I think it's safe to say that our love of Satan is the new topic. We have the power to change the threads from their original and often aimless direction into one with a little more snazz. We're awesome like that. Get over it. 
I was referring to OANST's last post. You know, before things got out of hand.
As for the 666, I think it's interesting that, you know,
back in the day, all letters had a numerical value. The letters in Nero Caesar's name added up to 666.
When everybody thought that Ronald Reagan was the anti-Christ because each of his three names had six letters, no one really pointed out that everybody was looking at the significance of 666 in the wrong way. It's the value of the letters in the leader's name that adds up to the Mark of the Beast, not the number of letters.
However, many people believe that allegorical sections of the bible, like Revelations, will fit into the "mold" of the society in which they're read. So I guess Ronald Reagan really could have been the devil.