the Daleks what new Battlestar Galactica did to the Cylons. Now they look too much like those B2 battle droids from Star Wars.
I bought some powdered water, but didn't know what to add.

Last edited by Sekto Springs; 04-18-2010 at 10:15 AM..
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04-18-2010, 10:50 AM
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I keep missing the premiere. I've only seen the ending. I totally agree with you about Smith's alien-like quality, which makes it more atmospheric for me. I liked Tennant's doctor as well, though.

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04-18-2010, 12:06 PM
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The ones from the 60's are actually pretty good.

And this new guy isn't that bad.
Arise O Man in thy strength. The kingdom is thine to inherit!

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04-18-2010, 01:02 PM
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Last night's episode was unspeakable wank, and yet completely indicative of how Doctor Who is evolving. Doctor Who encounters "Churchill vs. the Daleks" (wank), historical character is cheeky but noble (as opposed to the batshit insane he was historically — wank), older design of something is replaced with newer "awesome" design void of subtlty, despite the fact this has no effect on characters' actual awesomeness (wank), more pointless prophecies that would make an astrologer balk at the vagueness (wank). Doctor Who has become even more bland, predictable, unintelligent, mass-produced and painful than The X-Factor.

Summed up thusly: The new white Dalek is called "The Eternal", but Stephen Moffat and Mark Gatiss both admit they don't know what that means yet ("but it sounds cool").

Next week is "River Song vs. the Weeping Angels", which is beyond wank. It's Moffat just sponaneously ejaculating. Ejaculating through the television and into your eyes.
Isn't Dr Who meant to be wank?

I can't be bothered with the new series at all. I was a little unsure about the Christopher Ecclestone series, although Ecclestone made it watchable. It went down hill from there. I used to love the old ones when I was about nine, and still do quite enjoy them, but they certainly seem much less amazing than they did back then.
Ecclsestone was shit.
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04-18-2010, 01:19 PM
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I completely disagree. I would even say that he was up there with Tom Baker and Jon Pertwee.
A man walks into a zoo. There's nothing there but one dog. It was a shih-tzu.

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04-18-2010, 01:34 PM
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Isn't Dr Who meant to be wank?
It's hardly meant to be high calibre or gritty realism or subtlty in television form. But it could do without being wank. If I were OANST I'd complain about how it's now being written by fans of the original series, but I'd have thought real fans would want to treat it better. Maybe it's because they're the original fans who felt ostracized from popular society because they were such geeky afficionados, and now they're trying desperately to prove how popular and amazing they can be.


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04-18-2010, 04:14 PM
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All I can say is that Fat Suit Churchill looks ridiculous. You're telling me, show, that you couldn't find a fat actor who looked / could play the part? As they say across the pond, BOLLOCKS.

I've always despised fat suits.

ANYWAY. Where do I pick up with Dr. Who? Last time I left them, the Dr and his latest arm candy had switched realities, with the Doctor and her forgetting who they were and adopting completely new identities, until whats-her-name remembers and has to remind the Doctor of who he is, while a family of aliens takes over a school.

I haven't had the chance to catch up since then.

Last edited by Dipstikk; 04-19-2010 at 04:40 AM..
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04-18-2010, 04:15 PM
Mac Sirloin's Avatar
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I watched like 3 minutes of some new episode where he talks to a big eyeball.
It occupied me.

All I can say is that Fat Suit Churchill looks ridiculous. You're telling me, show, that you couldn't find a fat actor who looked or could play the part? As they say across the pond, BOLLOCKS.
Like the actor who looked almost exactly like him in Inglorious Basterds?
I see you jockin' me.

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04-18-2010, 04:32 PM
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The only real problem I had with the Dalek ep was that it seemed a bit rushed. I can see where Max is coming from, but to me it's always been like that, and what changed it from shit to good IMO is the strength of the actors and the lack of Russel in the new episodes.

Also, The Dalek serving tea made me giggle.
Ah, we are high school boys,
the miserable high school boys.
If we were girls, we could get popular by doing anything:
rock band, jazz band,
karate, kendo, mahjong, cyborg, synchronized swimming...
On the other hand, high school boys are
useless outside battle and sports anime.
But they're recklessly trying to make a slice-of-life anime about us.
Ah, we are high school boys,
the miserable high school boys.

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04-18-2010, 04:34 PM
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Why are all my friends Dr Who nerds?
“I always believe the movies I've made are smarter than the way they are perceived by sort of mass culture and by the critics,” Snyder said, a statement he immediately followed by saying, “Also, ‘It looks like a video game.’

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04-18-2010, 08:50 PM
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Also, The Dalek serving tea made me giggle.
Oh god, that does sound funny.


Like the actor who looked almost exactly like him in Inglorious Basterds?
I haven't seen that movie more than once. :C

Last edited by Dipstikk; 04-18-2010 at 09:21 PM..
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04-18-2010, 09:08 PM
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Last edited by Dipstikk; 04-18-2010 at 09:21 PM..
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04-18-2010, 09:15 PM
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You double posted, you FUCK.
I bought some powdered water, but didn't know what to add.

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04-18-2010, 09:17 PM
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Yeah, that was dumb.

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04-18-2010, 10:03 PM
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Let's talk about Doctor Who
Let's don't and say we did.
That was lame.

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04-19-2010, 02:35 AM
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All I can say is that Fat Suit Churchill looks ridiculous. You're telling me, show, that you couldn't find a fat actor who looked / could play the part? As they say across the pond, BOLLOCKS.

I've always despised fat suits. ANYWAY. Where do I pick up with Dr. Who? Last time I left them, the Dr and his latest arm candy had switched realities, with the Doctor and her forgetting who they were and adopting completely new identities, until whats-her-name remembers and has to remind the Doctor of who he is, while a family of aliens takes over a school.

I haven't had the chance to catch up since then.
That wasn't a fat suit you fucking moron, Ian McNeice is a fat fuck.
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04-19-2010, 02:43 AM
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Yeah, Dipstikk, stop ragging on fat people.

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04-19-2010, 04:12 AM
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You thought that was a fat suit. Twat.
Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.

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