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02-22-2007, 01:42 PM
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Your Scariest Moments in Videogaming

I saw this topic on another forum and thought it was quite amusing. So I've decided to ask the same question that was asked on that other forum.

What are your scariest moments in videgaming?

I have so many. So many memories. So many flashbacks of the moments. They're actually so stupid and my reactions were so shocked or scared that I actually laugh at them now. In fact, I will tell them in flashback mode. Note that in some of the flashbacks, I was quite young.

*Flashback 1*
(Ray is playing a demo on to PS1. She is going through a First-person maze. It is dark and quiet. Ray is just innocently playing when suddenly...an alien jumps out with a loud scream)
Ray: AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! (Runs out of the room screaming and crying)
(After a few minutes, she comes up with her brother, the alien is now slashing the life out of the player character)
Alien: (Thinking) Why is it so easy?

*Flashback 2*
(Ray is watching her brother play Residant Evil on the PS1. When something rushes past the window)
Brother: What was that?
Ray: (Weakly) It looked like a dog
(The brother goes to the door when a Mutant Zombie rushes in with a screech)
Ray and Brother: (Shocked)

*Flashback 3*
(Ray is playing Zelda: OOT when she sees a redead for the first-time)
Ray: What are people doing under the ground in a crypt?
(She goes up to talk to one of the 'people' when it turns around and screams at her)
Ray: (Jumps feet) Argh! A zombie!
(Ray did not know what these things were called at first)

*Flashback 4*
(Ray is going through the Bottom of the Well. When she goes into an 'empty' room)
Ray: Empty?
(She walks into the middle of the room when The Dead Hand appears)
Ray: EEK!!

*Flashback 5*
(Ray is watching her brother play Project Zero (Fatal Frame is the American name) when they hear something)
Ray: What's that?
(A seemingly headless ghost appears)
Ray: Oh, just a headless ghost, not too scary
(The ghost turns around, revealing that it's head is hanging backwards between its shoulders)
Ray: (Scared)

*Flashback 6*
(Ray is listening to K.K. Lullaby in Animal Crossing: Wild World. It suddenly starts playing backwards)
Ray: o_O
(It stops playing backwards)
Ray: Okay...now THAT is scary.

*Flashback 7*
(Ray is playing Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion and she is in a cave)
Ray: (Hears something) What was that?!
(A zombie suddenly comes out of nowhere, scaring Ray)
Ray: EEK!! (Panicked) DIE, DIE, DIE!!
(In case you're wondering, Ray managed to kill the zombie)

*Flashback 8*
(Ray is resting in an Inn (Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion) after commiting a crime. She wakes up when...)
Imperial Guard: (in her face and very suddenly) STOP RIGHT THERE, CRIMINAL SCUM!!
Ray: (Falls off her seat, startled...although she should have been expecting that)

*Flashback 9*
(Ray is on Tiny-Huge Island on Mario 64 and she swims in the water on the huge half of the Island. When the Pirahna comes out of nowhere and eats her suddenly)
Ray: (0_0) What on Earth was that?!

*Flashback 10*
(Ray is playing through the bottom of the well. She is already creeped out)
Navi: Watch out for monsters that hang from the ceilings.
Ray: What?
(Ray continues going through the room when she hears something)
Ray: o_O
(A wallmaster suddenly comes out of nowhere and grabs her, pulling her up)
Ray: 0_0
(From then on, Ray has loved getting grabbed by wallmasters for an unknown reason)

*Flashback 11*
(This one is more funny than scary. Anyway...Ray is fighting around in the Earth Temple in Zelda:TWW when she hears something that sounds like an elephant, startling her)
Ray: What on Earth is an elephant doing in this game?
(She sees a redead. It looks at her and screams)
Ray: (Cracks up) That redead sounds like an elephant!
(She now likes to make fun of the redeads in Zelda: The Windwaker. As stupid as this sounds, this is true)

*Flashback 12*
(Sometime in the Summer, Ray is playing Animal Crossing: Wild World when she hears a strange noise)
Ray: Okay...
(She walks on and gets her net out. When her character suddenly faints)
Ray: Whoa! (Realises what it was) Bloody Tarantulas....

*Flashback 13*
(Ray is watching her brother play Residant Evil on the PS1. He has just gone past the shopkeeper when some zombies break in and eat him)
Ray: (Hides behind her brother's chair)

Well, that's about it for now. I will be back with more later when I can remember them.

If I topic like this has already been made, lock or delete this one.
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02-22-2007, 04:37 PM
Arxryl's Avatar
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Whoa... interesting.

I remember playing Zelda: Ocarina of Time in the dried up well. I was a lot younger then, and it scared the crap out of me when I played it at night.

