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05-05-2003, 04:15 AM
Reese Charles's Avatar
Reese Charles
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Reese Charles  (10)
What the hell?

A note to the two admins that moved this thread to here:

Try to be less arrogant in future, and also try to remember that your power does not mean you can treat the other users like they are lesser life and like their opinions mean less than yours. All that being an administrator really shows is that you don't get out as much as everyone else.

I would also like to point out that admins are particularly good at supressing other peoples voices and opinions because they can delete threads and posts. This of course just means that people will never post what they really think, they just fear that they will be banned or publicly humiliated.

The arrogant behaviour of forum administrators genuinely angers me, I think that a forum is a place where opinions are allowed to meet and go wild, not a place where opinions should be supressed.

My point being, go take your arrogance elsewhere, somewhere you genuinly have a right to use it in a way that will benefit everyone. But for gods sake don't pick on a newbie...

If a thread gets made in the wrong place, just quietly move it to the right place and send the user a private message alerting them that their thread has been moved because its in the wrong place. You don't need to publicly humiliate him in such a way, and you also do not need to tell everyone not to make this users mistake. That is something you should do on the index page (or home page, whatever.) without reference to the people that made the mistake, and you should only ever do that if lots of people are making the same mistake and its causing a problem.

I don't think it takes alot of brains to work out that you went a bit overkill on this one, try to take a more "The customers always right" approach the next time and follow my instructions in the above paragraph.

I have administrated alot of forums in my time, but I have since given up because it was too time consuming/boring to be worth my while. During my time as a forum admin, I noticed a horrifying trend of admins that deleted threads and post that they didn't agree with.

I hope that you all heed this advice with you better judgement.

05-05-2003, 06:06 AM
Alcar's Avatar
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Welcome Reese.

Firstly, yes you are getting over worked on this very small matter. A Moderator, who we instated moved the thread over to General Discussion because it did not suit the forum it was originally posted in. We only instate Moderators we see fit to properly moderate the forum/s they are given.

Threads that are deleted are "spam" as justified by our rules system, or by the Admin/Moderator disgression.

Actually, just for your information, upon purchasing the forum software vBulletin the operators are given the rights to do what they want with the forum. If you are banned, threads deleted etc, you can't complain to anyone, as once purchased it is under the owners rule.

We here, have a democracy in place. If you don't like it, leave.

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“Also, we don't need no Jacob to gay this place up. We have officially won the award for the forum with a highest proportion of gay members whilst not being themed about poojabbing, cowboys or Kylie.” - Nate

05-05-2003, 06:59 AM
Reese Charles's Avatar
Reese Charles
Sniper Wasp
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Reese Charles  (10)

hello again.

Alcar, I do not appreciate your attitude, if I didn't agree with your "democracy" as you put it then I wouldn't post here, so as I said earlier, stop trying to be clever. And to Native Poser, I suggest that you read my post again, I did NOT say that these administrators/moderators were being arrogant, I pointed out to them that the means they took to telling everybody how to name their threads and where to put them where uncalled for, as it did it at the expense of a new member.

On another note, vBulletin hold the copyright, and can therefore do whatever they want to with the product you have bought, whenever they want, sorry buddy but thats business. They can take your purchase back off you, they can change their copyright so that you personally are banned from using the product, and it all still applies because they own the copyright. Thats the only problem with buying things today, you don't buy a product to make it yours anymore, you pay off the manufacturer so that its legal for you to own it. The only way that you could possibly ever buy a product to own it is if its something thats non-copyright (like wood, metal, plastic etc.). The original reason for copyright was so that you couldn't claim that something was yours when it really wasn't, now the reasons are just unfathomable.

I do appreciate the warm welcome, this forum is considerably better than most of the forums I used to post on and moderate/administrate.

And to all those that thought I was being harsh, perhaps you ought to get used to my brutal honesty, or maybe you should read my postings more carefully and actually think about who I am addressing things to. My comment about admin arrogance arose on the topic of my complaint about the way that new member was treated. Sorry if anybody took it the wrong way, but thats your fault, not mine. In future I will not explain my action so clearly, I really don't have the time to waste on these IQ matches. What I mean is what I mean, and if I think that your being dishonest, un-reasonable, or un-fair then you will be the first person to know!

If I am ever wrong about anything, please tell me, and I will be quick to either explain whatever it is you might have mistook, or over looked, or accept my mistake.

