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04-08-2016, 04:41 PM
FennecFyre's Avatar
Bola Blast
: Feb 2016
: Heck if I know.
: 437
Blog Entries: 3
Rep Power: 10
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Something Wicked - 1. Plot & Rules

(Note: dripik's post in my interest check thread lead me to believe I could skip getting a license, please let me know if that isn't actually the case.)

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Plot & Rules - You Are Here
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What began as mere skirmishes and raids has erupted into full-fledged war. The industrialist factions held the advantage at first, possessing funds and firepower leaps beyond what the native resistance could muster. However, alliances of Native tribes, in forces unseen since the Age of Alchemy, slowly brought down company after company and freed hundreds of slaves, making up for their lack of numbers and weaponry with guerrilla tactics and a vicious determination that no conscript soldier could ever hope to match. As cash flow slowed to a trickle and the rebel natives grew in number, it soon became obvious that drastic measures had to be taken, and soon.

With all other options exhausted, a dispatch of envoys from several major corporations, headed by the Magog Cartel, was sent into the depths of Nolybab to beg help from their investors. They returned with an affirmation, and an ultimatum:
if they spent time and resources developing a new weapon to combat the native forces, they expected it to be used.

With no other choice, the industrial factions agreed to the contract. One year later, massive crates of unknown cargo began to travel out of Nolybab, to be received across Mudos. The operation was kept a matter of utmost secrecy, but things always had a way of slipping through the cracks...

Welcome one and all to Something Wicked! This RP is going to be run a little differently than most on here. For starters, we won’t be keeping to just one thread--in addition to a few OOC/information threads, Something Wicked will be mostly composed of player-created IC threads (if you’ve ever been on a dedicated RP forum, you’ll know what I mean) and plot-centric threads created by me. Secondly, this RP will be using a D&D-esque dice-and-stat system in order to overcome challenges and puzzles set forth in those plot threads.

Sound confusing? Well, you’re probably right. So I wrote up a quick how-to-join guide:
  1. Read the rules below (both the RP Forum rules and my own), as well as this thread if you are new to roleplaying games.
  2. Read the Game Mechanics thread, which explains how stats work on Something Wicked and how to set up your character’s stats, as well as the tags used for organizing threads.
  3. Apply your character in this thread, keeping the Factions below in mind.
  4. Once accepted, you can join or start your first thread! We have an OOC chat for discussing the game and searching for thread partners, and another thread for listing open threads.

Rules (Brief version, copied from this thread):
  1. Do not god-mod (aka. Do not take control of other peoples' characters without permission).
  2. Do not power-play (making your character all important or all powerful)
  3. Try to avoid very short posts.
  4. Use good grammar.
  5. Do not ignore other players.
  6. Stick to the storyline of the RPG.
  7. Don't swear all the time for no reason.
  8. Avoid excessive gore or other disgusting situations.
  9. Avoid sexual situations.
  10. Avoid excessive or pointless violence.
  11. Make sure you know the Oddworld Forum Rules.

Something Wicked-specific Rules:
  1. At the moment, you are allowed to have characters not in their “typical” faction, such as a Native-aligned slig or an Industrialist mudokon. However, that character’s bio must include a legitimate reason for this!
  2. You’re allowed to play any Oddworld species that can talk or is otherwise sentient. On the subject of steef: I’ll allow a few of them. We can say that a handful managed to survive. If I see too many of any particular species being created, however, I will impose a temporary ban until it balance out again.
  3. You may not kill another character without the permission of their player.
  4. Please try to keep your character’s location in mind when starting or joining threads. This game runs in liquid time, but they should not be in two places at once or traversing the continent in a matter of days.

  • Natives - An alliance of several rebel groups, including the Mudokon Resistance and Grubb Rebellion, as well as numerous small tribes of various species. They have been locked in war against the Industrials for three years now, and while they are nearing a potential victory, they have taken heavy losses. The Natives have a deep and spiritual connection to nature, and would see an end to industrialist supremacy on Mudos. While they generally work for the good of Mudos and all the creatures in it, they are not perfect by any means, and some might even call them dogmatic.
  • Industrialists - A collection of companies, such as the Magog Cartel or Vykkers Conglomerate, united in common interest: the defeat of the Native tribes and the return of order to Mudos. Despite having generally superior firepower and technology to the Natives, they have lost several critical battles and multiple businesses have folded, leaving those remaining teetering on the edge of defeat. Any kind of mysticism is generally shunned, though rumors of black magic utilized by the upper crust abound. Most would consider them “evil”, though one could argue that the average Industrialist is merely trying to make his way in the world the only way he knows how.
  • Free Agents - Less of an organized faction and more of a miscellaneous group, anyone not formally involved in the Native-Industrial conflict usually falls into this category. This includes criminals, bounty hunters, nomads, mercenaries, and others without permanent alliance. They operate on their own personal principles and may lie anywhere on the moral spectrum.

Last edited by FennecFyre; 04-08-2016 at 05:03 PM..
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