Since I'm in a vs and FF mood right now, here's a crossover scenario to contemplate.
In the blue corner; the ShinRa Electric Power Company, as the beginning of Disc 2 of Final Fantasy VII (just an hour or so after you-know-who's death), headed by President Rufus Shinra, and with the party, Jenova, Sephiroth, and his clones deposited by the Fat Chocobo into an alternate dimension where a drunk Kefka, Neo-Exdeath, Zeromus, and Garland are all riled up and ready to kick ass.
The ShinRa company is an electric power company (to be precise, Mako power company) that rose to power during a war against Wutai, making itself rich as a weapons manufacturer. It also went into power as a electric company, making itself even richer and augmenting/constructing the massive city of Midgar. It is so powerful that it is remarked upon as the controller of virtually everything across the world, and has a ruthless business ethic matched only by the Magog Cartel. For instance, in order to kill a terrorist group with only a few members which had been posing a threat to them by blowing up their reactors, they crushed the entirety of the Sector 7 Slums by releasing the plate, killing likely millions of people. They work with mob bosses and ephebophilic perverts like Don Corneo, and are willing to do virtually anything to ensure the survival of the company. In short, they are a fair match for the Magog Cartel in ethics.
Economic Feats: Being able to control virtually the entire world under it's old presidents reign using money. Being able to maintain a powerful private army and finance enormous amounts of research and secret operations.
Intelligence Feats: ShinRa maintains a secret police organization known as the Turks, who seem virtually immune to the law and maintain their personality and cheerfulness while doing stuff that ShinRa can't get away with publicly. The Turks are well armed and well equipped, being able to use wand like weapons that launch enormous amounts of electricity into a foe's body, being able to imprison foes in pyramid like constructions that require some force to break.
Military Feats: Their elite military group, SOLDIER, have all been injected with cells from an extraterrestrial entity called Jenova (although most people who know of Jenova think she is a member of an ancient race of humanoids called Cetra). Even 3rd Class SOLDIERS are capable of wielding a sword as effective as most people wield a gun, and 1st Class SOLDIERS are powerful enough to far exceed damage with their sword than even that from a grenade. For the purposes of the debate, assume Sephiroth and Jenova can't control the SOLDIER's from the alternate dimension, but they still gain all Jenova based abilities.
Engineering Feats: Constructing a massive robot at least the size of a LOTR cave troll capable of dealing massive damage to foes. Constructing many other smaller robots, varying in size from 1/3rd of a human, to over 5 times the size of a human. Constructing these robots for guard duty of sewers, much less other areas.
Other Feats: Completely reconstructing a burnt down Nibelheim and hiring actors to fill the entire town in five years.
Greatest Feat: Augmenting and contructing the enormous city of Midgar.
In the red corner:
Our beloved Magog Cartel.
A worm hole about the size of Rupture Farms has opened around the western coast of Mudos and is linked to an equal sized worm hole that lies several kilometers outside Cosmo Canyon. Abe and co have also been dumped in an aformentioned alternate dimension.
Final Note: The two sides are compelled by the Fat Chocobo to go to war. They cannot make any kind of truce until Nolybab or Midgar is destroyed.