Once again, thanks for the unbearably warm welcome, it makes me sick to the stomach it really does

05-05-2003, 07:40 AM
Alcar's Avatar
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Originally posted by Reese Charles
hello again.

Alcar, I do not appreciate your attitude, if I didn't agree with your "democracy" as you put it then I wouldn't post here, so as I said earlier, stop trying to be clever. And to Native Poser, I suggest that you read my post again, I did NOT say that these administrators/moderators were being arrogant, I pointed out to them that the means they took to telling everybody how to name their threads and where to put them where uncalled for, as it did it at the expense of a new member.

On another note, vBulletin hold the copyright, and can therefore do whatever they want to with the product you have bought, whenever they want, sorry buddy but thats business. They can take your purchase back off you, they can change their copyright so that you personally are banned from using the product, and it all still applies because they own the copyright. Thats the only problem with buying things today, you don't buy a product to make it yours anymore, you pay off the manufacturer so that its legal for you to own it. The only way that you could possibly ever buy a product to own it is if its something thats non-copyright (like wood, metal, plastic etc.). The original reason for copyright was so that you couldn't claim that something was yours when it really wasn't, now the reasons are just unfathomable.

I do appreciate the warm welcome, this forum is considerably better than most of the forums I used to post on and moderate/administrate.

And to all those that thought I was being harsh, perhaps you ought to get used to my brutal honesty, or maybe you should read my postings more carefully and actually think about who I am addressing things to. My comment about admin arrogance arose on the topic of my complaint about the way that new member was treated. Sorry if anybody took it the wrong way, but thats your fault, not mine. In future I will not explain my action so clearly, I really don't have the time to waste on these IQ matches. What I mean is what I mean, and if I think that your being dishonest, un-reasonable, or un-fair then you will be the first person to know!

If I am ever wrong about anything, please tell me, and I will be quick to either explain whatever it is you might have mistook, or over looked, or accept my mistake.

Once again, thanks for the unbearably warm welcome, it makes me sick to the stomach it really does

I'm not giving you attitude, I'm explaining the errors of your ways in anything but attitude. How can you possibly call my response attitude, when you compare it to yours?

I understand that you were comenting on how we tell people off, however as I said, I cannot see any error in the ways of Al the Vykker. He's a Moderator because we felt that he was responsible, and I've told them before that I'll defend them where due.

Oh, about the vBulletin license. They the developers/product managers have said that the owners have complete control over their purchase. Other products like UBB disallow the use of porn, flaming etc. vBulletin leaves that up to the owners, they've said it before, they've said it many times before. Don't speak about something you have no idea about, I on the other hand know about this information.

My thankyou, we do aim to please

Being harsh? I've had to deal with much worse than yourself, don't give yourself the credit.

Also, don't continue this in this particular thread. Please take the time to start another thread in the Forum Suggestions & Help forum, where this kind of subject is to be discussed.

This thread is where it is meant to be now, and only replies relating to the original intention of the thread should persist here. Any more posts, in this thread relating to our debate will be deleted.

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“Also, we don't need no Jacob to gay this place up. We have officially won the award for the forum with a highest proportion of gay members whilst not being themed about poojabbing, cowboys or Kylie.” - Nate

05-05-2003, 03:52 PM
Oddsville's Avatar
Oddworld Almanac
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Reese, Alcars been here alot longer than you and quickly made his way to being a mod. You however have not been around here as long and there for are not in the best of positions to criticize a mod. Now I know that you have been trying to contribute to this forum (I've seen it in most of your posts) but ever sience you came here some of your posts have been alittle...."pushy". Now you say that your gonna state your opinion no matter how harsh it is...

And to all those that thought I was being harsh, perhaps you ought to get used to my brutal honesty
....and Im all for that, but yet you scold Al for being harsh when infact he was being much less harsh then you seemed to be in your reply.

The Mods were simply explaining the rules sience knowone ever seems to read them anymore, and if it takes alittle more strictness then you "approve" of then oh well. My point is, all they were doing is their job, in which they do a great job at it. So next time don't just freakout at what you "assume" to be wrong.
..I managed to take out the tiger with a can of mace; but the shop owner and his son, that's a different story all together...I had to beat them to death with their own shoes...


