Ah...such intelligent discussion. Such beautifully intelligent discussion.*wipes eye* On to business! *ajusts tasseled thinking cap and strides onto stage*
(Some of this is quite far fetched and I have the strangest feeling that part of this has been already said somewhere...meh)
Greetings friends. Tonight our talk is on the paramite. *pulls curtain to reveal paramite* This is Cuddles, who will be our demonstating paramite for tonight. On we go. Paramites have no eyes, and no area to act as a melon for echolocation. Therefore I believe that they 'taste' the air in a way similar to a snakes. Also, their grasping mouthparts may act as hands (duh) and perform a function similar to whiskers, albiet not to the same degree of sensitivity. This still lacks precision however. They have no ear funnels and so cannot pinpoint sound or use it as a method of confirming somethings presence. Let's bring in a friend to help with our demonstration. *produces mudokon in a padded suit from behind a screen* This is Al. So far, Cuddles can tell Al is here and what he is, but she can only gauge how far away Al is by sound (which becomes irrevelent once Al is quiet) and by tasting the air for the heat he gives off. The tips of Cuddle's 'fingers' are somewhat bulbus, which would not be necessary if they were only mouthparts. They may be highly sensitive pads which pick up vibrations. This is one of the more far fetched theories, as air is not great at conducting vibration and those pads really aren't very big. Also, if these pads were very sensitive then placing them on mouthparts may not be very effective, as Cuddles is now effectivly blind while feeding. To compensate this, Cuddles would need larger pads elsewhere. On her head, between the bones of her mouthparts is an area that can be used for this. So, where is Cuddles now? She can hear Al when he moves and she can taste the heat he gives off on the air. (Here comes the
really far fetched bit

) With the sensitive pads on her head and mouthpart tips, she can feel the slight movements of the air as it shifts to allow for Als expanding chest as he breathes. But perhaps they aren't pads at all? Perhaps they are mini-melons. These questions are likely to remain unanswered untill such time as we kill and dissect dear Cuddles, which would be quite simply wrong and will never happen. And with that thought, ladies and gents, I shall leave you. Goodnight!