Hello People,
I just wanted to do a shout-out and say "Here I am!"
Few lines about me:
Oddworld was there since I was born.
I can't imagine how I got the games or how I played it for the first time. They seriously "just were there". And that is how close I am bound to this brand. And I do not want to forget Lorne Lanning, who is my hero. His work is just so impressive. I look up to him!
I'm awaiting every new trailer and screenshot with excitement.
I'm 16 years old, just a few months older than Oddysee and I live in Germany. English is not my native language, but I try my best!
I also made some fanart, like most of you did propably.
The remade Moon images - my Avatar - are made by me.
I was more active on the facebook page rather than OWF but I want to be more active here now.
That's it.

I hope you accept me as a new member and we all can have fun!