05-05-2003, 05:06 PM
Oddipus's Avatar
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* reese: welcome, we have a new person with an opinion (But don't take it to hard when a mod takes action)

* Alcar: I agree with 'directing' newbee's and don't think you do it in a humiliating way

05-05-2003, 11:24 PM
Reese Charles's Avatar
Reese Charles
Sniper Wasp
: May 2003
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Reese Charles  (10)

Lets end this pathetic argument kiddies, because your dealing with a seasoned forum veteren here.

"Reese, Alcars been here alot longer than you and quickly made his way to being a mod *(Thats because he owns a website and helped start this forum)*. You however have not been around here as long and there for are not in the best of positions to criticize a mod *(Actually, yes I am, I am in a perfect position to criticize a mod, with 5 years experience of being one myself.)*. Now I know that you have been trying to contribute to this forum (I've seen it in most of your posts) but ever since you came here some of your posts have been a little...."pushy". Now you say that your gonna state your opinion no matter how harsh it is...

And to all those that thought I was being harsh, perhaps you ought to get used to my brutal honesty

....and Im all for that *(then dont complain)*, but yet you scold Al for being harsh when infact he was being much less harsh then you seemed to be in your reply. *(is he really? well lets look at what we have shall we?)*"

You call that attitude? how about this:

"I'm not giving you attitude, I'm explaining the errors of your ways in anything but attitude. How can you possibly call my response attitude, when you compare it to yours?" = attitude.

Alcar, there is nothing wrong with my "ways", I am giving you advice that has been hard won over by years of experince, so take it seriously without arrogance please!

"Don't speak about something you have no idea about, I on the other hand know about this information. = arrogance.

My thankyou, we do aim to please " = and thats not attitude? give me a break! Can I just point out at this juncture that I am a talented musician, who has been selling CDs and making songs for years, and I have had to deal with more copyright than you ever will in your LIFE.

"Being harsh? I've had to deal with much worse than yourself, don't give yourself the credit." = Now your just trying to make yourself look big.

Compared to my 5 years experience? Working in forums that ALLOW swearing and obsanities? I dont think you could even begin to know what abuse I have had to put up with, so please, dont YOU give yourself the credit, your working in an Oddworld forum, not a Football opinions thread! (Seriously, those guys get so crazy sometimes!)

"Also, don't continue this in this particular thread. Please take the time to start another thread in the Forum Suggestions & Help forum, where this kind of subject is to be discussed." = if you can't take complaints without being defensive, then I don't think I really want to post in the Suggestions & Help section, as this forum probably better deserves the title "Flaming section". I dont "want" to keep this argument going, so I am going to end it.

So far, I am not particularly impressed by the quality of remarks made in this forum, its actually pretty dissapointing. Now, read my original post, and decide for yourselves what I am like.

"Welcome Reese.

Firstly, yes you are getting over worked on this very small matter. A Moderator, who we instated moved the thread over to General Discussion because it did not suit the forum it was originally posted in. We only instate Moderators we see fit to properly moderate the forum/s they are given.

Threads that are deleted are "spam" as justified by our rules system, or by the Admin/Moderator disgression.

Actually, just for your information, upon purchasing the forum software vBulletin the operators are given the rights to do what they want with the forum. If you are banned, threads deleted etc, you can't complain to anyone, as once purchased it is under the owners rule.

We here, have a democracy in place. If you don't like it, leave.


I am not complaining about who you choose as a moderator, so you needn't take offense in such a way, I am complaining about the means that your "newly instated" moderator took to letting us all know how we should make our posts. Now as you may note, I am perfectly able to tell which place to put my posts in, even though this one is theoreticly in the wrong place (Although I stated why that was earlier). So if you don't mind, I am going to close this subject here. I am no longer posting on here anymore, and Alcar, you can say what you like, but as far as experience goes I far outrank you. Any sensible person would listen to what I have to say, and heed it. And here is what I have to say: making others look bad has a negative effect, as this thread has demonstrated, a good lesson to everybody is not to step in on arguments or complaints made to people other than yourself.

Now I am going to show off with the things that I do and have done in my life (MWAHAHAHAHAHAAA! )

I am a musican (been one for 8 years)
I am a graffiti artist (been one for 4 years)
I am a pencil/pen artist (been good for most my life)
I have been an admin and moderator for over 25 different forums (for 5 years, gave up to find a new forum just recently.)
I am a games designer (been one for 2 years)
I am a semi-pro Aggressive Blader (on wheels since I was 4)
I am also a very fast learner, and I have great social skills in making people feel better about themselves.
I am a talented standup comedian (been one for 4 and a half years)
I design and make model starships/scifi guns for movies and TV programs.
I live near a massive open cast mining operation, so I am therefore able to make comparisons between real life, and oddworld.
I am a really good hair stylist, and I want to go into the movie industry as one.
I also (just to top it off hehe ) have good general knowlege aswell.

