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02-23-2006, 06:51 AM
Ninjaxe's Avatar
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im not sure in the pace that lorne is going!

i can wait quietly and neatly in my corner all bone china thin!! i want results! so absence creates them a chance to produce a better outcome. im aware of that.

My point being will it take years (-__-) for anything to be annouced! well be be the forefathers for the younger generation of oddworld.

'yes i remember in the 19 century of abe's exodus and abe oddysee' grudgingly i prefer that not happen. i want to play the game myself. i am not old still in my twenties but i ent getting any younger...im sure lorne lanning ent either.

Im basically trying to prove a point in which the question arised is rhetorical
how long must we wait?
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02-23-2006, 07:30 AM
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We'll wait as long as it takes, whether we ask how long it'll take or not. Maybe it'll take years, but it's out of our control. Either you can sit in your corner growing thin (a nice oxymoron) or you can occupy your life with other things and just keep an eye on Oddworld from time to time.

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02-23-2006, 08:41 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
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I agree with Max. Wait 3 more years and see the progress. That's my prediction of how long it will take. Anyway, it was the 20th centuary, not 19th.

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02-23-2006, 10:32 AM
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Rabid Fuzzle
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Anyway, it was the 20th centuary, not 19th.
He's either dumb or really old.

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02-23-2006, 10:45 AM
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He's in his 20's, as he said. Anyone could make a simple mistake like that.

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02-23-2006, 10:50 AM
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I'll wait as long as it takes. Even if I'm old 'n crusty, which I bet that it won't take that long...
But yeh. I'll stay faithful in Lorne. I bet he's workin' as hard as he can to prduce something for all Oddworld fans. The patient and impatient...
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02-23-2006, 11:06 AM
Nath's Avatar
Rabid Fuzzle
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it hasn't even felt like a year for me. i suppose it's because i've kept myself busy and not obsessed over Oddworld and cry over the fact they havn't said anything concrete, yet.
Another year will go past so quickly, and something will come of it. we'll have info by the time this summer is over... i'm sure of it.

i know he's in his 20s. he's only a year younger than me. And i do suppose ANYONE could make that mistake.

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