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01-17-2010, 08:04 AM
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Two Things I Found In the manual (AO)

Looking at the PDF version of AO's manual, I noticed 2 things. They might not be that interesting to you, but they are to me

1: Look at the picture of Abe's 'hoist' cycle, he's climbing on a red line, could this be the same red line that's on the unfinished screen in the PSX demo (http://www.oddworldforums.net/attach...d=1122428155)?

2: Look closely at this screenshot from the manual, you'll see that a save above the selected save says something about a testing area. Is there possibly a hidden, unaccessible area in RF? Or could it just be a save state for testing purposes to skip going through other areas?

(Sorry about the small pics, the ones I saw aren't that big)
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture.PNG
Views:	299
Size:	81.0 
ID:	11217   Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture1.PNG
Views:	277
Size:	61.3 
ID:	11218  

Last edited by TheAdmiester; 01-17-2010 at 08:07 AM.. : Added a bit
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01-17-2010, 08:40 AM
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Regarding the red line, I'd think there's every possibility.

Regarding a hidden, inaccessible area in RuptureFarms, then I think it's very unlikely. There may be tiny fragments of undeleted production areas, like the unfinished screen, but none are accessible through even the noclip mode, and a whole path seems unlikely.

The manual screenshots are from earlier builds of the game, while they may prove interesting (c.f. Paramite Stockyards), they're hardly conclusive evidence about undetected material in the released version of the game.

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01-17-2010, 11:16 AM
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Regarding a hidden, inaccessible area in RuptureFarms, then I think it's very unlikely. There may be tiny fragments of undeleted production areas, like the unfinished screen, but none are accessible through even the noclip mode, and a whole path seems unlikely.
Especially since we extracted all the backgrounds from the level's file and no unknown or hidden background popped up.

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01-17-2010, 03:13 PM
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Especially since we extracted all the backgrounds from the level's file and no unknown or hidden background popped up.
Well this is the PS1 version, one way to be sure is to extract the PS1 LVL archives and compare the file names / amount of cam files to the pc one, eek! I would be surprised if anything from debug or testing made it in though (Although there is a lot of debug code left in the pc exe!)
[ http://www.paulsapps.com ]

Crawling sligs will shout "Mommy!" while running around and then the slig mommy will appear and help them put their pants on.

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01-17-2010, 07:15 PM
Aleks55's Avatar
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I don't think you can find any of those files even in the ps1 version.

But hey I won't stop you from checking them.
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01-18-2010, 12:17 AM
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I don't think you can find any of those files even in the ps1 version.

But hey I won't stop you from checking them.
PS Aleks is my mother's name

As for files, It's unlikely to contain the same files as the PC version. Some data may be accessible though. You never know... you could find something special.

I stream games and art now!

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01-18-2010, 11:27 AM
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I don't think you can find any of those files even in the ps1 version.

But hey I won't stop you from checking them.
You can extract the lvl archives and check if there are any extra .cam files, simples
[ http://www.paulsapps.com ]

Crawling sligs will shout "Mommy!" while running around and then the slig mommy will appear and help them put their pants on.

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01-20-2010, 10:16 AM
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I watched a youtube video from Oddworld Abes oddysee with the testing room on it 3 years ago.

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01-20-2010, 10:53 AM
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TheAdmiester  (11)

I've never seen such a video; is there any chance you could link me to it?
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01-20-2010, 11:16 AM
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I'd also like to see the testing room
[ http://www.paulsapps.com ]

Crawling sligs will shout "Mommy!" while running around and then the slig mommy will appear and help them put their pants on.

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01-20-2010, 02:09 PM
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When I search YouTube for "oddworld testing room" it gives me results for "bra testing room".

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01-20-2010, 02:10 PM
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When I search YouTube for "oddworld testing room" it gives me results for "bra testing room".
What a coincidence! I have that bookmarked.

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01-20-2010, 02:52 PM
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Regarding the Testing Area, well, it's mostly likely just an area they were using literally to test things, like say, how far Abe could jump or something, stuff like that is very common in games, or later on it could have been re-named and made into an actual level, though that is rather unlikely.

Most testing areas get removed completely before the game is released, although sometimes they're overlooked and developers leave them in, although with no way of getting to it without the use of a cheating device.
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01-21-2010, 11:05 AM
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this isn't on my PS1 game...cool
Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.

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01-21-2010, 03:29 PM
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A disk-swap was used to reach it, if I recall correctly.

EDIT: Nope,
There is another missing screen, but this time it’s accessible. I forget which version, but there is a screen (R2P16C08) in Rescue Zulag 1 that is down a pit which during Abe’s escape is covered by a trapdoor and leads to a death fall. It has a Shrykull Portal down it. Anyway, in one version of the game you can fall down the pit during Abe’s escape and reach this screen. The CAM file is not included, so it’s a patterned grey background with a horizontal line which marks the ground. Instead of falling offscreen and screaming, Abe splats on the line.
MOAR EDIT: http://www.oddworldforums.net/showthread.php?t=12562

Last edited by Phylum; 01-21-2010 at 03:56 PM..
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01-26-2010, 07:10 PM
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What a coincidence! I have that bookmarked.
Me too!
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01-26-2010, 08:41 PM
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thats interesting, I'll have to pull out the old demo and give it a go

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02-01-2010, 09:11 AM
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A disk-swap was used to reach it, if I recall correctly.

EDIT: Nope,

MOAR EDIT: http://www.oddworldforums.net/showthread.php?t=12562
Hmmm I think its likely the cam file IS present because otherwise it would be garbage instead of the repeating pattern..
[ http://www.paulsapps.com ]

Crawling sligs will shout "Mommy!" while running around and then the slig mommy will appear and help them put their pants on.

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02-01-2010, 05:55 PM
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HAY WAIT There's something I found but haven't been able to find...
God, that was worded badly. What happened was I was on an Oddworld Wiki thing and it mentioned that there is a level where you help a Clakker find her kids and something else...mm, can't think of it right now, anyway, I pretty much know the whole levels inside and out, like where chests of money are hidden, and where to find extra ammo crates, and I've never heard of anything like that in the game. Is it possible that I've missed something?
Cause if i have, I won't be able to find it 'cause my origional Xbox broke. Sad Face.
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02-01-2010, 10:31 PM
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Did you consider the fact the Oddworld Wiki could be lying?
do you think i give a heck

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02-01-2010, 11:11 PM
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I personally don't remember any quest like that either... especially since you only come across clakkerz kids when everyone is fleeing.

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02-02-2010, 02:48 AM
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In New Yolk City, where the female Clakker gives you the password to the Black Market, there used to be a side-quest type of thing where you had to rescue her kids. Her name's Maggie, her kids are Sunny and Pecker. Obviously this was removed.

Here they are:


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02-02-2010, 03:51 AM
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(citation needed)
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02-02-2010, 06:04 AM
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Alf's Assistant (sometime in the noughties). A chat. OddChat.

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02-03-2010, 06:05 AM
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Ouch this rings a bell indeed... I'm afraid I don't have a memory that's as good as yours.

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02-03-2010, 06:31 AM
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I might even post the chatlog if I still had it.

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02-03-2010, 12:27 PM
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Meh, my laptop was stolen... so I guess we have absolutely no proof

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02-03-2010, 12:47 PM
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Hey Nate, pay for my hard drive to be recovered, and I may just be able to give you the proof you desire.

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02-03-2010, 02:09 PM
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Hey Max, pay for my food and rent and I'll be more than happy to get your hard drive repaired.
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02-03-2010, 02:55 PM
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Pay off the debts on my dad's estate and you have yourself a deal.

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