All this builds up to quite an impressive repetoir, and I can prove all of it with photos of my work, and my music website (currently awaiting new songs but it will be ready soon). I take this experience and regard it to be my biggest asset, as it allows me to engage in conversations on many levels, and answer most of peoples questions. And I hope to be an asset to this forum for many years into the future.

So this is where it ends, we all put this behind us now, and forget this whole post ever happened ok? I am unsubscribing from this thread as I... er, type!

(I am hoping that someone won't beleive me and ask to see all these photos of my art and models and hair etc so that I can make them look stupid! LOL!)

Hope we can all put this to rest now

05-06-2003, 01:40 AM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
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....and Im all for that *(then dont complain)*, but yet you scold Al for being harsh when infact he was being much less harsh then you seemed to be in your reply. *(is he really? well lets look at what we have shall we?)*"
I want to get a few facts straight here. Oddsville first of all was saying that you were a bit harsh on me, not alcar. Second of all I have been a mod for over ten months, and so our about 3/4 of the staff here. So your term of newly instated mod towards me is false also.

My methods are not horrible, sure could I have taken the time as I usually am with being quiet, and moving stuff to where it should be. Sometimes I grow tired of always reminding over and over again, I merely commented to Abe Guy to in the future look for reference in the FC rules and the forum rules. I still dont see any horrible doing inside those lines by myself. In fact whenever I have had to resort to telling people in the open thread what to do next time its in a very friendly manner. I dont know what forum you were at before, but here we are friendly, and most of us will accept open critisism constructive or not. It appeared though when I read this that I was just immediately pounced on for doing my job as a mod. I can't always hold peoples hands even if they are new. I will stand by my choice as I have done this before, and still whether people were scared to protest it in the past or not, no one has yet to come forward in complaining about the way I, or most of the staff carry out their daily duties. Its good to know you also have admin background, but around here thats not going to win you brownie points, doesnt mean that we wont rule out asking for some guidance if need be ever the case may come up. Most of us old timers around here have been around for over two or three years, near the creation of this forum. We earned the respect, and trust of our fellow members, and they felt we were right for our positions that we were elected to by the members, and whole community. Still to date I am friendly with the way I moderate FC, but sometimes a bit of direct action may be needed. Rest assured we know what we are doing, and I will probably continue on being that no one whether new or old has felt the need to address me on my methods, excluding you. But your opinion is well noted. PM is always a great thing too, but there are occasionally problems in which people, either occasionally dont read them, dont care, or dont accept them, so sometimes its needed to explain it, and remind not humiliate the person either way. As well as reminding others too, not as an example of being bad, but it helps get some points across to the old and new around here.

This topic was moved for the specific reasons, not to humiliate Abe guy, or show off my abilities, and I in my opinion did a fairly good job, in welcoming him publicly, as well as letting people know once again a little reminder of where topics have to be placed, and nicely directed him to the rules in place.

Hopefully that explains my side of the story.
If you wish to speak further I would be happy to either talk you through email or PM.

-Sincerely, Al
05-06-2003, 03:59 AM
Joshy's Avatar
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Originally posted by Reese Charles

Compared to my 5 years experience? Working in forums that ALLOW swearing and obsanities? I dont think you could even begin to know what abuse I have had to put up with, so please, dont YOU give yourself the credit, your working in an Oddworld forum, not a Football opinions thread! (Seriously, those guys get so crazy sometimes!)

I have been an admin and moderator for over 25 different forums (for 5 years, gave up to find a new forum just recently.)
Can you name the forums you've moderated?
"Why do you have to quote others when you can quote yourself?" (Quote by me)
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God.
You see things, and you say 'why'. But i dream things that never were and i say 'why not'.

05-06-2003, 04:16 AM
Alcar's Avatar
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Reese, I'm not going to waste my time anymore on you. I'm going to sum up.

You've just joined, and have demanded that we change our ways already. The ways which you see here are what we accept, and what we allow. You can't just join up and demand for things to change.

