Yeah, I noticed that the vid sequence of the trian going to Bonewerkz looks as though it should be going to Slig Barracks. That's not really a bug though.
Here's a really weird bug I found in AO, though:
There's a secret area in the Stockyards. Its bird portal is hidden in shadows. In the same screen is a security orb and a UXB. The screen above is a cliff that you must climb down, and the screen to the left has two Sligs, which you must lure to the screen with the UXB after switching it on. Do you know the secret area I'm talking about? (If not, I'll find its area code)
Anyway, in the secret area, there are two Mudokons (and two Sligs, one of whom you kill with another UXB). After freeing the Muds, sometimes my game slows down for a few seconds, then freezes completely for a moment. When the action starts again after a few secs, Abe has turned into a grey rectangle! And the remaining Slig is just a dotted purple outline! I'm not joking, honestly! The weird thing is, even though Abe is just a rectangle, he can still do all the things he can normally do! Until he dies, in which case he goes back to being normal.
Strange or what?
Hand me my flamethrower... it's the one that says 'Bad Motherfucker'.