OOC: I think T-nex just means since the first W@RF part was opened, some time must have passed between then and now, enough to change the age of her characters. Of course, I could be totally wrong, but that was just the impression I got. Anyway, my characters again:
Bio:Groll is one of the few survivors of the
Rector Refinery incident. After he escaped he was employed at Feeco Depot for a while, but has been sent to Rupture Farms now. The managers sent a warning before him, though, saying not to let him be with mudokons alone; his experience at the Rector Refinery has given him a deep hate of the mudokon race.
Appearance:Looks just like any other slig except that he is unusually short and has a long scar going right down his left arm.
Age:Approximately 17(human years)
Bio:A natural spy, Sefon is good at stealth and cunning. He is also a bit of a prankster, and knows an opportunity for mischief when he sees one. He has been schooled in the use of mystical powers ever since he was born, so he is very skillful with them, but also very protective of them, meaning he will almost never use any of them unless he needs to. His natural abilities include extremely good hearing (another reason for him being a spy) and he can change the sound of his voice, within limits. Linking this to his mystical powers, he can almost perfectly mimic any voice that he hears.
He's been sent to RuptureFarms from a mudokon fortress (what used to be Rector's Refinery

) in search of something important...
Appearance:Green skin with weird gray splotches all over it.
OOC: Mudling does have a good point there, when is this part taking place, is it just where the last left off, or will we jump forward a bit? Personally, I prefer the first.