Because they won't.

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“Also, we don't need no Jacob to gay this place up. We have officially won the award for the forum with a highest proportion of gay members whilst not being themed about poojabbing, cowboys or Kylie.” - Nate

05-06-2003, 06:17 AM
Facsimile's Avatar
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If anyone could have seen a "respect for this guy" meter while I read this thread it would have went steadily downwards. What the hell? Every forum is different, so having five years experience in one forum would mean nothing in another.
And what about the last bit? Why would people even give a shit about your apparant* acheivements after you have offended them?
So a horse walks into a bar, right?**
I did have more to say but I have 20 more minutes to finish the forums before Comedy Inc. is on. Alcar do you watch this?

*I say apparant as for all we know you could be a futuristic robot, programmed to hate, and not a person who could achieve these.

**Just lightnening the mood.

I do like fornicate
Check out my band!

05-06-2003, 10:14 AM
FeeCoFreak's Avatar
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Hi all

I don't think your really looking at what Reese has wrote. Well, you are, but your not looking at it and taking it in for what its worth. Your just trying to look at as though your all definately right and hes definately wrong.

Now before you go and get me wrong here, I am not sticking up for either party, and I respect the action you took. I also respect that maybe Reese could have mistook the implications of the measures that were taken by mods in that poll.

Actually, when I first read it, I did get a bit puzzled as to why you were complaining about a perfectly good thread in a perfectly good place. It wasn't until after I had scanned the whole thread again that I noticed that you had moved the thread from being in the wrong place. Perhaps Reese had missed this and got all angry, then noticed that the thread was moved but still felt a little mad. Then when Alcar responded he got more mad so he flamed some more...

Looking at this whole for want of a better word "disaster" it seems to me that the whole thing has been one big misunderstanding. Otherwise, neither the moderators nor Reese would have gone to so much trouble to put themselves in the right again...

I personally think this thread should be deleted and forgotten, it doesn't exactly stand testament to what you have all worked hard on in this community. Nor does it display Reese very well, as he seems like quite an intelligent person.

Well, thats all I have to say, I am sure you all will want to tell me I am wrong now, and that I don't know what the hell I am talking about... So I better be on the move.


PS: Has anyone seen Oddipus's injuries lately? MAN! Thats gotta hurt!
Coolio Glukkon

05-06-2003, 06:19 PM
Oddsville's Avatar
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Well let me be the first (not sure if anyone else already welcomed you but Im just assuming...) to welcome you to the Oddworld Forums. I see that you have already started in a debate which is a good way to begin (I guess?). I hope you enjoy your stay here and take care.

..I managed to take out the tiger with a can of mace; but the shop owner and his son, that's a different story all together...I had to beat them to death with their own shoes...


05-06-2003, 06:19 PM
SeaRex's Avatar
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Christ, this guy gets even more worked up about stupid crap than I do.

We're not dealing with some Orwellian case of corruption, here. It's an online forum, like a million others.

Alcar, Pilot, and AbeBabe, why are you SO evil?

Last edited by SeaRex; 05-06-2003 at 10:48 AM..
05-06-2003, 08:36 PM
FeeCoFreak's Avatar
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Originally posted by SeaRex
Christ, this guy gets even more worked up about stupid crap than I do.

We're not dealing with some Orwellian case of corruption, here. It's an online forum, like a million others.

Alcar, Pilot, and AbeBabe, why are you SO evil?
Yes, he does get worked up, but I think that may be because Dripikk and that other guy hit a bit of a nerve. I dunno, looking at Reeses other posts I think he seems calm enough to me.

Oh and you needn't welcome me, I signed up ages ago :P, but thanks anywho. I haven't been posting for ages though because I have only recently got back into Oddworld. And no, you dont have my permission to stone me for ever getting out of it .

Hehe, well I guess I am done here.
I am not going to defend Reese because I don't think what he did here was right, what I am going to do though is say that I don't think he did it because he was being a bad person.
I dunno, maybe I am too soft :P

Coolio Glukkon

05-06-2003, 11:46 PM
Majic's Avatar
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Whoa cool... Theres... conflict.

The monkey in my head says that people with reasonable opinions are cool. Thus, Reese is cool. God damn the little monkey...

