Worst: Probably something involving traumatizing moments with my father. He was a bad and violent alcoholic man--a dangerous monster that haunted my life... but at the same time, he was my "daddy" who I also had some sweet, happy moments with. That confused feeling alone can leave scars upon scars in a innocent little girl's mind.
I can relate, friend.
My dad's an extreme alcoholic, and can get pretty violent.
When I was like, 10, I lived with my dad in Washington state, with my step-mom (hate her) and step-sister (I'll be laughing my head off when she's burning in hell)
So, he came back, drunk, 'n whatnot, and got in to an arguement with me and my brother involved with our step-mom.
He decided to push us on the ground, and kick us.
Kick us, in the ribs, yelling, "Get the f*** up!"
We tried, but he kept putting us down. Fortunetely, we escaped around his legs in to our room, staying there for the rest of the night.
That was the scariest moment of my life.
I'm just glad he's mellowed out over the years.