Jack Thompson is a lawyer who is fighting to say that violence in todays teens is caused by the violence in todays video games.
Here is where you can argue the topic
If it goes in Off-topic you can move it, I just thought it'd go nice here
I personally think Jack is a looney for thinking all that, for this simple reason
COMMON SENSE. unlike GTA, which is Jack's favorite target, where sex and violence blends together, he says that THAT is causing aggression, therefore violence in todays teens. In REAL LIFE there are no health bars, or multiple lives. Though there are bullet proof vests, those only cover so much and also under that is our NON-bulletproof skin and the pink squishy stuff inside, no body in their right mind would go and put themselves in that risk just because they played a video game for crying out loud!
But thats just me, what about you?
little sites with some stuff
for more, go to google and type in Jack Thompson cause I'm tired of bringing the hyperlinks here