I say the forums are run just fine, far better than most other places where the mods do jack shit. *sigh* And on top of that, I'm proud to say that I'm a person, a very human person. A humanish human person who has human rights, and is talking about humanish stuff that doesn't even matter in this thread created by humans. If you bothered to read that, I'll actually post a real opinion here. The forum is overstaffed, if anything, and there are still plenty of other people that would make good mods. I see nothing wrong yet, I try to be nice to n00bs. The monkey makes me. God damn the little monkey...

Heh, me/FeeCoFrreak seem to be the only ones not dissing Reese.

EDIT: Alcar is the source of all thats bad in the world
05-07-2003, 03:48 AM
The Red Muse's Avatar
The Red Muse
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I'm not a mod, but I'll say this anyway...
Reese, this topic is a waste of good internet-space. Or something.
And I never even bothered to read all the posts.

This is a public forum and it has it's own rules and stuff. And if the rules don't please you, go and start your own friggin' forum and make up you very own rules.

Reese, these fine*cough* mods at OWF are doing their best for the sake of the ... forum.


Oh yeah, and welcome to OWF Reese, hope ya enjoy your stay here...

*walks away whistling*
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05-07-2003, 04:16 AM
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Originally posted by Majic_Abe
EDIT: Alcar is the source of all thats bad in the world
You naughty boy! *spanks Majic*

Anyway, me and Reese have sorted our differences and we've agreed to end this pointless arguing

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05-07-2003, 05:04 AM
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Originally posted by SeaRex
Alcar, Pilot, and AbeBabe, why are you SO evil?
Because I'm in league with Sephiroth and it's fun being evil. Bwahahahaha!

Anyways, Pilot ain't here anymore, we tied him up, weighted him down and thew him in the bottom of the ocean.

Abe Babe...
Oddworld-Web | Advent Children.net | Dirge of Cerberus.net
"If that's so, I shall draw you into the darkness. Into the nightmare that forever deprives you of light, from which you can never awaken." ~ Sephiroth, Kingdom Hearts

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Creator of Cloverfield, Lost, Alias and Fringe ... he's just too awesome!

05-07-2003, 10:00 AM
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Originally posted by Alcar
You naughty boy! *spanks Majic*

Anyway, me and Reese have sorted our differences and we've agreed to end this pointless arguing

Very mature , this whole thing has ended on such a good note!

So if people would stop reminding me of what a horrible person I am then we can close the subject and let it stand here as a lesson to all .

I have definately over reacted here, but oh well, we all have our moments . Thankyou Alcar for telling everybody that, that helps loads I won't be bothered at all now! I think FeeCoFreak is actually right there, I didn't really realise that this thread didn't have the name it did before I visited it until you moved it and re-named it. Dude that sounds more complicated than it really is!

Well, we all make mistakes, lets hope this one is the last of such a magnitude.

05-07-2003, 01:49 PM
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Originally posted by Abe Babe
Because I'm in league with Sephiroth and it's fun being evil. Bwahahahaha!

Anyways, Pilot ain't here anymore, we tied him up, weighted him down and thew him in the bottom of the ocean.

Abe Babe...

Are you going to tie me up and throw me in the ocean when i cease to post?
05-07-2003, 02:02 PM
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Originally posted by hobo
Are you going to tie me up and throw me in the ocean when i cease to post?
of cource, like everyone else...

05-07-2003, 02:07 PM
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Can i at least have an xbox and TV down there?
05-07-2003, 08:13 PM
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Well, I just personally didnt see any of my wrong doing here. I merely as I have stated before was carrying out my duty as I usually do, and I feel I did it in a kind way of letting him know what he should do next time. I probably would have understood his point against me a bit more if similar complaints maybe even one would have ever been made to me, or another staff member critiquing my methods. I just believe I did my job, and hopefully most people believe I am doing a good job, and I really dont see any reason for me to change the way I have carried out all my duties up to this point. But please understand, I do welcome your opinion critism is not always a bad thing, and Im not upset really for you speaking out for what you belive in. Its also good that you have a strong will to fight for your beliefs, I just dont see the reason for any of us to change a lot about what we do if things run smoothly, and how things are working great around the forums for I hope all of us.

I think this is most likely settled now for both sides which ever you agree with. Even if you dont agree with what I am saying or what my methods are, or anyone else doesn't, I respect your opinion. I know I stand by mine beliefs and actions in the way I do things.

But now I am officially closed with my debate. Thankyou for your time. And welcome to the forums for both Reese and Feeco once again!

