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02-07-2017, 01:06 PM
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Odd Theory: The Schism and Mudo/Gluk/kon Society

Odd Theory: The Schism and Mudo/Gluk/kon Society

Alright so I've had my own headcanon for the events of The Schism for a while which I'd use when making lore for my old fan games, so I'm just gonna put down my theory here.

We know that Mudokons and Glukkons used to exist somewhat peacefully with one another, what some people overlook is that you can tell this just from their name's. Mudokon and Glukkon. This shared etymology, is only present in other species besides ones of a similar nature: Slogs/Slegs, Paramites/Bolamites. This already shows some kind of connection between the two races, and if we're to understand what could've happened in The Schism to cause a divide in these two races, we have to look at the definition.

a split or division between strongly opposed sections or parties, caused by differences in opinion or belief.
• the formal separation of a Church into two Churches or the secession of a group owing to doctrinal and other differences.
When talking about the formation of the Mudokon Moon we know that the Glukkons were outraged; hiding themselves and lurking in caves vowing to never again see the sky. But besides the pridefulness of most Glukkons, what was the reason for this kind of a reaction? Well besides sharing culture, the Glukkons and Mudokon shared a god, or well I guess two gods? Now take my source for this with a grain of salt as it is outside confirmed Q and A's but still from the mouth of the man himself, Lorne Lanning.

Edit: Coincidentally I've found out that Lorne told me this exactly 3 years ago today, Sorry for not telling you guys sooner. Whoops.

Whilst making Kip's Awakening and struggling with the story, I'd asked Lorne if there existed any more "Dualistic" gods like Shrykull. My poor choice of words led to him telling me about a dualistic god in the Yin/Yang sense, "The Ancient Twins." We see that Lorne separates the Alchemists from the "Ancient Civilisations." Mudokons are the most prolific examples of Ancient Civilisation we ever see throughout the series. With Glukkons entering an Age of Alchemy following the formation of the Mudokon Moon, in which they tried to disprove the Mudokons claims of self divinity and being the Chosen Race.

My speculation for what happened during these events is that the Glukkons, seeing such an obvious bias against their own species as a divine sign, shunned their gods. Retreating underground so they'd never have to see the moon that shamed them. In previous interviews with Lorne by Nate we've heard him to speak of this "hollow earth" with Oddworld's most devious puppet masters, "The Investors" deep below the surface.

There are scenes in the film I want to do where Mullock, after he fucked up and he’s being taken to the boss and he passes his mom who says “You blew it,” and he has to go down and meet the investors. They live underground; like how I said about how the world is separated. He takes an elevator ride down 1700 storeys and a little midget guys picks you up as an escort, but as you go down and the temperature increases, they’re getting bigger and bigger, while the security guards from up above are dying and sweltering from the heat. So there’s this more mythical idea of what might be pulling the strings. And I want to embrace that in a sort of left-handed, literal way.

I believe that due the Glukkons retreat into caves and underground, they made contact with these subterranean species - whom in the current age of the Quintology seem to hold massive sway over what the Glukkons can and can't do - and as such were able to progress significantly faster as a species when compared to the Mudokons. Explaining how despite the disadvantages of not being above ground, the Glukkons were able to somehow come out on top against the Mudokons.

To quickly summarise, we find that the story of the Mudokons and Glukkons may be more closely intertwined than one might think. The innocent and all around good guy Mudokons set about the events of the Schism, and the enslavement of their race, following their own arrogance to declare themselves The Chosen Race. Leading the spiteful and bitter Glukkons to thrive underground, returning to the surface prepared and with the outside help of their Investors.

Do you believe that the Glukkons and Mudokons shared some aspects of their religion?
Or is the idea of tapeworms in suits controlling the Glukkons just too absurd for Oddworld?

Either way here's my first Odd Theory, feel free to pick it apart, and I'd like to see someone else pick up the reins if they've got any theories of their own!

Last edited by JayDee; 02-07-2017 at 01:29 PM..
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02-08-2017, 08:54 AM
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This is the first time I’ve heard about the ‘ancient twins’, I wonder what Lorne is referring to here? Judging from that, it seems like the Oddworld mythology has much deeper ties to real-world mythology than I would initially have guessed.

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02-08-2017, 01:14 PM
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This is the first time I’ve heard about the ‘ancient twins’, I wonder what Lorne is referring to here? Judging from that, it seems like the Oddworld mythology has much deeper ties to real-world mythology than I would initially have guessed.
I think in future titles we'll definitely be seeing much more of this kind of "imperfect good/imperfect evil" style story telling.

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02-08-2017, 02:41 PM
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Can I just say I love your idea that maybe it was the Glukkon's retreat from the night sky that led to them meeting the races that would eventually make up the Investor class. You've got this entire people feeling shafted and betrayed, and here come these things out of the shadows promising revenge and power. In their desperation, the ancient Gluks could have made a metaphorical (or perhaps literal) deal with the devil in order to reclaim their place on the surface.

This, of course, might have even resulted in the Glukkons straight-up enslaving the Mudokons and coercing the Sligs into servitude in order to create a workforce necessary to meet the demands of their new masters. I really hope we get to see these guys eventually, because they're long overdue for some screen time and/or a chant-induced headsplosion.

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02-09-2017, 09:18 PM
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A very interesting theory and a look at this bit from oddworld library. It's short but I think it would support that there were industrial races while glukks were still going through their alchemic era. It would make sense as the glukk turn towards science in their attempt to distance themselves from their spiritual ways to meet then join these preexsisting industrialists' ranks. This beginning the manipulative subservient cycle we know today.


And that's my input.
Nice theory
[FONT="Verdana"]I live in a desert and I drink brew, guess that means that I'm a mud too

Last edited by Gunnr; 02-09-2017 at 09:35 PM..
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02-10-2017, 07:23 PM
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I love this.... I honestly thought that the Glukkons were just the top boiz of all and had no boss besides their queen. But the idea of these underground mole people does explain the technological advances of the Glukkons. Though I would expect their tech to be even more sci fi than it is as a result of meeting these people.

Actually, I used to think that the reason the Glukkons rose to power was because they were very influential and were good business men who eventually talked their way to the top, whilst they funded the technology developed by the Vykkers. The Vykkers make sense and fit the profile for a highly intelligent and scientific race - they're made to resemble squids and honestly they kind of look like our interpretation of "grey-aliens" , which was my immediate reaction when I first saw them. So does this mean the Vykkers are actually being fed technology by these all-knowing all-powerful Investors too? Or maybe the Vykkers are actually made to secretly reverse-engineer their tech to gain even more knowledge - perhaps as a response to the Investors' attempts to limit the power of the surface? All i know is that the Vykkers and the Gluks are very intertwined, we see evidence of them being being Soulstorm Brewery's development and I'm sure Rupture Farms bought preservatives from them for their food.

Regardless - it all makes you wonder.... How easy could the tables be turned, and the Mudokons be the evil slave runners? It reminds me of a common misconception people have about America's history with slavery. The white man didn't invent it, at least not at that point in history - we bought from an already existing market from corrupt slave kings in Africa, and then shipped that "cargo" back home and eventually we brought them with us to the colonies. So with that in mind.... Maybe MUDOKONS started MUDOKON slavery and we just don't know it yet?

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