Our fate is sealed only when we accept it. -~Arxryl~-

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02-22-2007, 05:33 PM
snuzi's Avatar
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I still get freaked out playing this one level in Doom 3 where there's supposedly no enemies around, and all you hear are the noises of screeching metal and the wails of various demons. Scares me shitless, I tell ya.

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02-22-2007, 05:46 PM
Cullen Heath's Avatar
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Reading the tittle of this, I was thinking about Doom, seems Snuzi has beaten me to it. But, really, only Doom scares me, and Darkwatch can be a bit freaky at 'pop-up' times. Banshees... *shivers*

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02-22-2007, 05:46 PM
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Gears Of War, the abandoned factory when you enter, the part before you find the bodies.... Jesus Christ, the pipes, doors, chairs and rubble all chose that moment to fall/crash/shake/pop.
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02-22-2007, 06:00 PM
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In Gears of War, when the second Beserker pops out of the hallway, jeez, scared me. In Turok Evolution, in the tall grass, there were things waiting for you.....
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02-22-2007, 06:09 PM
Alf Shall Rise's Avatar
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Resident Evil 4, while I was playing the last level in mercenaries, I heard a chainsaw sound and thought, "huh? a chainsaw guy?" I turn around to see a 15 foot dude with a double bladed chainsaw right next to me, fills up the screen, and chops my head off...and this is all very close up.

In Alone in the Dark on the PS1, when my brother opened a casket, and cutscene appears and in the casket is a body through spikes...ew....

Twisted Metal Black, I saw this when I was 5, my bro was watching the "No face" beginning cutscene, and no face lists his face up -- stitches on eyes and lips...and in Grim's beginning cutscene, he sees eyes and fingers and all sorts of body parts on his lunch tray...
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02-22-2007, 07:15 PM
snuzi's Avatar
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Reading the tittle of this, I was thinking about Doom, seems Snuzi has beaten me to it. But, really, only Doom scares me, and Darkwatch can be a bit freaky at 'pop-up' times. Banshees... *shivers*
Heh, glad I'm not the only one still freaked out by Doom .

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02-22-2007, 08:45 PM
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Runescape scared the excrament out of me.


Anyways, I remember a summer when I got FarCry, and those little dinosaur things popped out and I just started falling forward with what felt like blood pumping through my head.

Doom 3, one of the pop-out-the-corner moments, I involuntarily threw the controller at my dad.

Now my dad constantly says that whenever I get scared in a game, I say "You're on point!"
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02-24-2007, 05:55 AM
Jordan's Avatar
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Interesting thread, Ray! Those flashbacks rock!

Jordan is playing on Tomb Raider I when he is 7 years old.
He makes Lara walk through the doors to the second level and a wolf jumps and him.
He shouts out, pauses the game, and turns the PS1 off.

Jordan is playing the first level of Mario 64, and he stands next to the peg with a Chain Chomp tied to it.
The Chain Chomp was nowhere to be seen.
Mario is just stood near the slope, and the Chomp comes behind him and bites him.

That's all I can think of for now! Anyways, I like this thread!
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02-24-2007, 01:27 PM
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I was playing Doom at the age of 7. A zombie with flesh and blood falling of it comes out of No where sreaming. he shoots me with a shot gun. I quikly pause it and never reasumed it. I left it on pause for the rest of the day.
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02-24-2007, 01:40 PM
snuzi's Avatar
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If you're reffering to the old Doom series, there is no zombie with flesh and blood falling off of it. Not unless you looked at those pixels differently than everyone else did .

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02-24-2007, 03:54 PM
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It was doom 2 I remeber.
Well I was a little kid well thought I saw blood.
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02-24-2007, 04:04 PM
snuzi's Avatar
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Doom 2 had no zombies that looked that way. Your interpretation of them must've been shot.

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02-24-2007, 04:20 PM
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well I was a little kid. Problay somthing else that my imagination told me was blod.
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02-24-2007, 04:27 PM
snuzi's Avatar
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Whatever ya say, buddy.

Another game I just thought of that still manages to give me the creeps is Blood. The graphics certainly aren't the best, but just the feel of the game itself gives me goosebumps whenver I play it.

One level in particular really puts me on edge. I takes place inside the digestive system of some sort of monster, and the entire time, all you hear are the sounds of his squishy, disgusting intestines digesting whatever food it has been eating. Plus, many of the monster's you've been fighting throughout the game can also be found in it, still trying to kill you, while you attempt to find a way out.

Very creepy.

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02-24-2007, 07:06 PM
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those redeads in Zelda: Wind Waker gave me a scare...

the ones in OOT are scary, and they look creepier, but eh...

the ones in Twilight Princess are kick ass though...