-Sincerely, Al
05-08-2003, 12:47 AM
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Hello once again.

Al, I think you spoiled my apology to everyone! You don't need to go on and on about how you think you were doing a good job, your just making me look bad again for which I will have to apologise, again! I don't have a problem with it Al, I can see you would feel like you have been made to look pretty useless by me, sorry about that.

I would just like to tell everyone that I DIDN'T have a problem with the way the rules worked or the way you were doing things, I just misread what you said and did with that newbs post, and that annoyed me. It was my mistake, so stop reminding me please, I feel bad about it enough as it is without everyone making me feel worse!

This whole argument is quite a role model for how dissagreements should be settled, peacefully ! I am pretty pleased with the way it ended, and it ended happily. So good job everyone.

Now, can we pleeease change the subject so that its no longer at my expense (I know that you have Al)? because I have admitted I am wrong and therefore do not deserve further hassle/punishment.

Thanks again

05-08-2003, 01:07 AM
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Al has a habbit of reitterating posts. Hehehe...
05-08-2003, 02:37 AM
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Al has a habbit of reitterating posts. Hehehe...
Yes I do. I mainly do it sometimes because I must make sure that my meaning and what I Was trying to say is not lost in the mix of things, which does occasionally happen. So Im sorry on that note.

And Reese dont apologize, I just wanted to make sure you know that I'm not upset with you, and like Dave(Majic) said I do like to reitterate my words just to make sure people know what I meant in my words. I just like to end on a positive note, that Im not upset with anyone here, and that atleast now everything is resolved. But yeah I apologize I will a lot of times do that if the discussion had gotten really heated up or a bit heated, just so if people dont know what my stance on a situation is I will reinform them. Probably a habbit I need to break.

but yeah dont shove the blame on yourself, we also dont know how it was at the forums you were at before, they could have different methods than us, so its not like your being a whacko or anything. I just need to learn to stop doing that with repeating myself, or atleast catch myself before it happens.

But no worries, I think as I stated again everyone here is on good terms.

And I do agree with you completely I think everyone did handle themselves with this in a very mature way, and it was nice of Abe Babe to make a separate thread so nothing would be taken away from the original topic in GD.

- Sincerely, Al

Last edited by Al the Vykker; 05-07-2003 at 06:42 PM..
05-08-2003, 03:37 AM
Reese Charles's Avatar
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Glad you understand. Now we can move onto more important things.

PS: Some concept art is now being uploaded onto my thread so that you can see what some of the game will look like. The first addition (of course) is the train. It was the first thing that I came up with, and I decided to make a few iterations of it. The pictures I will be posting in the "If you could make and Oddworld game, what would it be like?" thread are scans of the last iteration.

If anybody would like a copy of these images enlarged and emailed to them, please don't hesitate to ask.


"I'm not a mod, but I'll say this anyway...
Reese, this topic is a waste of good internet-space. Or something.
And I never even bothered to read all the posts."
That was a post by RedMuse.

I would urge RedMuse, that you do read all the posts, and gather a better opinion than this utter garbage. The idea of this topic was to resolve an argument, not put your ten cents into a boxing match. Now that this argument is settled etc. this doesn't really matter, but for future posts I suggest you don't make comments like this, especially when its an argument about a particular situation. If your not up on what happened, your hardly in the position to criticise, thankyou.

Reese (again)

Last edited by Reese Charles; 05-07-2003 at 07:50 PM..
05-08-2003, 05:52 AM
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Originally posted by Reese Charles

Glad you understand. Now we can move onto more important things.

Wow more important things eh.... cows are great
"Why do you have to quote others when you can quote yourself?" (Quote by me)
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God.
You see things, and you say 'why'. But i dream things that never were and i say 'why not'.

05-08-2003, 10:48 AM
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Originally posted by hobo
Are you going to tie me up and throw me in the ocean when i cease to post?
Nah, I only do that to the members who upset me in some way.

Normal members get burnt at the stake.

Abe Babe...
Oddworld-Web | Advent Children.net | Dirge of Cerberus.net
"If that's so, I shall draw you into the darkness. Into the nightmare that forever deprives you of light, from which you can never awaken." ~ Sephiroth, Kingdom Hearts

Obsessed with J.J. Abrams!!! <3
Creator of Cloverfield, Lost, Alias and Fringe ... he's just too awesome!

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