Thankyou all for somewhat contributing, I think I had better explain the purpose of this thread. This thread was put here as a memory book for Puss, and for Alcar to look back on to remember what everyone did for him when he lost his pet. It has a much less "in your face" title than "Puss has died", and it is more or less a place where you can pay your respects to Puss. This is a gravestone thread, we did this in my old forums. You have a thread announcing the death of a family member (IE pet), and then you have a gravestone thread (which is what this is)...
But please don't talk about how useless this thread is, leave some words about Puss for Alcar to read. Don't spoil it by saying nasty things.
Please, if you have a warm heart in your body, delete those posts. (Except for you Dipstikk, that was really nice!

). Alcar hasn't already done this, he has made a thread to announce the bad news...
Just a few words is all this needs, maybe about a pet you have lost, or just a few words to cheer Alcar up a bit and let him know that we are always there for him

Once again, thankyou Dipstikk for that thoughtful post