I'm not entirely sure, but I think it's the sligs of the worker class. They might even just send out machines that take them back to Rupturefarms. I might be wrong, but, ya never know...
/b/ is the random category on 4chan. The place where all bad things come from. Especially Hitler.
i'm actually quite scarred at posting on these forums due to my experiance of oddworld games only started with MO but i would make an educated guess and say that the vykkers make traps like the one on MO and then send sligs to gather them up
Your probably right, because I doubt a few worker class sligs would just run up to a Scrab with a club and batter the crap out of it. They would get overpowered way to easily so I think they could use a snoozer and then trap them in a trap. Or something like that.
Actually, I think the Mudokons do it. Quoting one of the handstones in Abe's Oddysee (this one is in Monsaic Lines):
"Few Paramites and Scrabs inhabit these lands As millions have died at our own lost hands.
Sacred they are to us who know
But face them he must to continue their show.
Shrykull shall come from the spirits' unrest
To aid the victor after this quest."
Yes, probably it's just symbolic, but maybe the Mudokons, who wouldn't get weapons (to kill the animals) from the Glukkons for obvious reasons, may operate machinery that slaughters animals in a conveyor belt or something like that.
I'll say a combination of the sligs tracking down the animal and then sending in the snozzer to capture it and bring it back to where ever it needs to go.