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02-25-2007, 06:46 AM
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Whatever ya say, buddy.

Another game I just thought of that still manages to give me the creeps is Blood. The graphics certainly aren't the best, but just the feel of the game itself gives me goosebumps whenver I play it.

One level in particular really puts me on edge. I takes place inside the digestive system of some sort of monster, and the entire time, all you hear are the sounds of his squishy, disgusting intestines digesting whatever food it has been eating. Plus, many of the monster's you've been fighting throughout the game can also be found in it, still trying to kill you, while you attempt to find a way out.

Very creepy.
Heh heh, "I live, again!"

I just loved those oneliners:
Out, out, damn spot!
Whoa! oh, just me!
I like my hands bloody!
Jojo! Jojo! Jojo!

Anyways, one of the biggest scares I had was a zombie jumping through the window in Resident Evil 3.

And ofcourse the power of anticipation in Doom 3.
I'm watching you...
- You're a dick, Mojo.
- And you're still a dick.

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02-25-2007, 03:29 PM
Arxryl's Avatar
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I was playing Doom at the age of 7.
I need to shoot your parents. Seriously... 7? and your playing Doom? Something's not right in that picture.

Another creepy moment in videogaming is when you fall through the ground in Zelda OoT in the dry well. Because wihtout the eye of truth, you can never really tell where the holes are.

And yes, the Re-deads in Twilight Princess are kick-arse. w00t!

Our fate is sealed only when we accept it. -~Arxryl~-

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02-25-2007, 03:33 PM
snuzi's Avatar
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So? I've been playing violent games since I was about the same age. It isn't a big deal .

Plus, back then, games were pretty pixelated and the graphics were crappy, so it's not as if those images could really haunt anyone.

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02-25-2007, 10:28 PM
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I know, but you've gotta think, this guy cries about getting bad endings on the Oddworld games, what would he be like on Doom?
And yes, the graphics were very pixelated and crap!
Please... No more about the TP redeads... I've only got to the freakin' water temple.
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02-25-2007, 10:58 PM
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I sure would love to find out. I bet his reaction's priceless!

And though the graphics were pixelated, the games were still quite good. It's funny to think that in 10 years, the graphics we have now will be considered Doom 2 graphics .

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02-26-2007, 08:18 AM
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Were the Doom games any good? I'd love to try a horror game, because I like horror films so much. Clocktower and Project Zero are supposed to be good games, I've seen Clocktower in action, that's effing freaky, it crapped me up. Seriously!
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02-26-2007, 09:56 AM
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The Doom games were very good. Some of the best horror games I've played. I also loved Quake. Before all that Arena crap got started, that is. The oldschool Quake honestly kicks ass.

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02-26-2007, 06:01 PM
Arxryl's Avatar
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So? I've been playing violent games since I was about the same age. It isn't a big deal .

Plus, back then, games were pretty pixelated and the graphics were crappy, so it's not as if those images could really haunt anyone.
Well it's not so much the images, it's the overall idea of fighting zombie monsters and blowing them up at the age of 7. I mean, I'm sure it didn't effect him/ anybody much, but to some people it'd screw up a lot...* Looks over shoulder at someone he knows....*

Our fate is sealed only when we accept it. -~Arxryl~-

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02-26-2007, 06:05 PM
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Well, it all depends on the person. I mean, if a kid's parents know that he or she is very sensetive and fearful of such things, they shouldn't allow them to play. Whereas parents who don't have that type of probelm ith their children shouldn't really worry about it, in my opinion. I mean, I've been playing those types of games since I was a child, and they never affected me in a negative manner.

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02-26-2007, 06:08 PM
Arxryl's Avatar
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Exactly. It depends on the child in question... but when I'm a parent, I'll watch what my children are playing. (not saying your parents don't Moxco, I'm just saying I'll be sure to.)

Our fate is sealed only when we accept it. -~Arxryl~-

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02-26-2007, 06:14 PM
Cullen Heath's Avatar
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I need to shoot your parents. Seriously... 7? and your playing Doom? Something's not right in that picture.
Wait, so you have this kind of response, and something is not right in his picture... how does that work? Maybe you should chill out on the violent games, man.

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02-26-2007, 06:16 PM
Arxryl's Avatar
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Heh. Yeah... whoops.

I haven't played Halo for two hours now though! That's a record for me! I don't need to lay off them! *nervous twitch*

I guess that's another example of me being a hypocrite/moron.

Our fate is sealed only when we accept it. -~Arxryl~-

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02-26-2007, 07:34 PM
snuzi's Avatar
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Nah, you just didn't phrase your reponse the right way is all. It isn't a big deal .

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